Verwenden Sie „entrancement“ in einem Satz
entrancement Beispielsätze
1. ” They did not recognize the voice, but neither blinked away; being adequately mesmerized by the CGs dancing before them, they waited the customary additional five seconds to discern the probable merit of the content behind the visual entrancement that had fallen on their eyes and into their mynd
2. ” The voice faded into the emptiness and from the void emerged the interrupted entrancement already in progress
3. Thus, in a world without sympathy, we must self-destroy to get the attention of hearts buried beneath I'mage, profit, and entrancement
4. Braintainment is the entrancement of the conscious mind by flooding it with hyper-sensationalized information, while confusing it with proliferating confrontational controversy
5. But us nu post-techno zombies, however, are the screening dead gamed alive by entrancement