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    1. Patiently forbearing whatever difficulties one has with the other person

    2. forbearing, and I could not stay

    3. 8 Therefore God was not angry with them; nor impatient with them; but He was longsuffering and forbearing towards them as towards the children He had created

    4. “No, of course not, you’ve always been as forbearing as your grandmother

    5. · A character that is equitable, reasonable, forbearing, moderate, fair and considerate

    6. He is indeed Forbearing and Forgiving

    7. God is Appreciative and Forbearing

    8. She meant to warn him that Laurie would not bear much restraint, and hoped he would be more forbearing with the lad

    9. "I have been so far forbearing with you, sir," he said quietly; "not that I was ignorant of your miserable, degraded character, but I felt you were only partly responsible for that; and Catherine wishing to keep up your acquaintance, I acquiesced---foolishly

    10. As they passed the gates, the French officers, who had learned their rank, bowed often and low, forbearing, however, to intrude those attentions which they saw, with peculiar tact, might not be agreeable

    11. His forbearing at present to deliver them is on purpose to try their love, whether they will cleave to him to the end; and as for the ill end thou sayest they come to, that is most glorious in their account; for, for present deliverance, they do not much expect it, for they stay for their glory, and then they shall have it when their Prince comes in his and the glory of the angels

    12. She had the easily stirred passions of At sixteen, thanks to Mammy and Ellen, she looked sweet, charming and giddy, but her Irish father and nothing except the thinnest veneer of her mother’s unselfish and forbearing nature

    13. ‘I’ve been so far forbearing with you, sir,’ he said quietly; ‘not that I was ignorant of your miserable, degraded character, but I felt you were only partly responsible for that; and Catherine wishing to keep up your acquaintance, I acquiesced—foolishly

    14. Far too forbearing

    15. I should not settle tamely down into being the forbearing party; I should assign you your share of labour, and compel you to accomplish it, or else it should be left undone: I should insist, also, on your keeping some of those drawling, half-insincere complaints hushed in your own breast

    16. I found him a very patient, very forbearing, and yet an exacting master: he expected me to do a great deal; and when I fulfilled his expectations, he, in his own way, fully testified his approbation

    17. Yet, though she foresaw all the unpleasantness of her predicament, she did nothing to escape from it by (for instance) conciliating this one, giving presents to that other one, and forbearing to grumble—the last a precaution which it would have been easy for her to take, seeing that by nature she was in no way exacting, as well as very good-tempered

    18. In all their intercourse these youths were delicate and forbearing in a way that only very poor and very young men can be

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