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    every now and again

    1. Why get involved in the struggle between the substrates? Silicon interference in the quest for departed souls evolves every now and again, the superfluid helium substrate evolved defense mechanisms for them before Sol condensed within its body

    2. As the train thundered on it would stop every now and again to pick up men and supplies we were travelling through Upper Normandy which was a low lying region of France

    3. Every now and again we would see a shielded light were some exasperated Officer tried to check his map and find out where his unit was

    4. But every now and again some brainless Staff Walla comes up with a bright idea and all hell breaks loose of course their not bothered because they aren’t here

    5. As we marched along we could hear the dull thunder of the guns sounding from the front and then every now and again a bigger thud as the larger calibre guns took over

    6. After all, every now and again scientists are oh so excited when discovering facts that farmers had known, after plowing and seeding, for generation after generation

    7. I did as he told me hardly daring to believe that I had been promoted and looking every now and again at the chalk stripe on my arm

    8. I belly crawled through the grass stopping every now and again to play dead and it took me an absolute age to reach the next shell hole where I crawled to the edge and looked over

    9. Every now and again a machine gun would fire but apart from this it was mostly quite now this was because men were dying all over ‘No Man’s Land’

    10. That this gangster in street clothes (carrying a Bible conspicuously every now and again Sunday, shortly after having been given spiritual counseling by Jesse (adulterer) Jackson, should even begin to ascend the slope of integrity is a cosmic joke

    11. Every now and again a giggle would pop out

    12. Every now and again they would throw the same handful again! Couple this with biased polling and bogus voting, and you could go a long way toward creating the “reality” of

    13. This meant that they felt they had nothing to lose, so every now and again they would try to rise up and take over the colony

    14. A hungry hurt vamp is a fatal one, and even though I had been fed considerably, in my present condition, I needed an extra feed every now and again, and any absence of temptations would make my life a whole lot easier

    15. As I continue chatting with Sean, I catch Zachary staring at us every now and again

    16. I can never quite remember the tune she used to sing, but occasionally, every now and again, I think I can hear snatches of it

    17. Every now and again, a strange, dark mass ploughed its way by, and Simon stared at it, torn between curiosity and caution

    18. It was spring; as the days lengthened, young men murmured, talked more than they should and every now and again riots would need to be quelled

    19. He licked Stephen's bare legs every now and again, and she pulled at his ears gently

    20. Every now and again Mum would make a silly noise, and Dad would give her a look

    21. “And the best part,” shouted the now excited Bob “the hookers name was Merci” he then got off his stool, laughed out loud and started spinning around, laughing to himself, every now and again he would stop spinning, look at the lads and then continue laughing and spinning

    22. Just starring with only short eye blinks every now and again; I got the impression he was waiting for me to turn into a witch and fly around the room on a broom

    23. Every now and again, an elaborate

    24. Every now and again

    25. So every now and again, I would ponder on the values of such stories of old, the parables, and again thought them to be for their face value, and would often see a resemblance between those people talked about, and me, but could not put it together; that it was about me, until my life slowed down enough to listen

    26. Still, every now and again the Black Hat Man would open the front door, once the sun went down

    27. She was on auto-pilot now, repeating key words every now and again to show that she was listening, even though she wasn’t

    28. They remained in the road, and every now and again would enter and then leave one of the cones of light cast by the streetlights

    29. But while they never saw him, they heard his powerful voice every now and again

    30. ‘Okay, start heading towards the stern and send me a visual every now and again

    31. “He’s very well behaved when he wants to be,” Whitton said, “he has a problem with flatulence every now and again but he has a heart of gold

    32. The old way of study groups meant that every now and again one of the group made bad notes which means you will flunk out on the whole chapter

    33. Every now and again its lips were drawn

    34. As a result of all the hurrying and scamping, every now and again the men found that they had worked themselves out of a job

    35. Men like to kill a woman, every now and again, and Murdo will give them an excuse, and collect their pennies afterwards as alms

    36. “But every now and again someone

    37. The boys would kill a deer every now and again, and sometimes they would go away for a day and come back with a barrel of wine and some bread

    38. Every now and again it does strike me that she’s alive and well and sitting on a hotel balcony with a view of the sea, her feet up on the railings, a cold drink at her elbow

    39. It was not meant as an attack, but rather as an experiment, for upon my giving a sharp cry of pain he dropped down again, and springing lightly into the room, he began walking swiftly round it, looking up every now and again in my direction

    40. Every now and again through the night they could hear the roar of the flying dragon grow and then pass and fade, as he hunted round and round the mountain-sides

    41. The dwarves could not, course, compare with the hobbit in real stealth, and the made a deal of puffing and shuffling which echoes magnified alarmingly; but though every now and again Bilbo in fear stopped and listened, not a sound stirred below Near the bottom, as well as he could judge,

    42. Most of the tale he knew, for he had been in it, and had himself told much of it to the wizard on their homeward way or in the house of Beorn; but every now and again he would open one eye, and listen, when a part of the story which he did not yet know came in

    43. the wood, wide in places and open above, though every now and again the trees drew in and overshadowed it with their dark boughs

    44. better in the morning light, but every now and again a mist seemed to

    45. Every now and again the drum-beats throbbed and rolled: doom, doom

    46. Every now and again it descended

    47. Every now and again they made efforts to speak of other things, of their long road and many adventures; they questioned Aragorn concerning the realm of Gondor and its ancient history, and the remnants of its great works that could still be seen in this strange border-land of the Emyn Muil: the stone kings and the seats of Lhaw and Hen, and the great Stair beside the falls of Rauros

    48. Every now and again he bent to the ground

    49. Every now and again there came into his mind unbidden a vision of the

    50. He went on again, but his uneasiness grew, and every now and again he

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