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    far side

    1. Normally when she came over for lunch they rummaged the kitchen and took their booty to the fourteenth floor balcony on the far side of this yacht basin

    2. As I said, I'm on the far side of 30, he's only 28 but going on 48 in looks and attitude which I think he actually wants

    3. He could have come thru the probes anywhere this orbit crossed the far side

    4. " Timms’ eyes shifted and when Tig followed them he saw the black exosuit near the deck on the far side of the consoles

    5. It was easy to see she was looking for someone even from 20 meters away on the far side of the mess

    6. It was only fifty eight miles to one of the points on the far side, but the land is not rugged in this region

    7. This branch of the river was about a third of a mile wide here, the plots on the far side were visible, the ships passing by were close enough to shout to each other and moving so slow upstream with the barely perceptible tide that it was hardly worth the effort to sail at all

    8. Today they were arranged on the far side of the room like a bridge in a fictional starship

    9. and his left foot started on its arc towards dry land on the far side of

    10. Tarak shouted orders instructing them to make a run for the shelter on the far side of the mountain; even the Hausa seemed to understand the urgency

    11. There was a great bay before them, at least four miles wide, surrounded by thousand foot cliffs all along the far side

    12. ” She ran back out onto the foredeck of the far side

    13. on the far side of the mountain

    14. stretches to the far side of the mountain

    15. they were entering the forest on the far side of the

    16. dawn they came out on the far side of the forest

    17. He found Harry dutifully finishing the white washing of the fence pickets at the far side of the Lodge grounds

    18. the far side of the tennis court was a line of trees marking the

    19. Lyndesfarne was a visit to a communications tower on the far side of

    20. and Shaleborough on the far side of the Shale Hills

    21. The farmer sat in a hollow on the far side of

    22. On the far side of the tower Guskat had stopped at a

    23. “Oh?” she asked, sounding intrigued and looking at the doors to the boathouses on the far side

    24. The next portal is on the far side of the Wash with

    25. He is directed to the first floor of the Ladywell building on the far side of the hospital, and taking the advice of the porter, Alex heads off in the direction of the link corridor on the ground floor, two floors down from the current level

    26. She had paced to the far side of the deck at the time, she hurried back to that side of the boat but by then all she could see was the hair and jaw line, not enough to be sure, and it was at a distance in dim light

    27. You couldn’t see down into the canyon itself, but you could see the plot-covered hills on the far side miles away and see that the land was sloping down

    28. In the same instant Titania and Hipolyta sprang apart from where they had been clutching each other close; each hit the wall nearest her in a forward leap, pushed off the walls and sprang up over the remaining little crowd to land on the far side of them

    29. What was she to witness? Would it tell her something about her Grandmother? She hadn't long to wait, from the far side of the pond, come a tall dark man, he must of been at least seventy

    30. On the far side of the weaving barn was a newer curved two story stone building following East Street

    31. She slipped very carefully thru the fence and crawled thru the vedn to a spot where she could see clearly over the far side of the talrin fence

    32. the far side of the quad, he’d parked his car next to where she walked

    33. ” The Captain said as he reached for the letter and was about to read some from it, when Kaitlyn saw Harry cross the street at the far side of the landing grounds

    34. He noticed that this instrument was also making the sounds for something like a separate glass xylophone that sounded like it was set up on the far side of the stage

    35. Pneika, Yhomaire, Larneh, Lenchei and Svarloe were on the far side of the table, but Pneika was leaning over to hear the conversation

    36. A few sniffs of the fumes tumbling off the side of Ebeneezer made it even harder to find their way to the slightly raised platform on the far side of the room suggesting a place to sit

    37. A fireplace on the far side of the room had tree-stumps stuffed into it and hunks of dinosaur roasting on skewers

    38. He worked his way across this space thru the darkness and found a door on the far side he could not budge

    39. She could not see the basin floor or Kortrax from here, but she could see his rays painting the green megastructures of Kigata Spine on the far side of the vang with a brilliant orange

    40. On the far side it crossed the outer branch of the Imoneea on a much lower bridge, but still high enough for great ships to pass under

    41. Klowa and Luray found a place out in the back of a keda field on the far side of the clump of jungle beyond the brook

    42. Glenelle relayed the new coordinates, deep on the far side of the mountain

    43. The androids remained silent on the far side of the coach, the side facing forward

    44. With a heavy wallow, a bound and a dash she was over the dock, the porch, and into the front room of the house on the far side of the stream before she looked back

    45. On the far side an eight by eight foot bed had a six by eight foot alcove on each side of it, two steps above the floor of the main room

    46. After reaching a stand of laurel on the far side, I had to sit down on a log

    47. Which made sense -- instead of causing the ram to attack, that would have only driven him to the pen’s far side

    48. They both couldn’t help but marvel at the sight: the glittering basins, the thrashing, spraying mist of the falls and, at the far side of the chamber, another great figure

    49. Only then did Carius turn to face the Nord, who anxiously gulped and scrambled to the far side of the camp

    50. There, standing on the far side of the room, is

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