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    flint Beispielsätze


    1. as a man called Flint,

    2. It was arid and gritty, mixed in with bits of flint and twigs; there was even a pistachio shell

    3. huddle, one on top of the other, they exchanged flint eyed glances,

    4. She could tell Yellelle was getting her flint and striker out by feel

    5. this way, and reached for the flint and taper in his coat

    6. with his flint – finally achieving a spark after what seemed

    7. possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the

    8. like hard, cold bits of flint, bore into him, as though dissecting him

    9. Gorgeous State umbrellas, enormous kinkassies or wardrums, brass-studded chairs, beautifully carved stools, European and native swords, native spears, Ashanti daggers and knives, executioners' blades and torture instruments, brass studded cases, leather fetish caps, silken and cotton cloths, execution stools with recent blood stains, valuable old English chinaware, common table knives, large glass vases, carved wooden sandals, silk and gingham pillows of down and soft cotton, a few tusks, ivory pieces for playing “po” and drafts, a few bottles of brandy, common blunderbusses, old flint locks, a few Sniders, and so on ad infinitum

    10. Comfrey picked at a small flint that had become lodged between the pads of his foot and snorted

    11. He hoped these would suffice and once he had massed enough pieces of wet yet not soggy wood, he piled it down neatly to form a fire stack, wishing his flint and stone would be enough to get the fire going

    12. She would have to create fire using a flint block and a pile of dried brush, covered in highly flammable pitch tar

    13. Ruby took the flint and struck it hard onto the curved rock, designed to deflect any sparks onto the highly combustible material

    14. "Calm down," she thought, concentrating on the flint, tightly gripped within her hand

    15. She stared at the rock and with one quick and deliberate movement, struck the flint shard into the rock, as hard as she could

    16. Sparks leapt from the flint and a couple deflected onto the tar

    17. Jade was striking a flint to a bunch of dried leaves and twigs

    18. 8 Who turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters

    19. God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded; therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed

    20. In Isaiah, Jesus says, "For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed

    21. " We need to set our faces like a flint and just go on for God

    22. What for now you shall not be able to abide the horsemen and so great a power in the plain, where is neither stone nor flint, nor place

    23. civilizations gathered flint for tools and

    24. A six-year-old can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36-year-old man says they can only do it in the movies

    25. Ashi had become adept with a flint

    26. could have been flint

    27. 15 Who led you through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought you forth water out of the rock of flint;

    28. Isa 50:7 For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed

    29. Eze 3:9 As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house

    30. 73 What for now you shall not be able to abide the horsemen and so great a power in the plain where is neither stone nor flint nor place to flee to

    31. A guard wearing body-armour and a helmet, not carrying a weapon, was standing by the beacon with his back to Halfdan, banging a piece of iron onto a piece of flint

    32. Ran towards the beacon and the unarmed guard standing there with flint and iron, his back to Halfdan, spraying sparks and blowing air onto it

    33. One man used a flint and piece of iron to strike sparks onto some charred cloth, which quickly started burning; one torch was lit from this fire, and then the fire was passed from torch to torch until all were burning

    34. All she needed to find now was some kindling and a flint and steel, Nordheim was still a backward nation in many ways

    35. Titus went about lighting a fire the old fashioned way, with flint and tinder as the wind whistled through the generous gaps in the rotting door

    36. Whilst Titus struck the flint above the tinder repeatedly, Athene made out a well-prepared room stacked with logs, then darkness prevailed until the next strike of the flint when pots and new looking utensils could be seen lining the fireplace

    37. When he landed, Jai and Ceder heard a sound like a bottle of water being shaken up and they saw drops of oily liquid fly out of his knees like sparks from flint

    38. Hoarse chanting, like flint striking stone, rang in harmony over the beat

    39. He removes a flint and piece of iron scrap to ignite a small lantern he’d brought with him

    40. 'Yes!' His flash of open anger was like a spark struck from flint

    41. Her laughter was less merciful than the ring of flint on steel

    42. The laughter of Pelias was merciless as a flint hatchet, as the form of the eunuch reeled upright, clutching at the bars of the grille

    43. His eyes were bleak as flint

    44. With a sudden premonition he groped along the wall until he found the shelf that supported the brass lamp, with its flint, steel and tinder beside it

    45. The Picts had also reverted to flint, but had advanced more rapidly in the matter of population and war-science

    46. They left no pictures painted or carved on ivory, as did their enemies, but they left remarkably efficient flint weapons in plenty

    47. Even though tiny sparks of resentment occasionally flew from the flint rocks of competition, they were closer than brothers

    48. Approaching the village causes a lot of commotion as the humanoid's arm themselves with primitive spears, flint knives and bows

    49. ” He offered him his friend-ship, invited him to bathe in champagne, tried to make him understand that the females of his family had insides made of flint, but he could not weaken his obstinacy

    50. Insterstate 75, almost to Flint

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