He tipped up and finished his fourth cup of that ale and signaled the kegman for his fifth
The fifth thing is being committed
On the fifth day, he called the mechanic
"No theirops?" she asked about the most feared predator on the planet, two thousand pounds of fang and claw that was smarter than her fifth grade teacher
Corner of Fifth and
For all the Troll might of arms, the telling factor over time had been the tiny babies produced by Elven woman so that almost all mothers survived, instead of the average Troll woman's chance in those days, dying in her fourth or fifth childbirth
As he passes out the door, he sees two other hooded men with a fifth hooded, bound man between them
I was due to come up fifth, so it didn’t look like I would have a chance to bat; at least not in this inning
This afternoon I finished the fifth volume of my illustrated manuscripts “Sandra Anderson - Astral Fantasy”
It is supposed to be a second class hotel -we paid that much too- but it is hardly fifth class
‘This was my fifth trip
JayJay and Angie have asked me to write to thank you for the unbelievably generous gifts you sent for little Karalintze’s fifth birthday
" The state radius of a fifth order condensate would likely be the size of a man's head
It’ll require some help from your contact on the ground and a fabrication program for that hand-held fifth order condensate detector
runs for the fifth wicket
days ago, the start of the fifth day raised new hopes
It’s set for the last Sunday in the month – the 31st - a fifth Sunday
My phone beeped a fifth time
Omi kicked his stomach but the fifth man punched hard on
By the fifth visit we began to remove more emotions
“Acolyte Tometahin is currently mapped in the parts of heaven nearest their hurling worlds and is adept to the fifth order
She had to make some assumptions about how a fourth order condensate detector could be modified to detect fifth order, but she hoped it was a straightforward extrapolation
“Yes, and before I go report to the captain, I want you guys to get started on a fifth order condensate detection pistol
“If what I was told while in encapsulation was real, a human soul is a fifth order condensate
Darryl just wanted to explore the math of fifth order condensates, Thom wanted to hear about her adventures
“He really didn’t have a lot of math for fifth order, I saw him yesterday and he said he was getting somewhere, something about recursive symbology for the aggregation of condensates
Without introduction he turned and addressed them all, “I’ve been poking the fifth order around a little using some of the latest data
“If you accept that a soul is a fifth order condensate, a quasi-boson in other words, yes, that seems to be what this data says,” He looked to Arthur questioningly
“And this is the strangest result,” he said, “the equations seem to make it possible to solve for the total number of fifth order condensate quasi bosons
“I’ve just got a state change on one of the original fifth order condensates,” Thom shouted out
It was showing the entangled fifth order condensate that had been that Chinese man’s soul before he was frozen in the cryoslicer
Desa gave him a very impish grin, “Ava may not know as much about these crystals as she thinks she does,” she said, “and if she doubts that you copied my soul, she still has a lot to learn about the power of entanglement in fifth order condensates
’ Kev said for what must have been the fifth time
They strolled a fifth level promenade, he had to admit, she had the best figure for strolling that he had ever experienced, she was just the right height for his elbow and liked to bury it deep in and between
Johnson stopped at the fifth door
“What happened to you man? We used to drink this stuff by the fifth back
that owned the meat shop on Fifth Street
The fifth man and the last man
10The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its
west towards Sens, and the fifth the road following the
In Troyes itself the fifth mercenary had been
Johnny took the mound again in the fifth
It works out based on that and the fact that since I will have September 6, 7, 8, and 9 off that the perfect day for you to fly here is September 5, arriving the evening of the fifth
In the fifth year the day came when she finally got a response
By the fifth inning the score was tied at threes and Johnny was starting
Roman went to the pen on his own during our at bat in the bottom of fifth
He was always boasting that Zhlindu was the world's fifth greatest city after Trenst, the Yakhan, Yondure and Lumpral
There are nine other cities who also think they're fifth, Dos, Darceen, Hrrst, Bordzvek and Norbin are a few of them
But the wages of labour in a great town and its neighbourhood, are frequently a fourth or a fifth part, twenty or five-and--twenty per cent
A friend and I went to the corner of Fifth and Wall and looked
tower outside began to ring and toll the fifth hour after
In coal mines, a fifth of the gross produce is a very great rent, a tenth the common rent ; and it is seldom a rent certain, but depends upon the occasional variations in the produce
Henry the fifth
Till 1736, indeed, the tax of the king of Spain amounted to one fifth of the standard silver, which till then might be considered as the real rent of the greater part of the silver mines of Peru, the richest which have been known in the world
If there had been no tax, this fifth would naturally have belonged to the landlord, and many mines might have been wrought which could not then be wrought, because they could not afford this tax
But the silver mines of Peru are not now able to pay even this low rent; and the tax upon silver was, in 1736, reduced from one fifth to one tenth
It was once a fifth, and afterwards a tenth, as in silver; but it was found that the work could not bear even the lowest of these two taxes
In the household book of Henry, the fifth earl of Northumberland, drawn up in 1512 there are two different estimations of wheat
The fifth hole had Lemoss digging out the golf ball after Morton had walked on it and pushed it into the green
This tax was originally a half; it soon afterwards fell to a third, then to a fifth, and at last to a tenth, at which late it still continues
The lands which were kept constantly well manured and in good condition seldom exceeded a third or fourth part of the whole farm, and sometimes did not amount to a fifth or a sixth part of it
Any rise in the money price of goods which proceeded altogether from the degradation of the value of silver, would affect all sorts of goods equally, and raise their price universally, a third, or a fourth, or a fifth part higher, according as silver happened to lose a third, or a fourth, or a fifth part of its former value
The fifth and last chapter treats of the different effects which the different employments of capital immediately produce upon the quantity, both of national industry, and of the annual produce of land and labour
Eighty thousand pounds of gold and silver, therefore, can in this manner be spared from the circulation of the country ; and if different operations of the the same kind should, at the same time, be carried on by many different banks and bankers, the whole circulation may thus be conducted with a fifth part only of the gold and silver which would otherwise have been requisite
It has been computed by different authors at a fifth, at a tenth, at a twentieth, and at a thirtieth, part of that value
When, therefore, by the substitution of paper, the gold and silver necessary for circulation is reduced to, perhaps, a fifth part of the former quantity, if the value of only the greater part of the other four-fifths be added to the funds which are destined for the maintenance of industry, it must make a very considerable addition to the quantity of that industry, and, consequently, to the value of the annual produce of land and labour
This other bill was made payable to the order of B, who, upon its being accepted by C, discounted it with some banker in London ; and A enabled C to discharge it, by drawing, a few day's before it became due, a third bill likewise at two months date, sometimes upon his first correspondent B, and sometimes upon some fourth or fifth person, D or E, for example
What about the fifth?”
“The fifth element is spirit, which is more of a metaphorical element
On the fifth day, Nikos and Philippos tried to rush the giant as he returned with his flock
In Scotland, more than one fifth, perhaps more than one third part of the whole lands in the country, are at present supposed to be under strict entail
Try sending press releases in slow news days – day after a holiday, the 452 odd fifth week of the month
It was soon reduced, therefore, to a third; then to a fifth; afterwards to a tenth; and at last to a twentieth part of the gross produce of the gold mines
The tax upon silver continued for a long time to be a fifth of the gross produce
The first English settlers in North America, however, offered a fifth of all the gold and silver which should be found there to the king, as a motive for granting them their patents
this fifth was accordingly reserved to the crown
If the one can keep in constant employment but a third or a fourth part of the domestic industry which could be maintained by a capital returned once in the year, the other can keep in constant employment but a fourth or a fifth part of that industry
The fifth bounty of this kind was that granted by the 9th Geo
But in such large countries, as France and England, the number of people employed in agriculture has, by some authors been computed at a half, by others at a third and by no author that I know of, at less that a fifth of the whole inhabitants of the country
This land tax, or land rent, like the tithe in Europe, consisted in a certain proportion, a fifth, it is said, of the produce of the land, which was either delivered in kind, or paid in money, according to a certain valuation, and which, therefore, varied from year to year, according to all the variations of the produce
APPENDIX TO BOOK IV The two following accounts are subjoined, in order to illustrate and confirm what is said in the fifth chapter of the fourth book, concerning the Tonnage Bounty to the Whit-herring Fishery
“Well, it turned out that only around a fifth of the world’s population were actually actively in favour of the further exploration of space and the costs involved
In every nation, the men of the military age are supposed to amount to about a fourth or a fifth part of the whole body of the people
In the little agrarian states of ancient Greece, a fourth or a fifth part of the whole body of the people considered the themselves as soldiers, and would sometimes, it is said, take the field
The first, third and fifth were spinning clockwise, the second and fourth anti-clockwise
If his information was correct then he was looking for the fifth one along the alley on the right-hand side
The land tax or land rent which used to be paid to the Mahometan government of Bengal, before that country fell into the hands of the English East India company, is said to have amounted to about a fifth part of the produce
The land tax of ancient Egypt is said likewise to have amounted to a fifth part
During the Mahometan government of Bengal, instead of the payment in kind of the fifth part of the produce, a modus, and, it is said, a very moderate one, was established in the greater part of the districts or zemindaries of the country
On the fifth day he created the sea-living creatures, as well as birds, and on the sixth day he created land animals and humans as his representatives on Earth – humans being the only creation made in the image of God
Every hundred pounds stock, accordingly, was supposed to be taxed at twenty-four shillings, the fifth part of six pounds
upon the greater part of goods; and that of 1759, a fifth upon some particular sorts of goods
confirmed canon in the fourth and fifth century they
‘Native Americans believed in the fifth World but we currently
You will understand and create the fifth World in your
himself a job at a fifth of the wage but based locally so that he can
In 1709, those duties were all ( except the old subsidy of tonnage and poundage, which was now left out of this fund altogether ) still further continued, for the same purpose, to the first of August 1716, and were called the fifth general mortgage or fund
, and by the fifth of George I
Nim finally surfaced on March the fifth, 2004