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    film over

    1. He was caked in chalky dust this stuck like glue to you clothing and put a grimy film over your skin if you added the smoke and burnt powder from our rifles and bombs then you ended up with grimy chalky white looking soldier

    2. There was a plastic film over the map

    3. around and managed to poke a hole in the clingfilm over his mouth,

    4. But it was only a film over her fire

    5. Balder gave him a dazed look, as if the stream of programming codes still lay like a film over his eyes

    6. If you fl icked your eyes from jar to jar, you could almost snap them to life, as if you were running bits of film over your eyeballs so that the tiny things became large and then larger, shaping themselves into fi ngers, hands, palms, wrists, elbows, until finally, asleep, the last shape opened wide its dull, blue, lashless eyes and fi xed you with its gaze that cried, Look! See! I am trapped here forever! What am I? What is the question, what, what? Could it be, you there, below, outside looking in, could it be that I am

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