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    faint light Beispielsätze

    faint light

    1. Faint light from the window is shedding a glimmer on the painted plaster, making it glow

    2. The room was dimly lit and the blue curtains were drawn, shutting out the faint light from the stormy skies outside

    3. Conal turned to look at the faint lights shed by the houses along the distant shore, knowing that there was no way they could make such a perilous swim with an unconscious girl in tow

    4. In the faint light of a spring morning magpies and swifts begun to chatter

    5. Faint light was shooting upwards and she could see a small ladder going all the way to the cellar floor

    6. It was as if faint light somehow seeped through the walls and the floor, as if starlight somehow crept inside this strange chamber

    7. Faint light entered the quarters they had sequestered for her and her newborn child

    8. The room was illuminated only by the faint light of dusk that seeped through a lone window

    9. The faint light of a burning flame

    10. A faint light filtered in from the small opening and was blocked as Libuse led the way out

    11. The macabre scene even appears to be reanimating, for a faint light flittering from the skull oil-burners gives birth to moving shadows and a living creeping terror

    12. He ran to the faint light of the doorway, stooping to pick up a stick along the way to combat the bear

    13. faint light from city streets entered through the thin veil that

    14. The moon was waxing crescent, and it’s faint light cast

    15. After driving a few miles on the highway, a faint light

    16. In the faint light they could see the thousands of gold bars, gleaming among the remains of the rotting wooden crates

    17. As I approached the house I saw a faint light coming from one of the upper win-

    18. There was one problem though the faint lights were

    19. By the time they reached the bottom of the channel, they could see a faint light reflected off the wet channel walls, coming in from the end of the tunnel

    20. down in the faint light, but she couldn’t tell

    21. hands ripping at the air, his eyes pools of horror in the faint light

    22. He then waited nervously while watching the dark night sky over Toulouse, helped by the fact that the medieval city itself was nearly totally dark, as usual, with only the faint lights from candles or oil lamps showing through some windows

    23. He had a memory of feeling shiny material and of seeing a fuzziness about the face that he had sensed even in the faint light

    24. “Ah yes, ok until Monday then,” she looked around and noticed a faint light where he said he was going to take her, hmm sad! Strange

    25. Once upon a time, an Arabic house stood here, in the middle of a farm, with a faint light beaming through its windows

    26. There were constant sounds of skittering ahead and behind and all around, and when he could see just a little from the faint light of a side grating he could make out the forms scrambling through their domain-by-possession

    27. I could see the stars in the black pools, and a line of faint light far away above the pines where the sun had set

    28. From down the alley, Sound had stepped into the faint light, his hands held high in the air, rambling on about “not having a clue to what the officer was referring to

    29. There, back in the shadows, two ever-so-faint lights could be seen

    30. "Look--in this faint light they are as white and delicate as you

    31. There were only faint lights from afar

    32. The stairs were worn from generations of use and lit only by a faint light from slit windows at regular intervals

    33. It was dark in the room with only the faint light of night coming through the window

    34. He trotted back to join us, saying, “There’s a faint light over by that hillock, do you see it? If you look, you can see the shapes of huts, see? Wait till the moon comes out again

    35. I covered us up with a blanket and in the faint light of the cabin, in the roar of the whirling propellers, in the privacy of the slumber of our neighbors, I kissed my angel and like a drowning man saw my love for Lizzie unroll backwards in my brain, vivid within my closed eyelids, kiss by kiss, to that first one in the windswept bungalow of Maine

    36. And the faint light emanating from their pursuers made the oddity up ahead all the more apparent

    37. Dantes heard joyfully the key grate in the lock; he listened until the sound of steps died away, and then, hastily displacing his bed, saw by the faint light that penetrated into his cell, that he had labored uselessly the previous evening in attacking the stone instead of removing the plaster that surrounded it

    38. A faint light glimmered through its cracks, however, and announced that, notwithstanding its imperfect structure, it was not without a tenant

    39. They stole cautiously, and with beating hearts, to a crevice, through which the faint light of the fire was glimmering

    40. As the last stroke died away, I saw a faint light shine through the windows of the private staircase by which we have just descended

    41. In the still faint light he moved about, tapping with his lath the piled seedbags

    42. Selim, still holding in his hand the lighted match, walked towards the opening in the cavern, and, aided by the faint light which streamed in through the mouth of the cave, picked up the token

    43. She looked around the clearing in the faint light: no one was moving

    44. In these lengthened vigils, his brain often reeled, and visions seemed to flit before him; perhaps seen doubtfully, and by a faint light of their own, in the remote dimness of the chamber, or more vividly, and close beside him, within the looking-glass

    45. Sometimes, in the darkness, Werner thinks the cellar may have its own faint light, perhaps emanating from the rubble, the space going a bit redder as the August day above them progresses toward dusk

    46. She could see his face by the faint light of the

    47. There was a faint light in the nuns’ cloisters

    48. The faint light showed him a crowd of nuns standing around him

    49. The door which faced them was blotched and discoloured, and a faint light in the fan pane above, it served to show the dust and the grime which covered it

    50. She sat down on the steps in the circle of faint light thrown by the lamp and continued gnawing on the corn bread

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