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    flotsam Beispielsätze


    1. What you would not be surprised to discover after having come upon a shipwreck, whether the detritus be flotsam or jetsam

    2. lit three more, carefully tying bits of dried flotsam he'd found on

    3. There, among the professional Ladies of the Night and the amorous dilettantes, right in front of the sixteen-member jazz band, behind the overpriced drinks, pumped up with the wonderful, strange noises of what later turned out to have been Glen Miller tunes, rub shoulders with the soldiers and sailors, the flyboys and submariners among the assorted flotsam and jetsam of the war machinery we celebrated our survival - as, I believe, did everybody else

    4. The pair of specters, Flotsam and Jetsam, glided above the waiting army to face Rauros

    5. Flotsam addressed the Leader of the Harad Ghul

    6. Flotsam and Jetsam gestured with their azure claws in a spreading motion

    7. Flotsam and Jetsam flew into the chamber from a window overlooking the red hills

    8. Flotsam and Jetsam raced ahead of the struggling pair and swooped into the Drystyx Temple through two of the windows in the highest echelon of the black, stone tower

    9. Flotsam addressed the Wizards of Chaos

    10. A strengthened Gong Seal has been placed in the breach opened by the Ephemeral Specters, Flotsam and Jetsam

    11. It was even colder than the dam, but at least I didn"t come out covered in flotsam

    12. The other bloke"s fingers slipped from mine and I was alone, battered, choking on muck, swept like flotsam

    13. A small sea of apples floated in the floodwater like flotsam from a sunken ship—an orchard had lined this side of the summit less than an hour ago

    14. Much of it is just psychic flotsam and jetsam stirred up by the eclipse

    15. All manner of flotsam and jetsam studded the mist, carried on by the current

    16. They swam away to a nearby wharf, using the usual harbor driftwood and flotsam as cover

    17. Reluctantly, but in an instant, Peg was up on the tray to check the interior which was silted and marred by flotsam

    18. glanced around at the wealth of flotsam and jetsam that they’d stolen from

    19. Past life regressions bring a lot of subconscious flotsam and jetsam up to the conscious mind, which is necessary because everything originates in the conscious mind, and can only be controlled or dispelled by the conscious mind; but first the conscious mind has to be made aware of it

    20. I would go one step further, however, and say that the stranger is also driven by a transcendent recognition that we are worth saving—that humans have a unique place in creation, that we aren’t mere atomic flotsam, biological accidents, happenstance animals

    21. Kathy felt rather akin to a piece of flotsam floating adrift in a fast moving current - which had no choice but to travel in the direction the water was carrying it, even if it was headed towards dangerously cascading rapids

    22. You can be sure that somewhere amid all this flotsam is a treasure or two

    23. as he waved his arms, “is the flotsam and jetsam of my brief career here at U

    24. His mind said they should be tumbling in the torrent as helplessly as flotsam or jetsam, but they were anchored to each other and inexplicably held steady and fast

    25. flotsam and jetsam of courtly life

    26. "My job is to recover the flotsam

    27. The unexpected discovery of an object of great monetary value (precious stone, valuable adhesive or impressed postage stamps (7 schilling, mauve, imperforate, Hamburg, 1866: 4 pence, rose, blue paper, perforate, Great Britain, 1855: 1 franc, stone, official, rouletted, diagonal surcharge, Luxemburg, 1878), antique dynastical ring, unique relic) in unusual repositories or by unusual means: from the air (dropped by an eagle in flight), by fire (amid the carbonised remains of an incendiated edifice), in the sea (amid flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict), on earth (in the gizzard of a comestible fowl)

    28. The piers did not project, but against each lay a little accumulation of flotsam, from which driftweed and sticks continually broke away to be carried through the bridge

    29. Maybe Ben was telling the truth, and the note from Diondra really wasn’t to him, it was just part of the haphazard flotsam that went with a houseful of school kids

    30. We spent a busy time after that, searching the flotsam, and rummaging about

    31. Check the strength of the current by watching floating logs and flotsam and study the water surface for hidden obstructions and eddies

    32. Imagine our surprise to find the resulting flotsam and jetsam around us consisted of trestles, boards, paint-brushes, boxes, and a hat or two, which the crafty Germans had used to camouflage their upper structure

    33. Some hold that, had he lived, the tranquillity would have continued; but this is the view of those who can not realize that the tide of affairs is no more controlled by the “great men” than is the river led down to the sea by its surface flotsam, by which we measure the speed and direction of its current

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    Synonyme für "flotsam"

    flotsam jetsam