Verwenden Sie „fellow feeling“ in einem Satz
fellow feeling Beispielsätze
fellow feeling
1. Perhaps it hadn't been nervousness but a certain fellow feeling… Even attraction?
2. Even as their tears trickled down to their clasp to cement their fellow feeling, they shed more of them for the same reason
3. As he thought of Simon Smythe's pitiful collection of honours and memories, Rafferty felt a gush of fellow feeling
4. Touched by his passions and ideals, he resolved to help him, being a humane human and on grounds of fellow feeling
5. Yet I seek not a fellow feeling in my misery
6. "Always the same! I can't understand a fellow feeling uncomfortable when he is sitting with people who are fond of him
7. We have no fellow feeling for the suffering and oppressed Spaniards! Yet even them we do not reprobate