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    1. black, his flowing locks streaming in the winds and currents of calamitous fatality as

    2. With each item listed in his panoply of destruction, images flowed and twisted together, images of limbs and contorted faces, of blood and bone and rock, and in the midst of it all, as if conducting a violent symphony of discord, there stood the man in black, his flowing locks streaming in the winds and currents of calamitous fatality as his arms gesticulated wildly

    3. The people that pass hunger, cold and social abandonment try that in the skin, as well as those that are disabled by lack of opportunities of personal development or the loss of its accomplishment potential by physical problems that are generated due to the malnutrition or fatality of the life

    4. This transforms our relationship with Karma from a passive feeling of fatality to a constructive and grateful attitude for every experience received, good or bad

    5. The sound of a few steps outside the room confirmed to him that the fatality had already found him

    6. I read the last lines again “the fatality had already found him …”, this was a phrase with which I could identify and this way I confessed it to the elder

    7. The true thing was that Filomena, to her fatality, after contemplating for a long time the painting, walked up to the top floor towards Leticia’s room, without thinking about the tragic consequences of so rash action

    8. They wanted to travel the world and when the news of pregnancy came they thought about abortion until they learned that the baby was too far along and aborting could cause fatality to the mother

    9. He also informed him of their first fatality

    10. Does the practice of targeting killings as implemented by the Israelis against them in the early twenty-first century constitute an act of war or a form of ethnic cleansing? Were the American attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq justified by the World Trade Center attack? What was the fatality ratio? Ten thousand to one? How can that be justified? Was it in fact a crusade against Islam as some of the contemporary critics claimed?”

    11. Herbal was assuming I had a pretty good lawsuit for my near fatality

    12. It just became another motor vehicle death to be recorded with a check mark in the box after the question: Was alcohol involved in the fatality?

    13. His fate would have been fatality anyway

    14. Unfortunately, this one happens to have a rather high fatality rate

    15. The Beast of the Vatican had a nearly longterm fatality, but after a

    16. The result would be another fatality

    17. thereby bringing injury and fatality to one another

    18. week of March, they had a fatality: a woman skier was

    19. have turned his face to avoid a branch and that move pointed him in a direction that lead to his fatality

    20. The black-op mission was a success, without a single fatality — except for Cheeseburger’s pride

    21. Even with al that trying, I knew I’l stil end up dyeing, but the manifestation of her fatality was enough to yield a disagreeable sensitivity

    22. But further, the Sadducees urged with victorious force,—'Why is it,—if this oral law (with its doctrine that "every soul is imperishable," and destined to eternal joy or woe) has been in existence since the days of Joshua, and through all the centuries of Judaism till the times of Ezra and Malachi,—why is it that none of the prophets who have assisted inwriting the canonical books, and who must have been acquainted with the oral law, have introduced into their histories or predictions, or sacred psalms, one single sentence from it, conveying the "truths" which Moses omitted?’ By what signal fatality, we add, did their inspiration lead them to avoid every reference to doctrines, so 'consoling’ and so 'necessary,’ that Dr

    23. This can cause irritation, extreme levels of disability and at times, fatality!

    24. "It is the fault of fatality!"

    25. Rodolphe, who had managed the fatality, thought the remark very offhand from a man in his position, comic even, and a little mean

    26. Something in the eternal repose of the uplifted cathedral, blue and noble against the sky, was reflected in her, something of the fatality

    27. There is, then, a fatality in love, or have loved him I must; for he

    28. being enslaved to so peculiar a lust, by the fatality of a constitutional

    29. "Sire, it is fatality!" murmured the minister, feeling that the pressure of circumstances,

    30. We have learnt nothing, forgotten nothing! If I were betrayed as he was, I would console myself; but to be in the midst of persons elevated by myself to places of honor, who ought to watch over me more carefully than over themselves,—for my fortune is theirs—before me they were nothing—after me they will be nothing, and perish miserably from incapacity—ineptitude! Oh, yes, sir, you are right—it is fatality!"

    31. He clung to one idea—that of his happiness, destroyed, without apparent cause, by an unheard-of fatality; he considered and reconsidered this idea, devoured it (so to speak), as the implacable Ugolino devours the skull of Archbishop Roger in the Inferno of Dante

    32. "Monsieur," said the steward, "it is fatality, I am sure

    33. " This time Bertuccio would have uttered an "fatality!"

    34. "It is an unheard-of fatality

    35. An angel alone could have saved one of us from death—that angel came from heaven, if not to make us friends (which, alas, fatality renders impossible), at least to make us esteem each other

    36. "Oh," said Morrel, "I know not, indeed, if I may reveal this secret to mortal ears, but fatality impels me, necessity constrains me, count"—Morrel hesitated

    37. You thought yourselves alone, and talked about that tragical death, and the fatality you mentioned then is the same which has caused the murder of Valentine

    38. Charles of Alen ç on was the first high-ranking fatality

    39. There is, then, a fatality in love, or have loved him I must; for he was really a treasure, a bit for the Bonne Bouche of a duchess; and, to say

    40. Cole was gone, he seated me near him, when now his face changed upon me, into an expression of the most pleasing sweetness and good humour, the most remarkable for its sudden shift from the other extreme, which I found afterwards, when I knew more of his character, was owing to a habitual state of conflict with, and dislike of himself, for being enslaved to so peculiar a lust, by the fatality of a constitutional ascendant, that rendered him incapable of receiving any pleasure, till he submitted to these extraordinary means of procuring it at the hands of pain, whilst the constancy of this repining consciousness stamped at length that cast of sourness and severity on his features: which was, in fact, very foreign to the natural sweetness of his temper

    41. It was, he told himself, like a ridiculous fatality

    42. ‘This is an unhappy fatality, and one must accept it as such

    43. 'It was a fatality

    44. Everything that bad happened to him there seemed a mere preparation for this hateful fatality, which had come as a blight on his honorable ambition, and must make even people who had only vulgar standards regard his reputation as irrevocably damaged

    45. It seemed as impossible to bear the fatality she had drawn down on him without venting his fury as it would be to a panther to bear the javelin-wound without springing and biting

    46. the vision of a fatality that kept them apart

    47. We drove past a fireworks warehouse the size of a cathedral, and at least three bundles of fatality markers: small white crosses and plastic flowers gathering dust on the side of the road

    48. He said, “Claire wants us to look at a traffic fatality?”

    49. But this present, mysterious epidemic had a much higher fatality rate than the polio of old

    50. What a fatality! What conjunction that that Champmathieu should have been taken for him; to be overwhelmed by precisely the means which Providence seemed to have employed, at first, to strengthen his position!

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    Synonyme für "fatality"

    fatality human death casualty fatal virulence lethality inevitability mortality