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fertility Beispielsätze
1. With menopause, ovulation (the production and release of eggs), menstruation and fertility end
2. The gardener takes a tip from nature and uses this simple method to build the soil’s fertility
3. He was the god of fertility and crops
4. Ken and Eileen, both being able to work in full time jobs, saved and scrimped and carried each other all the way to the fertility clinic, where they found sympathy, helping hands, many months of pain and many dashed expectations
5. I always thought it was all training anyway, I was trained for pleasure in the worship of the goddess and fertility
6. That sounded too much like one of Alan’s religions, yes, the cult of the fertility goddess Tahmote
7. She wished she was half as good at this as he was, if there was any justice in this world she would be the one offering goods to the temple of fertility
8. carried each other all the way to the fertility clinic, where they
9. The rent of land not only varies with its fertility, whatever be its produce, but with its situation, whatever be its fertility
10. Except in particular situations, the value of these is regulated by that of corn, in which the fertility of Britain is not much inferior to that of either of those two countries
11. The value of a coal mine to the proprietor, frequently depends as much upon its situation as upon its fertility
12. That of a metallic mine depends more upon its fertility, and less upon its situation
13. As the prices, both of the precious metals and of the precious stones, is regulated all over the world by their price at the most fertile mine in it, the rent which a mine of either can afford to its proprietor is in proportion, not to its absolute, but to what may be called its relative fertility, or to its superiority over other mines of the same kind
14. The value, both of their produce and of their rent, is in proportion to their absolute, and not to their relative fertility
15. Whatever increases the fertility of land in producing food, increases not only the value of the lands upon which the improvement is bestowed, but contributes likewise to increase that of many other lands, by creating a new demand for their produce
16. Though both the gold and silver mines of America exceeded in fertility all those which had ever been known before, the fertility of the silver mines had, it seems, been proportionally still greater than that of the gold ones
17. It is limited by the local situation of the country, by the proximity or distance of its different provinces from the sea, by the number of its lakes and rivers, and by what may be called the fertility or barrenness of those seas, lakes, and rivers, as to this sort of rude produce
18. The quantity of the precious metals which is to be found in any country, is not limited by any thing in its local situation, such as the fertility or barrenness of its own mines
19. Their quantity, in every particular country, seems to depend upon two different circumstances ; first, upon its power of purchasing, upon the state of its industry, upon the annual produce of its land and labour, in consequence of which it can afford to employ a greater or a smaller quantity of labour and subsistence, in bringing or purchasing such superfluities as gold and silver, either from its own mines, or from those of other countries; and, secondly, upon the fertility or barrenness of the mines which may happen at any particular time to supply the commercial world with those metals
20. The quantity of those metals in the countries most remote from the mines, must be more or less affected by this fertility or barrenness, on account of the easy and cheap transportation of those metals, of their small bulk and great value
21. The fertility or barrenness of the mines, however, which may happen at any particular time to supply the commercial world, is a circumstance which, it is evident, may have no sort of connection with the state of industry in a particular country
22. If the rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing altogether to a fall in the value of silver, it is owing to a circumstance, from which nothing can be inferred but the fertility of the American mines
23. But if this rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing to a rise in the real value of the land which produces them, to its increased fertility, or, in consequence of more extended improvement and good cultivation, to its having been rendered fit for producing corn; it is owing to a circumstance which indicates, in the clearest manner, the prosperous and advancing state of the country
24. But if this rise of price is owing to the increased value, in consequence of the improved fertility of the land which produces such provisions, it becomes a much nicer matter to judge, either in what proportion any pecuniary reward ought to be augmented, or whether it ought to be augmented at all
25. It lowers the price of vegetable food; because, by increasing the fertility of the land, it increases its abundance
26. The produce of land, mines, and fisheries, when their natural fertility is equal, is in proportion to the extent and proper application of the capitals employed about them
27. When the capitals are equal, and equally well applied, it is in proportion to their natural fertility
28. The most important operations of agriculture seem intended, not so much to increase, though they do that too, as to direct the fertility of Nature towards the
29. Planting and tillage frequently regulate more than they animate the active fertility of Nature; and after all their labour, a great part of the work always remains to be done by her
30. It is greater or smaller, according to the supposed extent of those powers, or, in other words, according to the supposed natural or improved fertility of the land
31. a fertility goddess, that sort of thing
32. Speaking of the ideal republic described in the laws of Plato, to maintain 5000 idle men (the number of warriors supposed necessary for its defence), together with their women and servants, would require, he says, a territory of boundless extent and fertility, like the plains of Babylon
33. They are thus both encouraged and enabled to increase this surplus produce by a further improvement and better cultivation of the land; and as the fertility of she land had given birth to the manufacture, so the progress of the manufacture reacts upon the land, and increases still further it's fertility
34. England, on account of the natural fertility of the soil, of the great extent of the sea-coast in proportion to that of the whole country, and of the many navigable rivers which run through it, and afford the conveniency of water carriage to some of the most inland parts of it, is perhaps as well fitted by nature as any large country in Europe to be the seat of foreign commerce, of manufactures for distant sale, and of all the improvements which these can occasion
35. If the rabbit is hopping in your dream, then it indicates fertility
36. The quantities of those metals which the first adventurers are said to have found there, had probably been very much magnified, as well as the fertility of the mines which were wrought immediately after the first discovery
37. Waste lands, of the greatest natural fertility, are to be had for a trifle
38. But those nations were by no means so weak and defenceless as the miserable and helpless Americans ; and in proportion to the natural fertility of the countries which they inhabited, they were, besides, much more populous
39. Both countries, accordingly, though subject occasionally to dearths, have been famous for their great fertility
40. Under such absurd management, nothing but the great fertility of the soil, and happiness of the climate, could preserve such countries from soon relapsing into the lowest state of poverty and barbarism
41. Higher fertility rates, common among the poor, exacerbated by lax immigration policies, have strained our nation‘s productive and material resources beyond their capacity to accommodate even the (basic) material requirements of its working classes
42. Something that might lead to cancer, skin problems, or unusual fertility patterns in higher life forms
43. related factors that affect the goat’s fertility
44. • The fertility of animals is a blessing from God and part of the machinery, the operation of the system; there is no deity responsible for that, it's just functionality
45. But due to unknown problems she is not able to conceive and some time they may also be scared at the time of pregnancy thinking about the baby, fertility spell or pregnancy spells should be used for the above reasons so that they may have a safe pregnancy and without any problems or complications
46. Also fertility spells should be used to prevent Miscarriages
47. correlates with a decrease in fertility rate and an increase in longevity
48. If current fertility rates continued, it was certain that a future majority of people with Mexican ancestry would live in much of the American Southwest
49. The barren plains that surround Midgar, drained of their fertility
50. Earth, and was a goddess of fertility, usually represented as a figurine consisting of