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    eroding Beispielsätze


    1. She looked at the mossy and eroding concrete and could scarcely imagine so ancient a time

    2. Water now ran out of these gaps, further eroding the drain"s foundations

    3. The events of the last few days, the sudden shocks, the ongoing stress and continuing uncertainty, plus the matter of divided loyalties, were eroding her sanity

    4. Trickling desperation began eroding her resolve

    5. first causing the eroding tainted blood,

    6. beliefs and stories that once made for a solid footing are eroding

    7. But where Fred Chickweed would have allowed his eroding spirits to drag him down, to discard his chosen course, to quit in the face of daunting odds, Ferdy Chicken would have none of it

    8. In fact, other imperial laws promulgated under the present dynasty had made it harder and harder for foreigners to mix with Chinese, while the liberty of practicing foreign religions was quickly eroding

    9. entire supply chain as, over time, competitors will find ways of eroding

    10. If there are negative issues eroding your life, love yourself enough to get out some help, ask someone to help you and bring resolution to it

    11. We all have failures, but if you don't deal with your failures, then they just continue to remain a source of eroding confidence and strength in you

    12. years later where time, uniquely eroding, manipulates and leaves nothing bar the love and beauty that the mind blinkeredly remembers

    13. To monitor the web is to morally frame the Earth's emerging consciousness within the community eroding 214

    14. of eroding civilised veneers to reveal the inane,

    15. would force water through the fractures, eroding the dam"s integrity within minutes

    16. A man was buried in that place already, and the soil needed to be kept from eroding

    17. This, you would think, would have the effect of eroding away the value of credits but it never seemed to have much effect on the value of credits

    18. An affluence which is now eroding steadily as these elite criminals suck the entire world dry of money

    19. Held only in check by mighty armies and the terror of armed might and the eroding worship of the Divinity of Kings

    20. And Kitty Rafferty had a way of eroding a person's resistance that was positively tidal

    21. Thus, a positive BOP moving down in tandem with an eroding price could not be interpreted bearishly

    22. Theta is the calculation that shows how much of this time value is eroding as each trading day passes—assuming all other inputs remain unchanged

    23. The world was using up energy and emitting carbon into the atmosphere at such a rate that it was eroding the earth’s protective ozone layer, the only thing between us and the full force of the sun

    24. If this retention rate begins to drop, however, this might signal that Blackboard’s competitive advantage is eroding

    25. The bullishness has to be eroding quickly

    26. It’s this time value that is eroding away

    27. If we were to buy a longer-dated option and sell an option that was identical except for the time to expiration, that is, it was identical except for an earlier expiration date, then we could collect the daily erosion from the option that is eroding quickly while paying the smaller amount of daily erosion from the option that is eroding slowly

    28. ” Later in the book, we will sit down and look over David’s shoulder at his portfolio recommendations, but it doesn’t matter how great your strategy is if excessive fees are eroding the path beneath your feet

    29. In addition, seasonal regularities are vulnerable to competitive speculators trying to anticipate and exploit them and thereby eroding them

    30. If this value is increasing faster than the time value is eroding the premium, the option may temporarily show a gain, even if it is out of the money

    31. While the nominal returns featured here give you a good sense of the comparative advantage or disadvantage of the strategies tested, they ignore the often pernicious and eroding effects of inflation

    32. He had not crashed in flames, he was eroding away

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    eating away eroding erosion wearing wearing away