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    firm intention Beispielsätze

    firm intention

    1. I waited some minutes that the maintenance staff finished the cleanliness of the room that had been assigned to us for tonight, and seeing that my sisters still had not returned of their walk, I approached to one of the servants with the firm intention of investigating for the past of the magician

    2. I also had the firm intention to go to The Fortaleza and locate Batam-Al-Bur and convince him to help me entering Duprina’s room

    3. ‘’Ingrid, I have the firm intention to bring you with me, if you wish so

    4. One of the 34th Pursuit Squadron’s pilots that had bailed out was here, wounded, and Brereton had the firm intention to shake his hand, as well as the hand of another fighter pilot that had done the impossible today

    5. Sitting at the small desk of her room, she started writing a memo addressed to General Barnes, with the firm intention to give it to him first thing in the morning

    6. Recollecting to the best of her excellent memory what she had learned from Nancy and what she had seen and experienced in the Philippines, plus adding her own personal thoughts, she started scribbling down notes, with the firm intention to type them into a proper memorandum once in Washington

    7. � On my part, I have the firm intention to recognize her as my senior commander here, despite whatever you may think

    8. Well, I have the firm intention to fully use and exploit those files from now on

    9. Furthermore, instead of hitting simple soldiers, I have the firm intention to strike as a priority their high level leaders

    10. I have the firm intention to empty that Mig nest later on

    11. Some people are cruelly torturing a young girl in the Bastille and I have the firm intention to go save her and put her under my protection

    12. But I left Moscow with a firm intention to find out everything, even if it took years

    13. Even if he hadn't met her with the firm intention of killing her, it was possible this had brought back the fury raised earlier that evening

    14. On, then, as aforesaid, came Don Quixote against the wary Biscayan, with uplifted sword and a firm intention of splitting him in half, while on his side the Biscayan waited for him sword in hand, and under the protection of his cushion; and all present stood trembling, waiting in suspense the result of blows such as threatened to fall, and the lady in the coach and the rest of her following were making a thousand vows and offerings to all the images and shrines of Spain, that God might deliver her squire and all of them from this great peril in which they found themselves

    15. I fell asleep with the firm intention of waking up in just a few hours

    16. "I am much obliged to you for giving me full notice," he said, with a firm intention in his tone, yet with an interruptedness in his delivery which showed that he spoke unwillingly

    17. But he went with the firm intention of letting her and her parents feel that the childish relations between himself and Natasha could not be binding either on her or on him

    18. He drove to the Karagins’ with the firm intention of proposing

    19. But he went with the firm intention of letting her and her parents feel that the childish relations between himself and Natásha could not be binding either on her or on him

    20. He drove to the Karágins’ with the firm intention of proposing

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