Verwenden Sie „felspar“ in einem Satz
felspar Beispielsätze
1. That is, an aggregate of fine-grained quartz and mica, without any felspar
2. The more usual character of this rock, is that of a clayey basis, with minute particles of felspar, and small spots of grünerde[19] (or chlorite Baldogée
3. The rock occurring in greatest abundance, and which is probably the fundamental bed, is a porphyry, the basis of which in general is claystone, which in many places passes into felspar, in others becomes a distinct greenstone
4. Truncated crystals of one inch, and amorphous; occurs in granite, chiefly in the felspar
5. The form of the crystals is a rhomboid, approximating very much to that of the felspar, and which has inclined some to consider it as such
6. Its structure much resembles felspar, being lamellar; sometimes opaque, semi-transparent and transparent, at least in moderately thin pieces
7. It scratches glass, carbonat of lime, and even felspar, in a slight degree