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facilitate Beispielsätze
1. To facilitate the decisions that are made in a business meeting it would seem
2. Our lives together, our view of the gifts of the Spirit, the role and function of the Spirit, understanding the character of God, what the offices (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher) look like and what their functions and rule facilitate; all of these things are properly understood under the context of theocracy
3. She approved and asked what she could do to help facilitate their ‘surprise’
4. into columns and rows to facilitate faster searching,
5. If you get a corporate word be willing to help facilitate it as much as possible
6. They will facilitate prayer and thus gain
7. “ Well my friend what if some of us pay and others don't how do propose to cut the hotel in half to facilitate both sides?”
8. They are rich in the industry and skill of their artificers and manufacturers, in every sort of machinery which can facilitate and abridge labour; in shipping, and in all the other instruments and means of carriage and commerce: but they are poor in corn, which, as it must be brought to them from distant countries, must, by an addition to its price, pay for the carriage from those countries
9. Secondly, the use of several very ingenious machines, which facilitate and abridge, in a still greater proportion, the winding of the worsted and woollen yarn, or the proper arrangement of the warp and woof before they are put into the loom ; an operation which, previous to the invention of those machines, must have been extremely tedious and troublesome
10. First, of all useful machines and instruments of trade, which facilitate and abridge labour
11. An improved farm may very justly be regarded in the same light as those useful machines which facilitate and abridge labour, and by means of which an equal circulating capital can afford a much greater revenue to its employer
12. facilitate the passage of tens of passengers, forced
13. ‘Birth’ into life… providing me with all the elements for a desired End: saturating… my life’s context… to facilitate their desired ends: A murder of the freedom of my soul, Dr
14. Your job is not to develop the product—your job is to facilitate and inspire the
15. the product—your job is to facilitate and inspire the
16. The productive powers of the same number of labourers cannot be increased, but in consequence either of some addition and improvement to those machines and instruments which facilitate and abridge labour, or of more proper division and distribution of employment
17. The neighbourhood of the sea-coast, and the banks of all navigable rivers, are advantageous situations for industry, only because they facilitate the exportation and exchange of such surplus produce for something else which is more in demand there
18. In order to facilitate the trade in bullion, the bank has been for these many years in the practice of giving credit in its books, upon deposits of gold and silver bullion
19. To facilitate the great exportation which was necessary, in order to rid us of the rest, the whole duties were drawn back, provided the exportation took place within three years
20. The tendency of some of these regulations to raise the value of timber in America, and thereby to facilitate the clearing of the land, was neither, perhaps, intended nor understood by the legislature
21. Slaves, however, are very seldom inventive ; and all the most important improvements, either in machinery, or in the arrangement and distribution of work, which facilitate and abridge labour have been the discoveries of freemen
22. The Hungarian mines are wrought by freemen, who employ a great deal of machinery, by which they facilitate and abridge their own labour
23. The public can facilitate this acquisition, by establishing in every parish or district a little school, where children maybe taught for a reward so moderate, that even a common labourer may afford it ; the master being partly, but not wholly, paid by the public ; because, if he was wholly, or even principally, paid by it, he would soon learn to neglect his business
24. As it would very much facilitate the operations of that army against a foreign invader; so it would obstruct them as much, if unfortunately they should ever be directed against the constitution of the state
25. One would think this would facilitate
26. The research that I did to facilitate the workshops ended up in books and I gained recognition on a local level in the Dallas/Fort Worth area
27. His mind had played the best trick on him that only TIAR was only able to facilitate – the belief that indeed she was really there, his willing partner
28. Diagnostic tabs, which facilitate the work of the surgeon, were wanting at the front, and to save time and confusion
29. The American People have historically supported the argument that in the event of a national or catastrophic emergency, the Office of the Presidency should be vested with unusual or extraordinary powers or, in time of war, (―unlimited‖) wartime powers, in order to facilitate effective leadership unencumbered by political (party) partisanship
30. As early as 1968, US General Robert Porter urged, "In order to facilitate the coordinated employment of internal security forces within and among Latin American countries, we [US military and intelligence] are
31. Those three nations have been, as we say in English, “enablers”, that is to say, they facilitate certain behavior
32. the people that facilitate the opportunity, such as their family members or care providers
33. 6 million to facilitate cloud seeding over Brisbane's two main dams, Wivenhoe and Somerset
34. Therefore, to facilitate the immediate transfer of this fund, you need, first to contact Me via email signifying your interest and as soon as I obtain your confidence, I will Immediately appraise you with the complete details as well as fax you the documents, with Which you are to proceed and I shall direct on how to put up an application to the bank
35. Gets and puts functions facilitate the transfer of strings between the computer and the standard input/output
36. Asylum should not be done in order to facilitate management itself will all closed management, now some of the mental hospital in psychiatric appraisal is very
37. because they wish to facilitate reporting and maintenance of bugs by users and
38. The Scrum project has different backlogs created and maintained to facilitate results
39. facilitate the ongoing stability of the bank
40. West Fourth Avenue helped facilitate the
41. Costa Rica relies on a good net-work of roads to facilitate tourist excursions, for the railroad that linked Puntarenas with the capital, San José, was destroyed by a hurricane several years ago
42. After pointing out that celibacy is not the exclusive domain of Catholicism and that renouncing the use of sex does not make priests sexless zombies devoid of their manhood, Roger traced for the readers the historical development of celibacy and the compelling reasons, human and divine, for the preference of celibacy over marriage to facilitate the priest’s function as a mediator between God and man, dedicated to the salvation of souls
43. So how can you facilitate a smooth audit?
44. We also don‘t know yet the effects of the new rules placed on drilling by the Interior Department but those rules will not facilitate oil drilling
45. To facilitate their socialization of the country, they 284 _________________________Robert Gates, Sr
46. although it might be of such a nature as to facilitate the understanding of the provisions
47. Linked implants facilitate beneficial interventions, but in the wrong hands, they can be deadly
48. Light ice cover was expected to facilitate the scheduled operations
49. The work package is usually formatted as an assignment sheet and can be tailored to facilitate progress reporting
50. body language is still used, but it is used to facilitate the emergence of a deep,
1. An International NGO (which is also active in India) has facilitated the establishment of Old People’s Associations in four locations across Shaanxi Province in China
2. Though risky -- should the Plague decide to reenter their world -- it greatly facilitated his task, allowing him to work both sides of the wall simultaneously
3. decline is that that facilitated the
4. acceptance will be facilitated by the fact that
5. They facilitated the acquisition of those exercises, by appointing a certain place for learning and practising them, and by granting to certain masters the privilege of teaching in that place
6. His trip from Providence was facilitated by a chance encounter with two of New Bedford’s leading
7. My passion rested within the special projects that I facilitated that dealt with the issues that I faced
8. The discovery of modern printing methods facilitated the spreading of the knowledge of the biblical basis of those challenges
9. Therefore, we facilitated to the institutional grantmakers and financial organisms of international aid and until countries with its governments so that they choose one or various budgets that we presented soon after so that they can execute effectiveness the social role
10. , that soon facilitated the
11. facilitated the company’s move to its current
12. With one sentry posted in each “garita”, it facilitated a good watch of the sea, the land and the base of the walls
13. In the early 1960"s the Coast Guard acquired several HO4Ss, bringing its rotary-wing strength to 37, and four Sikorsky gas turbine powered S-62 helicopters which became HH-52A amphibians constructed with boat hulls to facilitated water landings
14. Loy facilitated the establishment of well trained, armed Regular and Reserve Coast Guard “Sea Marshals” who boarded ships in major harbors to inspect vessels and escort them into port under cutter protection (Johnson, St
15. A faulty fuel ejection intake system may have facilitated the rapid flooding and sinking of the aircraft
16. The history of cooperation between the two naval services facilitated the arming of Coast Guard cutters with Navy technology, including guns, fire-control, missile defense, refueling systems, and updated communications equipment (Kelley, “The Shoal Waters
17. Facilitators assist with the process, but they are not subject-matter experts of the content being facilitated
18. Generally groups of Sophia-Analysis are facilitated by a man and a woman so they
19. The intent of our study is not to devise a clinical application, but rather to provide empirical evidence for the hypothesis that savant-like skills can be facilitated in a healthy individual by suppressing part of the brain with transcranial magnetic stimulation
20. is generally angry, those particles and state of matter that facilitated the
21. Here and there new buildings were under construction, facilitated by the latest construction cranes and machines which had been invented expressly for this kind of a job
22. a life review may be facilitated after the physical-etheric nucleus is ejected
23. be facilitated since the airways are wider when the head is kept back
24. I did not have to insist very much, because Diana, the servant, was quite ready to the gathering, what facilitated to a great extent the investigatory process
25. Work groups should be modeled by exemplary performers representing the various jobs that will comprise a team model, with the aid of a sponsor from the core process modeling team, and facilitated by the re/org facilitators
26. However, the consultant's job was to develop, through facilitated sessions, the information in such a way that they would indeed be able to reveal and make the decisions
27. In order to define the business of the agency, and to describe the core IT Processes, each facilitated meeting covered the following:
28. The consultants provided virtual consulting after teaching the methodology, and facilitated the marathon job modelling session
29. The process—the Language of Work ModelTM—used for defining the new business unit contained the following steps in a facilitated meeting
30. The Team was facilitated in:
31. Alistair facilitated the export applications and licenses for Bob
32. will His work be facilitated
33. would be immensely facilitated and the future of the race would be assured
36. For that, Gautam, though reluctantly, facilitated a long-term lease agreement with the Dalmias whereby Sneha retained her interest in the firm
37. This is an interesting study because the subjects were not on calorie restricted diets and yet the fish oil when combined with exercise facilitated abdominal fat loss and yet the other groups did not lose body fat
38. As I related in my book Miracle, Luck, or What?, it took nearly four years of testing, diagnosing, and what-have-you to determine that I suffered from post traumatic stress, and the triggers facilitated my addiction to alcohol
39. sessions facilitated by an effective coach, we observed and
40. steps to reach the goal will be facilitated and even more
41. The two species had ranked that in third place of technological achievements were the largaph, whose planet had a rich source of acrilium, a mineral that when electrically charged facilitated anti-gravity lift in machinery and other objects
42. tion facilitated the ability for pharaoh to pass his orders to the Hebrew people
43. These image editors have facilitated this task by blending the power of art and technology
44. McClellan documents Johnson’s rise in politics and how the rise was facilitated
45. lishing company, facilitated retreats, and hosted tele-summits in which
46. sleep? Perhaps it was facilitated by a satisfying day, resolving a problem, meditation, or prayer
47. task would have been facilitated had the documents and forms been in
48. The mathematical logic that facilitated
49. “Judge Ellis facilitated the transaction before Arkin was cold in the
50. “And Ellis facilitated the release of Van Thorn’s men too?” Barron
1. The first step to practicing meditation is learning to breathe in a manner that facilitates a state of calmness and awareness
2. facilitates the removal of waste and toxins, resulting in a better skin health
3. The improved dexterity of a workman may be considered in the same light as a machine or instrument of trade which facilitates and abridges labour, and which, though it costs a certain expense, repays that expense with a profit
4. In the other English colonies, indeed, the right of primogeniture takes place, as in the law of England: But in all the English colonies, the tenure of the lands, which are all held by free soccage, facilitates alienation ; and the grantee of an extensive tract of land generally finds it for his interest to alienate, as fast as he can, the greater part of it, reserving only a small quit-rent
5. This life plan of ours is part of the grand scheme of things, which facilitates our learning in this world
6. The bank of England, either by voluntarily discounting those bills at their current value, or by agreeing with government for certain considerations to circulate exchequer bills, that is, to receive them at par, paying the interest which happens to be due upon them, keeps up their value, and facilitates their circulation, and thereby frequently enables government to contract a very large debt of this kind
7. A sinking fund, though instituted for the payment of old, facilitates very much the contracting of new debts
8. creativity and facilitates in others the deepening relationship with the place from which
9. It is a gift that facilitates the action for who wishes to solve any problem, without depending that others make it
10. This decentralizes the debt, it explodes it in thousands of units, it facilitates its liquidation and it annuls the process highly concentrator that inhibits the possibility of its payment
11. This facilitates the choice for the sponsor or the interested country in implementing our proposal
12. Besides, it facilitates the investor’s expense, because it gives conditions for the payment to occur for stages, in other words, 1 (one) Bank3Sector for time that requires each one the importance of 1
13. This new System generates CAPITUS: Universal Pattern Virtual Coin without being physical that facilitates the transactions anywhere in the world, where individual and corporation receive income and they pay its commitments national or international with the Virtual Coin, without needing of exchange or reserves in dollars or other coin to guarantee the purchasing power or of trades
14. The contribution has to be done in the bank deposit form and it can be parceled out, so that it facilitates the participation of any citizen
15. Meditation can lead to an intuitive experiential under-standing, which facilitates a shift in perception
16. ” This induces a social climate that facilitates the triumph of raw will over ordered reason
17. It bears reminding here that it is indeed its benign and generous temperate climate that facilitates that mythical natural configuration
18. • Facilitates linkage with firms who are routinely helped to
19. choral group work that facilitates the unveiling and synthesis of the opposites
20. After collapse, the lens of the biological eye facilitates the conscious capture of retinal images of these holograms of objects and sends them to the brain for further processing and holographic storage (in the void and as represented in the brain) — which in turn determines the nature of the future holograms it perceives
21. This facilitates long term
22. dna in higher energy universes, facilitates the growth of the biomolecular
23. higher spheres facilitates the morphogenesis of the physical-biomolecular
24. The enabler facilitates the continuation of unacceptable behavior
25. The Skilled Helper facilitates the coachee by helping them to
26. facilitates change in the desired direction
27. Something that facilitates connection between people is an external experience which necessarily yields similar internal experiences or feelings
28. That being so, when I enter a surname, how does the system arrive at someone that matches what I keyed? It appears that there’s another file – connected to these pages – with the data in a form that facilitates our searching
29. At the least, we don’t have to worry anymore about that Chinese invasion, something that facilitates a lot of things, Mister President
30. On his own part, Kandunias (2000) defined web presence as the existence of a web page on the Internet that facilitates an increase in public acknowledgement of the company's product or service
31. -LIVE CHAT facilitates trust with your prospective customers
32. Toward such an understanding, we will explore that which constitutes the creative process, as well as that which facilitates it
33. Each abrupt change facilitates a power surge that we have come to know as ―The Power of Light
34. facilitates the process of binding to non-cancerous cells at distant sites within the body
35. It also facilitates
36. I have a neural implant which facilitates the recording of my dreams directly to a computer where I can later edit the audio visual information
37. It facilitates the recovery of the nervous and psychic functions of a human, bringing a feeling of freshness, internal renovation, and joy of life
38. Double-blind trials have shown that melatonin facilitates sleep in young adults without
39. showing us live footage of terrorists at The Wall facilitates our capitulation to be directed by some authority commanding you and I to take up arms to protect all of us
40. Only when the care or treatment of the other facilitates the way we can create them into the desired product or produce the desired behavior
41. actually facilitates ongoing KM efforts, the employees in the trenches may view the CKO as simply an empty suit that is best avoided
42. Mercury is the one that facilitates relations; it is the god of commerce of human relations
43. banker's bank, the RBI facilitates the clearing of checks between the commercial
44. If close contact with the woman is successfully established, it facilitates a long joint influence over some regions of the brain on the part of his own gonadotropin and female pheromones, excreting much more dopamine and serotonin into the blood and bringing the man’s psychic state, first to high spirits, then to unaccountable joy and “causeless” merriment, and finally to irrepressible euphoria
45. This greatly facilitates the implementation of interformotype refocusings
46. Mind is still evolving… it facilitates many functions for humans
47. We then "chisel" the filament, which facilitates opening, AND closing of the brush
48. The pyramid of Thiti is just a mound of rubble on the outside, but the interior is well preserved and a sloping gangplank leading to an underground entrance facilitates access
49. In building that territory, the Master Franchisee usually does not enter into agreements with the franchisees but rather facilitates the coming together of the franchisor and the franchisee
50. There are also some RV friendly towns with such facilitates that allow you to fill your tanks with water
1. The flight was smooth and uneventful, and I was met at Naples airport by Emanuele, who is the poor sod landed with the job of facilitating our move here
2. the Levites were out looking for jobs rather than facilitating a
3. The quantity of materials which the same number of people can work up, increases in a great proportion as labour comes to be more and more subdivided; and as the operations of each workman are gradually reduced to a greater degree of simplicity, a variety of new machines come to be invented for facilitating and abridging those operations
4. Both are employed in facilitating exchanges, the one between different individuals of the same, the other between those of different nations
5. In facilitating all the different round-about foreign trades of consumption which are carried on in Great Britain, consists the principal advantage of the Portugal trade; and though it is not a capital advantage, it is, no doubt, a considerable one
6. Every incarnation allows individual souls to experience, for life is indeed facilitating experience and growth
7. But the turnpike tolls, being continually augmented in this manner, instead of facilitating the inland commerce of the country, as at present, would soon become a very great incumbrance upon it
8. It was in this manner, by facilitating the acquisition of their military and gymnastic exercises, by encouraging it, and even by imposing upon the whole body of the people the necessity of learning those exercises, that the Greek and Roman republics maintained the martial spirit of their respective citizens
9. ‘By saving one life we are not altering the historical time line, we are merely facilitating the potential for it to be altered,’ the lieutenant argued
10. facilitating transitions to the lowest cost
11. Having been left with a mansion but no cash when her husband died, she had gone into business as a facilitating hostess, organising afternoons and evenings for wealthy women suffering from an overdose of alimony, or spousal neglect – of which there were vast numbers, apparently
12. In his official role, he was the point man at the embassy for facilitating the transfer of American military technology and armaments to Japan
13. Despite his qualms and fear of being caught facilitating visas for ineligible Japanese citizens, Gerard took the low road and complied with Bob’s demands
15. It was to turn a lobbyist for some armament giant of the West, and to put in place a facilitating firm for that
16. Why, he had ended up facilitating for her what he wanted to prevent her from doing
17. movement into the promised land by facilitating the develop-
18. Skills: facilitating selecting and reality checking with respect
19. Sometime within the last week, had she become a subject of Malik’s research? Was she ever a Project X team member, or was her employment just a ruse to entrap her here like the other subjects? It was getting to feel more and more like she was part of the experiment, a variable being manipulated, rather than a scientist facilitating research
20. So he’s basically facilitating the existence of another worker in the system at his level of income (times 1
21. A private political committee facilitating the event agreed to pay the first 10 million dollars in court costs for defending the brutal city employees who took part in the beatings and arrests
22. The wind was now blowing to their backs, facilitating their return considerably and enabling them to make much better time
23. help with facilitating the matter,” he responded
24. operations, facilitating army movement by building roads and bridges
25. It also placed the base close to one of the ice vents periodically spewing water and methane coming from the depths of the dwarf planet, thus facilitating its study and allowing for periodic collection of rough diamond modules spit out by the vent, a factor that was now of significant importance in the economic equation concerning the base’s exploitation
26. helpful in facilitating repairs
27. the aim of facilitating interaction, collaboration and sharing of diverse range of content types
28. “I will make sure that you get an accommodation for facilitating the process of getting the Constitution operational, which directly assisted in the rescue operations
29. In heavy traffic system like Vulcan, STC was essential for facilitating ship traffic through the system
30. favours face-to-face encounters of disputants with a view to facilitating differences being resolved rather than conflict and victory for the most powerful;
31. This is why the World Bank, IFC and USAID organisations are all promoting and facilitating the development of efficient and capable Credit Bureau services around the world
32. Waay back in the fuck of my mind was some fantasy about facilitating the
33. “Successful arrest and conviction must operate as a deterrent and the State should, within the limits of its undoubtedly constrained resources, seek to deter serious crime by adequate remuneration for the police force; by incentives to improve their training and skill; by augmenting their numbers in key areas; and by facilitating their legitimacy in the perception of the communities in which they work”28
34. Facilitating shaking of the body, ‘laughter in the Spirit, ‘drunk in the Spirit’ and other unholy manifestations
35. Doing this involves communicating requirements, providing the education and technology tools knowledge workers need to do their job, and facilitating collaboration and leveraging of knowledge internally, within the organization
36. Okay, this would mean facilitating the bank robbery for Nacho and his men in Anthony
37. security or a document has taken place facilitating the transaction and
38. collective objectives, facilitating achievements without causing adverse effects that manifest
39. For instance it is an electrical charge through axons and between neurons that causes a muscle to contract, thus facilitating human body movement
40. It provides excellent collaborative care for all mental illnesses and substance use disorders by bringing together primary care and community mental health centers; and it uses a unique payment system tied to quality improvement metrics, and a patient registry that tracks and measures patient goals and clinical outcomes, facilitating treatment adjustments if patients aren’t improving
41. They were terrified they might lose the family land and whatever money that meant, and they were bitter at the lawyers for facilitating this
42. In a few cases a callable feature works out to the advantage of the holder, by facilitating new financing which involves the redemption of the old issue at a price above the previous market
43. As regularity is a prime condition facilitating activity, regularity in his household was carried to the highest point of exactitude
44. In connection with this appellative of "Whalebone whales," it is of great importance to mention, that however such a nomenclature may be convenient in facilitating allusions to some kind of whales, yet it is in vain to attempt a clear classification of the Leviathan, founded upon either his baleen, or hump, or fin, or teeth; notwithstanding that those marked parts or features very obviously seem better adapted to afford the basis for a regular system of Cetology than any other detached bodily distinctions, which the whale, in his kinds, presents
45. Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before the Senate such information as he may deem proper to communicate respecting the unfortunate exiles lately expelled from the Island of Cuba, and who may have arrived, or are expected to arrive within the jurisdiction of the United States; and, also, respecting any propositions which may have been made to him by the Minister Plenipotentiary of France, for the purpose of facilitating the removal of any of the said exiles, with their slaves, and other effects, from the United States, to any place within the dominions of France
46. It is admitted, sir, that the bank, at the request of the Treasury Department, has established branches for the purpose of facilitating the operations of the Government at places where such establishments could not but be inconvenient to them in point of management, and disadvantageous in point of profit
47. It is not less absurd than it is dangerous, first to assume some great, distinct and independent power, unknown to the constitution, and violating the rights of the States; and, then, to attempt to justify it by a reference to some remote, indirect, collateral tendency, which the exercise of it may have towards facilitating the execution of some known and acknowledged power