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    1. The ranks part for the MAIN GUARD, a muscular swarthy man with a bandanna on his head, dressed in military fatigues and covered in tattoos

    2. After another few seconds, a man in military fatigues and toting an AK-47 walks over the small hill and finds John and Khalid together

    3. Five pale-skinned men in worn fatigues, grubby looking men with wild shocks of hair, were shown laying face down on the tarmac at Tunis airport, surrounded by black-clad soldiers in masks holding automatic weapons

    4. I dared to look towards the doorway, where I saw boots and green fatigues but they were different

    5. Boots and combat fatigues

    6. It's not hard to spot their black fatigues in contrast with everyone else

    7. finally emerged from the folds of his military fatigues, desperately

    8. Instead it was a simple bald man in arctic-style fatigues swinging a

    9. Buttworst still had on his fatigues with the

    10. and, in actual service, their fatigues are much greater

    11. The usual number of freaks roamed close by, some wearing army fatigues, and the handful that picked up interest in the Murano were coming closer

    12. In several of the ancient states of Greece, foreign trade was prohibited altogether; and in several others, the employments of artificers and manufacturers were considered as hurtful to the strength and agility of the human body, as rendering it incapable of those habits which their military and gymnastic exercises endeavoured to form in it, and as thereby disqualifying it, more or less, for undergoing the fatigues and encountering the dangers of war

    13. hardiness of their ordinary life prepares them for the fatigues of war, to some of which their necessary occupations bear a great analogy

    14. “I’ve come to see old Charlie it will be gradley to see his ugly mug again, where is he then have they stuck him on fatigues that would be priceless?” Suddenly I knew who he was and my mind flashed a picture of him and Charlie in the Kings Head I asked

    15. “Shit just look at those papers the Majors holding you can bet your life that there full of fatigues and guess whose names on them

    16. Sometimes it wasn’t all bad being on fatigues if any of the boxes smashed we would keep whatever fell out of them and even better than this was that we got the chance to have a swim while we were down here on the beach

    17. We had finished our fatigues and it was someone else’s turn now so we were back in the front line trenches me Elijah and Johnny who seemed to have attached himself to us

    18. We were sat round a fire that we had built from box wood that we had collected while on fatigues and which we had carried back up to the lines in our packs

    19. ” The day was taken up with general fatigues as we transported stores from our rear up to the stores on the line

    20. By gynmastic exercises, it was intended to harden his body, to sharpen his courage, and to prepare him for the fatigues and dangers of war ; and as the Greek militia was, by all accounts, one of the best that ever was in the world, this part of their public education must have answered completely the purpose for which it was intended

    21. “The only rest you are guaranteed Pte Woods is when your toes have curled up and you are thrown with the rest of the corpses until then you will get on with the fatigues you are given and carry them out quite cheerfully”, and with this parting remark he proceeded to hand out the working parties and assignments

    22. In fact quite a few of us didn’t mind going back up to the line especially if it was quite because you could get used to the front line and there weren’t as many fatigues

    23. That was the trouble with the rest areas was that you were always shunted into working parties to do fatigues this and the constant shelling meant that you didn’t get that much rest

    24. We knew better than to complain but we all knew that the same thing had happened again and once more we had been shafted it was nothing unusual whether it be fatigues or anything else we would always get lumbered or so it seemed

    25. We set off to do the inevitable fatigues Elijah and Johnny were in front I stopped beside Eli and said

    26. ” He managed alright at first doing his fatigues but having to rush off all the time but we could see that he was getting worse and that’s the trouble with dysentery its progress is very swift

    27. Later on when everyone had returned they all disappeared on fatigues and working parties so I went off to the stores with my chit and was issued with my full kit in replacement for what I had lost

    28. While we where here on Salisbury plain the training really intensified the route marches got longer and the whole physical training side was stepped up as well as firing practice and tactical problems bayonet drill and obviously fatigues and working parties

    29. The training kept up in its intensity but to tell the truth it became just a bit boring as did the fatigues and working parties though I wouldn’t complain after being stuck at home like I was before coming here

    30. “Don’t tell me more fucking fatigues and working parties I hate the bloody things?” George shot him a withering look and replied

    31. “Yes we know trust you to get a cushy job away from all the fatigues and proper work

    32. However we didn’t get to rest for long as the same old fatigues and work parties were assigned added to these were camp guard and gas guard

    33. There were always fatigues and work parties that had to be done and you prayed for a rest but you didn’t get one and you were mentally and physically tired and worn out

    34. Again our time in the line was finished and we headed back home to our lines at the farmstead were more fatigues and working parties waited for us just as an extra treat

    35. Even now, in military grade boots, winter fatigues and a Kevlar vest I was

    36. “How are you fettling lads I can see just how glad you are to be back, have you seen the amount of equipment that’s been stored round here then you will be able to guess the fatigues and working parties that we have been allocated?” Frank replied

    37. Five days later we left the reserve trenches and made our way back to ‘Dead Man’s Farm’ where we received more fatigues and working parties

    38. ” After breakfast we were ferried back to the delousing centre and picked up new uniforms which we desperately needed then it was back to the farm for the fatigues and working parties

    39. When we weren’t on fatigues or working parties I wrote to Helen every chance I got and it was only her letters that kept me going I think

    40. Shortly after this we were relieved and made our way back to ‘Dead Man’s Farm’ once again to the fatigues and working parties that awaited us there

    41. And so, for the first time ever, TSA employees are now screening our servicemen returning via commercial air from overseas duty, often with their fatigues still muddy and filled with gunshot residue

    42. Instead, a gray-haired man in crisp black military fatigues greeted her with a smile

    43. Occasionally, medics in military fatigues surrounded the prisoners

    44. With their black fatigues and training rucksacks, their occupation was unmistakable even in the dark

    45. A man in camouflaged fatigues stood in the doorway, his swarthy face glinting with a light sheen of sweat, his hard eyes locked on Terry, along with the gun he carried

    46. Continuing south, she had cause to wonder at the state of relations between Costa Rica and Panama, for the squads of automatic weapon toting men in fatigues gathered along the north-bound side of the highway

    47. And that was just the people I could recognise: because there were hundreds of photos that I was in, wearing fatigues, those silly hats, examining crates of weird-looking stuff, some in exotic locations, others in what appeared to be laboratory facilities

    48. They were privates in fatigues who were obviously on some sort of work detail, and were uncertain what to do about this sergeant who was sitting with his head on the steering wheel of an ambulance parked in the kaserne quadrangle

    49. James shrugged, his large set of shoulders tensing up his fatigues almost to the point of tearing

    50. He was wearing spotless combat fatigues as if they had just been pressed

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