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    eternal city Beispielsätze

    eternal city

    1. returned to the Eternal City

    2. The Eternal City

    3. The errors of this apostasy had their origin, not in the Eternal City, but in the human heart

    4. He set out, and on the Saturday evening reached the Eternal City by the mail-coach

    5. He breakfasted heartily, and caring little, as he said, for the beauties of the Eternal City, ordered post-horses at noon

    6. When the cimbalom player arrived from the Eternal City, he found that the space in the pit of the Teatro Comunale was very jealously guarded

    7. This kind of answer given in a measured official tone, as of a clergyman reading according to the rubric, did not help to justify the glories of the Eternal City, or to give her the hope that if she knew more about them the world would be joyously illuminated for her

    8. Eternal city, unfathomable sewer

    9. Listlessly Lazarus set foot on the streets of the Eternal City, as though all its riches, all the majesty of its gigantic edifices, all the lustre and beauty and music of refined life, were simply the echo of the wind in the desert, or the misty images of hot running sand

    10. Chariots whirled by; the crowd of strong, beautiful, haughty men passed on, builders of the Eternal City and proud partakers of its life; songs rang out; fountains laughed; pearly laughter of women filled the air, while the drunkard philosophised and the sober ones smilingly listened; horseshoes rattled on the pavement

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