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    ferine Beispielsätze


    1. However, a group of Luftwaffe helferinen held until recently in the Tower of London were extensively debriefed and revealed that the Canadian from the future, Nancy Laplante, had with her a small portable machine that could analyze data at a fantastic rate

    2. By the way, those helferinen were brought back to Berlin by none other than Laplante

    3. Then, she secretly adopted one of my captive helferinen, a fifteen years old girl who had lost all of her family in a bombing

    4. “That she is now in the year 3384, with Hanna Reitsch and twelve of my helferinen

    5. Thanking quickly the helferin in Germany that had sent the message, she then shouted at Lisa Hartmann, who was in charge of the helferinen in the message room

    6. Three helferinen crumpled to the floor, while the others threw themselves flat on their belly, except for Barbara

    7. Hausser listened on patiently, frowning only at the mention of the killing of the helferinen

    8. ����������� Admiral Canaris was still looking at the report about the Luftwaffe helferinen that had appeared early this morning in Berlin when his telephone rang

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