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    evanescence Beispielsätze


    1. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the furious look of Duprina, who interpreted my evanescence as a feminine device to take possession of the attentions of her fiancé, and I, for my part could not avoid the naughty little genie of the flippancy that was advising me to take the opportunity to torment the young woman, who so antipathetic was proven to me

    2. Had it left him for one moment, its sustenance would have ceased to affect him, causing his evanescence and nonexistence

    3. Here, then, comes in the mysterious narrative with which the sacred history opens, of a primeval paradise and introductory trial of a man for continuance in life under condition of obedience,—a narrative more rational, and harmonizing better with all the facts of human life and thought, and with our inward yearning for immortality, notwithstanding our evanescence, than any hypothesis of animal descent, or, rather, ascent, from ascidians and the fur-clad grinning monsters of the woods

    4. So that to this hunter's wondrous skill, the proverbial evanescence of a thing writ in water, a wake, is to all desired purposes well nigh as reliable as the steadfast land

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