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    for what purpose

    1. For what purpose did God sent His word of healing? So that it would

    2. out my pancreas, and for what purpose?

    3. But as the soldiers in the cart got out and unbound her wrists after she descended from it, it became increasingly clearer to the hosts just who had arrived and for what purpose

    4. The voice of her inner mind suddenly intruded into her panic, And who would be dragging you now if he had lost? And to where? And for what purpose? And for how many? But her troubled mind was in no condition to hear, only to react

    5. “Patrols for what purpose?” asks Will

    6. “For what purpose are the factionless uniting?” he says

    7. So what gave rise to this countercurrent stream? This revolutionary programme we call life? This programme that conflicts with the second law of thermodynamics and the fabric of the cosmos? And who or what created this deviant programme—and for what purpose? Chance, alone, cannot account for life or increasing order or anti-entropy in a universe bound by increasing entropy over time

    8. But how, and for what purpose? And, more importantly, how can such magic be used to help him?

    9. He wondered briefly for what purpose the ladders had been suspended from the ledges over the subterranean river, but dismissed the matter with a shrug

    10. Conan wondered uneasily for what purpose these colossal piles had been reared, in what forgotten age

    11. “For what purpose does the gentleman arise at

    12. “For what purpose do you need the helicopter and for how long?” he asked

    13. And, for what purpose

    14. I was still ruminating, because I had no idea where to go and for what purpose

    15. What things and for what purpose, is not usually so readily discussed, but the practice of loading the brain with knowledge is a widely accepted convention, nevertheless

    16. What was this revelation if not about ‘rebirth’ that the God had done away with later on in Quran, and for what purpose?

    17. how it is arranged as a living system, how it should function, for what purpose it

    18. who a human is and on what basis and for what purpose he functions

    19. “The question is, then, where did the feeling come from, is it your own, if not, who instilled it in you, for what purpose, to what end?” As IM continued, Urit automatically mouthed them in perfect synchronization

    20. #¿qué?# what; #¿a qué?# for what purpose, why; #¿por qué?#why? #no había por qué#, there was no

    21. "For what purpose? Is this the house that you plan to live in after you marry Dewi?"

    22. “For what purpose?” After dodging the question for a

    23. guardian and for what purpose and also lay down the duties of the guardian

    24. For what purpose? For a real experience and synthesis of THIS! That is why, concerning their interest, I should say that all kinds of realizational Forms of SLUI-SLUU just have an enhanced stimulus to manifest their creativity exactly in these (typical of LLUU-VVU and other Proto-Forms) synthetic Directions of the development and Self-knowledge

    25. reach us and for what purpose, to have sex with the biggest idiots they find?

    26. flowing and for what purpose would they wish to keep the money flowing?

    27. was going to buy the plans from him, for what purpose, or

    28. (1) For what purpose would Christ go into Hell and preach to only some that

    29. tales told who had constructed it or for what purpose

    30. That had been quite the toss, but for what purpose had it been done?

    31. (1) For what purpose would Christ go into Hell and preach to only some that were there? To save them; can those in Hell ever be saved? The very ones who believe there is a Hell, and use this passage to prove the souls of the lost are alive in Hell before the resurrection, and before they are judged, also says no that once a person is in Hell he or she can never get out, can never be saved

    32. For what purpose do you conceive that we have come here, said Thrasymachus, --to look for gold, or to hear discourse?

    33. And when, exactly, was she supposed to use the damned thing? And for what purpose?

    34. For what purpose they had

    35. "Cannons in the courtyard of the Museum! For what purpose? Do you want to fire grape-shot at the Apollo Belvedere? What have those cartridges to do with the Venus de Medici? Oh! the young men of the present day are all blackguards! What a pretty creature is their Benjamin Constant! And those who are not rascals are simpletons! They do all they can to make themselves ugly, they are badly dressed, they are afraid of women, in the presence of petticoats they have a mendicant air which sets the girls into fits of laughter; on my word of honor, one would say the poor creatures were ashamed of love

    36. How was all this made? And why? For what purpose? Out of the goodness of some divine intervention? Was God, then, really that thoughtful of his children? How and why and what for?

    37. She was keeping a scrapbook, which she also proudly displayed, thumbing through the pages and explaining where each photo was taken and for what purpose

    38. An action, which we ourselves require experience to enable us to perform, when performed by an animal, more especially by a very young one, without experience, and when performed by many individuals in the same way, without their knowing for what purpose it is performed, is usually said to be instinctive

    39. I was curious to know for what purpose the old man had written to Pougatcheff

    40. The young officer asked how, and for what purpose I had entered the rebel service

    41. And as there was no time to lose, Anna Andreyevna, relying on her power to carry off the position, resolved to begin without the document, bringing the old prince straight to me—for what purpose ? To catch me by that same step; so to say, to kill two birds with one stone

    42. And by the way, why did you do that—why did you set apart that half, for what purpose, for what object did you do it? Can you explain that to us?”

    43. The result of it is this, that all these men, beginning with Comte, Strauss, Spencer, and Renan, who do not understand the meaning of Christ's sermons, who do not understand why they are uttered and for what purpose, who do not even understand the question to which they serve as an answer, who do not even take the trouble to grasp their meaning, if they are inimically inclined, deny outright the rationality of the teaching; but if they wish to be condescending to it, they correct it from the height of their grandeur, assuming that Christ wanted to say precisely what they have in mind, but did not know how to say it

    44. But now it is not so: men know already, or are very near to knowing, what they are doing, and for what purpose they are doing what they are doing

    45. But what significance can this sentiment have in our Christian time? On what ground and for what purpose can a man of our time, a Russian, go and kill Frenchmen or Germans, or a Frenchman Germans, when he knows full well, no matter how little educated he may be, that the men of the other state and nation, against which they are rousing his patriotic hostility, are not barbarians, but just such Christians as he, frequently of the same faith and profession with him, desiring like him nothing but peace and a peaceful exchange of labour, and that, besides, they are for the most part united with him either by the interests of common labour, or by commercial or spiritual interests, or by all together? Thus frequently the men of another country are nearer and more indispensable to a man than his own countrymen, as is the case with labourers who are connected with employers of other nationalities, and as is the case with commercial people, and especially with scholars and artists

    46. And the questions as to why, for what purpose, this fair creature was ruined, and why it should be so, naturally arise in the reader's soul, and make him stop and reflect on the meaning and significance of human life

    47. There the author seems to ask: "Why, for what purpose, is the fair creature ruined? Why did it happen?" Here he seems to be answering the questions: "Everything pure and good has perished and continues to perish in our society, because this society is corrupt, senseless, and terrible

    48. In the next novel, Mont-Oriol, the questions as to why and for what purpose are the sufferings of the dear woman and the success and joys of the savage male are no longer put, but it seems to be assumed that it ought to be so, and the moral demands are almost not felt; instead there appear, without any need and evoked by no artistic demands, obscene, sensuous descriptions

    49. Before undertaking the study of any thing, a man decides for what purpose he is studying this subject, and not the others

    50. For what purpose was the Revolution, in which the blood and treasure of our ancestors were the price of independence, if we are now to be taxed by Britain? The highest authority in the Union cannot constitutionally tax the exports, which are in part the products of the labor of the American people; yet the British Government has presumptuously undertaken to do it

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