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    gallantry Beispielsätze


    1. gallantry as he could muster

    2. There was a touch of resigned gallantry in his voice

    3. Maureen had laughed good-naturedly at his gallantry

    4. It occurred to me to wonder if Dorian’s gallantry was because I was a woman or because I was human

    5. Some broke out in spontaneous applause at his gallantry, and many were the females who commented wistfully on how sweet or charming it was

    6. Mark Berent had three voluntary tours of combat in Southeast Asia and is the holder of the Silver Star, two DFCs, the Bronze Star, numerous Air Medals, Legion of Merit, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, and the Cambodian Divisional Medal

    7. During those moments, I kept silent and my telltale face lit up with the sudden fascination that produced the magician in me: his manners, the soft tone of his voice, the gallantry of his forms, and the fineness of his robe (which Beatrice would have nothing to refute)

    8. gallantry and there was something incongruous in the idea of a disheveled seventy-year-old infatuated, lovesick woman

    9. These are Poitanians – we might have guessed Trocero would try some such mad gallantry

    10. "Hey! Hey! Is it Canadian gallantry I hear, or does Harry-baby have a favourite screw? So soon, Harry-baby! And your ex not even cold in her grave yet, Harry-baby

    11. Gallantry Cross (with gold star), and the Vietnam Campaign

    12. Sir Stanley and his two business colleagues looked on with some distaste at that showy continental gallantry

    13. His sailor’s tunic displayed the ribbon of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal with bar, plus the insignia of expert machine gunner

    14. After a slight hesitation, Tom Allen shook hands with Otto, who nodded in approval at the sight of the ribbon for the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal with Bar on his sailor’s tunic

    15. that I would stand or fall on it with gallantry, just as my righteous

    16. Sub-Lieutenants Lorimer, Kendall and Aitken received the Distinguished Service Order and crewman Goddard the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal

    17. The Knight's Cross decorations were instituted by Adolf Hitler to replace the Pour le Mérite also known as the “Blue Max”, which was Imperial Germany’s highest award in recognition of outstanding acts of gallantry

    18. My name was recommended for the gallantry award to the President of India

    19. During the occasion of Republic Day, I was awarded the gallantry award by the President of India

    20. ‘’First Lieutenant Elizabeth Gardner, for gallantry in action shown here on the Thirtieth of January, I am proud and happy to award you the Silver Star

    21. When he heard, the Colonel took me to one side, and explained that you were Special Forces, and why you were in Switzerland, and that you had a gallantry award for what you did behind the lines in Iraq, and all that

    22. And he got up and raised Tante Else's hand to his lips with great gallantry and wished her, after our pleasant fashion at the end of meals, a good digestion

    23. gallantry and with resolute courageousness at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call

    24. She used up all she had of gallantry in sticking to her determination

    25. “I thought Pendorans had a reputation for gallantry, sirrah,” she said in arcane

    26. Gallantry had gone out of the window

    27. “This year the gallantry award goes to Samiya Mittal

    28. He removed the knife with a show of fake gallantry and stepped to the side of the path giving me a half bow

    29. This gallantry, along with her chattiness and her newfound ability to smile, was yet another part of her that had come to life since Friday night

    30. "Say gallantry, while you are about it," suggested Carton

    31. "Well! I'll say gallantry

    32. The spy, who was there to pick up any crumbs he could find or make, did not allow his baffled state to express itself in his sinister face; but, stood with an air of gossiping gallantry, leaning his elbow on Madame Defarge's little counter, and occasionally sipping his cognac

    33. When a troubadour professed his readiness to obey his lady in all things, he made it incumbent upon the next comer, if he wished to avoid the imputation of tameness and commonplace, to declare himself the slave of her will, which the next was compelled to cap by some still stronger declaration; and so expressions of devotion went on rising one above the other like biddings at an auction, and a conventional language of gallantry and theory of love came into being that in time permeated the literature of Southern Europe, and bore fruit, in one direction in the transcendental worship of Beatrice and Laura, and in another in the grotesque idolatry which found exponents in writers like Feliciano de Silva

    34. But now in this hateful age of ours not one is safe, not though some new labyrinth like that of Crete conceal and surround her; even there the pestilence of gallantry will make its way to them through chinks or on the air by the zeal of its accursed importunity, and, despite of all seclusion, lead them to ruin

    35. The confidante is present, observes all, goes to tell her mistress, who listens with tears and says that one of her greatest distresses is not knowing who this knight is, and whether he is of kingly lineage or not; the damsel assures her that so much courtesy, gentleness, and gallantry of bearing as her knight possesses could not exist in any save one who was royal and illustrious; her anxiety is thus relieved, and she strives to be of good cheer lest she should excite suspicion in her parents, and at the end of two days she appears in public

    36. Of three hundred that remained alive not one was taken unwounded, a clear and manifest proof of their gallantry and resolution, and how sturdily they had defended themselves and held their post

    37. "I had a comrade of your worship's name, Senor Judge, in Constantinople, where I was a captive for several years, and that same comrade was one of the stoutest soldiers and captains in the whole Spanish infantry; but he had as large a share of misfortune as he had of gallantry and courage

    38. Supported by his love and gallantry:

    39. But all his gallantry, wit, and gaiety, all his graces and accomplishments, would have been of little or no avail towards gaining the fortress of my pupil, had not the impudent thief taken the precaution of gaining me over first

    40. rather more gallantry than, in my situation, I thought delicate, that such a woman should be thrown away on a man insensible to the charms of beauty or grace

    41. saluted me with great gallantry, and handed me into the drawing room,

    42. Though you think it too soon to listen to the calls of humanity," he added, smiling archly, "I may be permitted to believe that gallantry is not forgotten by one so young as yourself

    43. Now, I cannot for one instant believe you so devoid of gallantry as to refuse a lady your escort when she even condescends to ask you for it

    44. Albert seized it, and as Franz had no reason beneath their coquettish disguise was touched by his gallantry; for, as the carriage of the two to suppose it was meant for him, he suffered Albert to retain it

    45. Albert related it to his mother; Chateau-Renaud recounted it at the Jockey Club, and Debray detailed it at length in the salons of the minister; even Beauchamp accorded twenty lines in his journal to the relation of the count's courage and gallantry, thereby celebrating him as the greatest hero of the day in the eyes of all the feminine members of the aristocracy

    46. She was in no mood for gallantry

    47. And yet, in spite of all these disadvantages, there was a certain nobility in the woman's bearing, a gallantry in the defiant chin and in the upraised head, which compelled something of respect and admiration

    48. He saluted me with great gallantry, and handed me into the drawing room, the floor of which was overspread with a Turkey carpet, and all its furniture voluptuously adapted to every demand of the most studied luxury; now too it was, by means of a profuse illumination, enlivened by a light scarce inferior, and perhaps more favourable to joy, more tenderly pleasing, than that of broad sunshine

    49. … Yes, one of those who died gallantry [sic] fighting for the cause … I think the official report went something like this … ‘First Lieutenant Louis S

    50. Gould, trying at the same time to put an air of gallantry into his attitude

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    Synonyme für "gallantry"

    gallantry heroism valiance valiancy valor valorousness valour chivalry politesse courtesy charm manners deference courage bravery