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    fringe benefit Beispielsätze

    fringe benefit

    1. " In fact Jalloo was a good portion of the variety he was supposed to indulge in and she considered that an important fringe benefit to this job

    2. He had regular business to conduct that detained him in some of those offices and many of the ladies with private workspace delayed him for the skills of his hands, one fringe benefit of life at the Kassikan he still allowed himself to indulge in

    3. touch with someone, but you may find that a fringe benefit of a strong

    4. In addition, students whose organizations are sponsoring them fully also should check with their accountant to help determine whether the tuition reimbursement is considered a taxable fringe benefit

    5. Employer-paid education benefits are considered taxable income to the taxpayer if the amount exceeds $5,250 in a year, unless it is considered a ‘working condition fringe benefit,’ or a benefit that the employee could have deducted if that employee had paid for it

    6. well enjoy some of the fringe benefits

    7. One of the fringe benefits of being

    8. This, combined with the substantial salary and other fringe benefits associated with the hotel, had indeed inspired him to leave his full-time employment with the local law enforcement, though he still maintained his badge and all the privileges conferred upon him by it and remained on retainer as an active consultant for the sheriff

    9. ability was also one of the fringe benefits handed out by the

    10. Both parties are seeking to tempt the man to go over, with increasingly attractive offers of cash and fringe benefits

    11. Apart from my clientele and government and production problems, I was unable to meet the payroll and when I tried to reduce bonuses and fringe benefits, I was faced with a full-fledged insurrection

    12. On the other hand, college credit cards are also preferred by most parents, even if they know there will always be the tendency to overspend, due to the fact that college credit cards offer some fringe benefits that other credit cards cannot provide

    13. They can, in turn, get fringe benefits and rewards from these establishments whenever they pay their balances on time

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