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fair sex Beispielsätze
fair sex
1. Luxury, in the fair sex, while it inflames, perhaps, the passion for enjoyment, seems always to weaken, and frequently to destroy altogether, the powers of generation
2. ‘God help the fair sex if you lot succeed in imposing sharia law in the West,’ he said
3. I couldn’t help notice the fact that you included a member of the fair sex in your staff this time
4. ‘Haven’t you heard it said that the attributes of woman’s utterances have reverse inferences?’ he said mischievously, and dwelled upon the proverb to probe the proclivities of the fair sex
5. Isn’t Tara as good as ever? She hasn’t lost a wee bit, has she? But my appetite for the fair sex would have true satiation only when I solace myself in Roopa’s embrace
6. And above all, thanks to the innate empathy you have for the fair sex, the idea of woman in liaison loving her husband made you Roopa’s benign flame, to light Sathyam’s way
7. And ironically, it is his dual attitude towards women that denies the fair sex of Islam the feel-good that a normal socializing would have afforded them! Though the medieval man’s attitude towards women was no different from that of Muhammad, the burkha that Islam ordains them, deprives them whatever little freedom their sisters of other faiths have! Thus, if the globe were to become an umma as Muhammad had dreamed, and should its mullahs come to reign, as they would in such an eventuality, half of it would be reduced to walking tents for all that
8. Well, if veiling the fair sex is the cure for adultery, then it would have been still worth its cloth, if not for anything but to avert the exploitation of women
9. Moreover, the apathy of the Musalmans for a planned family betrays their insensitivity towards their own women; won’t their persistent refusal to adopt the family planning methods that avert the health-hampering carriages and miscarriages render their fair sex into despondency? Oh how the Musalmans burden their women with a child in the lap and another in the womb till they can bear no longer, and as the moulvis aver they have a duty to procreate for the sake of Islam regardless that is
10. He often boasted of his many successes with the fair sex
11. The unfair sex
12. A most romantic incident occurred when a handsome young Oxford graduate, noted for his chivalry towards the fair sex, stepped forward and, presenting his visiting card, bankbook and genealogical tree, solicited the hand of the hapless young lady, requesting her to name the day, and was accepted on the spot
13. Amid cheers that rent the welkin, responded to by answering cheers from a big muster of henchmen on the distant Cambrian and Caledonian hills, the mastodontic pleasureship slowly moved away saluted by a final floral tribute from the representatives of the fair sex who were present in large numbers while, as it proceeded down the river, escorted by a flotilla of barges, the flags of the Ballast office and Custom House were dipped in salute as were also those of the electrical power station at the Pigeonhouse and the Poolbeg Light
14. It was in fact only a matter of months and he could easily foresee him participating in their musical and artistic conversaziones during the festivities of the Christmas season, for choice, causing a slight flutter in the dovecotes of the fair sex and being made a lot of by ladies out for sensation, cases of which, as he happened to know, were on record—in fact, without giving the show away, he himself once upon a time, if he cared to, could easily have
15. "Now, Watson, the fair sex is your department," said Holmes, with a smile, when the dwindling frou-frou of skirts had ended in the slam of the front door
16. At last, Lancelot had seem’d to know about Heaven and Earth, Good and Evil, Life and Death, yet was he not as foolish as the Rest where the Fair Sex was concern’d? O I began to weep, taking such Pity on myself as would make the very Devils in Hell weep piteously themselves
17. Cleland, upon the other Hand, I consider no Friend of mine, nor of the Fair Sex in gen’ral, for the Portrait he paints of his simp’ring Strumpet leaves the World to think that the Whore’s Life is nought but a Bed of Roses
18. He clasp’d me firmly about the Waist, pusht me into a Niche despite my Cries, whereupon he fell to his Knees, imprison’d my Legs with his strong Arms, duckt his Head under my Habit, and began to feast upon that Jam-Pott which Nature, in her curious Wisdom, hath placed betwixt the Thighs of the Fair Sex
19. ’Twould pay him back for all his Villainies to me! And to the Whole of the Fair Sex as well!
20. But Lord Bellars, like most Men, was no canny Mathematician regarding the Natural Cycles of the Fair Sex (and howe’er many Babes he may have begotten—both as Rake and Husband—the very Process still seem’d as obscure to him as those curious Heavens of the Mahometans and Hebrews)
21. By Jove, I’ll not permit my own True Love to be deliver’d by an ignorant Midwife! Why, most of ’em are little more than Witches that should be burnt at the Stake instead of entrusted with the tender Lives of the Fair Sex!
22. (Mark you, Belinda, this, too, is frequently the Sign of a Man who holds a particular Grudge against the Fair Sex and would rather play the Woman himself, but is forbidden by the Weight of Custom from doing so!)
23. He was torn betwixt Revulsion and Pity—he whose Fear of the Fair Sex vy’d with his unvoiced Attraction
24. All the good Things I had gain’d—leaving Lymeworth to seek my Fortune, making my Mutiny within the Brothel, insisting upon my own Terms for being kept by Lord Bellars, becoming Whitehead’s Scribe, altering Lancelot’s Pyrate Articles, learning the Craft of Pyracy itself—were gain’d thro’ killing the Lady in myself and playing the Pyrate! The Lady and the Pyrate! ’Twas as if two people battl’d for Supremacy within my very Soul: one a Vapourish Lady and one a Daring Pyrate, and they were so unlike each other they were scarce on speaking Terms! Whilst the Lady in myself was quiv’ring and quailing in Cowardice, the Pyrate was itching to breathe free! ’Twas the Pyrate who could command a Ship, scale a Shroud in a trice, climb to the Top of a Crow’s-Nest, and scour the Seas expertly with a Spying-Glass! ’Twas the Pyrate who had beguil’d Lord Bellars into keeping me, all unknowing of my True Identity; and ’twas the Pyrate who had earn’d Whitehead’s wary Trust by becoming his Amanuensis! ’Twas the Pyrate who had endur’d a Childbirth few endure, but ’twas the Lady who, in her Guilt and Vapourish Fear, allow’d a Wet-Nurse to tyrannize o’er her and steal the very Jewel of her Existence! ’Twas the Pyrate who amended Lancelot’s Articles, but ’twas the Lady who at first resented Bonny both for her Beauty and for her Freedom! O I must learn from Bonny, not resent her, I thought; for she is what all Women long to be! E’en Chaucer says it thro’ the Wife of Bath: The Fair Sex seeks that “absolute Command / With all the Government of House and Land; / And Empire o’er his Tongue, and o’er his Hand!”
25. It was plain that the commander admired his regiment, rejoiced in it, and that his whole mind was engrossed by it, yet his strut seemed to indicate that, besides military matters, social interests and the fair sex occupied no small part of his thoughts
26. He is an honorable idler who lounges, who practises country jaunts, who cultivates the grisette, who pays court to the fair sex, who is at this very moment, perhaps, with my mistress
27. We men fight and we respect the fair sex
28. In this the love of the fair sex
29. What services he would do for his country, how good he was at entertaining the fair sex, and above all, how progressive he was, how humanely ready he was to be indulgent to all, to the very lowest; and finally in conclusion to tell them frankly all the motives that had impelled him to turn up at Pseldonimov's uninvited, to drink two bottles of champagne and to make him happy with his presence
30. He had not had time to get to know the investigating lawyer, though he had met him and talked to him twice, each time about the fair sex
31. When he was asked to explain how it was apparent now at this moment, the old doctor, with simple-hearted directness, pointed out that the prisoner on entering the court had “an extraordinary air, remarkable in the circumstances”; that he had “marched in like a soldier, looking straight before him, though it would have been more natural for him to look to the left where, among the public, the ladies were sitting, seeing that he was a great admirer of the fair sex and must be thinking much of what the ladies are saying of him now,” the old man concluded in his peculiar language
32. And what's more, the fair sex is everything for them, these butterflies and mettlesome cocks! Grand gentlemen with little wings like the ancient cupids, lady-killing Petchorins! It's all very well for you, Stepan Trofimovitch, a confirmed bachelor, to talk like that, stick up for his excellency and call me a slanderer
33. His open, healthy-looking face was distinguished by an almost feminine refinement, which quality gained him much attention from the fair sex
34. I remember how I, invariably so taciturn, suddenly fastened upon Zverkov, when one day talking at a leisure moment with his schoolfellows of his future relations with the fair sex, and growing as sportive as a puppy in the sun, he all at once declared that he would not leave a single village girl on his estate unnoticed, that that was his droit de seigneur, and that if the peasants dared to protest he would have them all flogged and double the tax on them, the bearded rascals
35. It happened that Prince Shadursky was an admirer of the fair sex, and also that he had had the pleasure of meeting the brilliant Baroness von Doring at Hamburg, and again in Paris