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    garbage can

    1. He had heard the motorcycle starting in the distance, but he attached no importance until he went to move the garbage can to the curb for pickup

    2. into the garbage can at the edge of the kitchen, and popped another open all in one

    3. And then, the minute he was back on his leash, he pushed over a garbage can all over her skirt

    4. The side door was held open by a green plastic garbage can

    5. Besides, the current system decimates the planet, it abandons most of the people, it conduces other people to make illicit acts to survive, it generates a garbage trash and it transforms our Earth in enormous garbage can, if we don’t stop with the consumerism, we will pollute until the sidereal space

    6. Grey metal garbage cans stood sentinel at every gate

    7. In the centre, a grey metal garbage can, bashed and dented in the middle

    8. Typical of any old garbage can, its lid askew, on any suburban lawn

    9. Against the preening sameness all around her, she stood out like a battered garbage can

    10. In the center of the park, a fire had been lit in a huge garbage can and men, women and children danced and spun around the fire, some barefooted, as the drummers played on

    11. I recognize the curtains, the mattress, even the milk crates and metal garbage can

    12. I didn’t do what Duncan Hines had done, which would be to head for the back of the restaurant to detect odors from the kitchen, condition of the refuse and garbage cans, and presence of cats or other scavengers

    13. in turn dragged over our three large metal garbage cans and lined them up to within a foot of

    14. I was the only passenger without any luggage or bag, so I fished myself a clean paper bag out of the garbage can, stuffed it with crumpled up newspapers and sat down to study the situation

    15. garbage can with three bullet holes in his face

    16. LT calmed him but the man became so nervous, he threw part of his dinner to the garbage can

    17. As I walked to the sun roof to throw some trash in the garbage can, Ewok followed me with a half-eaten teddy bear between her jaws

    18. Shortly afterwards, Carmella and I got up and then she tossed our trash into a garbage can nearby

    19. garbage cans and bins, beg for scraps and present themselves in

    20. it to the garbage can

    21. garbage can and then she ran to her parents

    22. Ford Mercury and tossing the rest into a nearby garbage can

    23. unwanted email belongs in either chapter – I think it should be relegated to the garbage can

    24. This is not so in the cities of the United States, where the garbage cans and landfills relate the story of opulence

    25. When his first wife tossed a crumpled piece of paper towards the kitchen garbage can and failed to make it in, she had said, “I can’t believe I kissed,” which revealed to Peter that her infidelity was consistently on her mind

    26. You can however take those tactics and throw them in the garbage can: against the Japanese, these tactics will only get you killed in short order

    27. � Putting the kevlar panels inside the spare nylon carrier, she hung the vest in her bedroom closet and threw the old carrier in the kitchen�s garbage can

    28. tobacco juice into the garbage can near the stove where the food

    29. Say…um…that bandage on your leg doesn’t have anything to do with this garbage can business, does it? I mean it is a heck of a coincidence and all

    30. seen the orphan children eating out of garbage cans

    31. dropping the sign in the first garbage can he could find

    32. She kicked the garbage can several times as well

    33. The alley harbored garbage cans every 30 or 40

    34. Those garbage cans held great promise, but they didn’t hold what he was looking for now

    35. Diane D does not move or blink as the tin garbage can lid hits her right smack in her abdominal! Diane D continues to stand there in a trance as the tin garbage can lid falls and drops on the floor near her feet!

    36. When we told Diane how she got the bruises on her body because you confessed to all of us that you threw those buckets, pails, garbage cans and paint cans at her, she was shocked! She says she doesn’t even remember you throwing those objects at her!”

    37. Others might be surprised just how warm and cozy a nest of garbage can be on a brisk night like tonight

    38. "It started by saying, 'And the low light of my time at the Salon Culinary, was the moment my tastebuds were subjected to a taste and texture combination that should never have graced the bottom of a garbage can, let alone be present at such a prestigious event as the Salon Culinary, a cheesecake entry

    39. garbage can to throw up, and build a

    40. Meg signaled the others to follow her to the back of the building, back to the heaps of rubbish and garbage cans

    41. She eyed the rear lot as Bino climbed in his car–struggling with his oxygen–then reached down and dumped the overflowing ash tray contents into the garbage can

    42. This lasted for only a short time, however, largely due to the fact that old-man Ford simply stopped dumping at regular intervals and left a small garbage can either upright or turned down on the dock, thus inviting his friends to come–or not–the following morning

    43. But instead of coming to the car, he turned back to the warehouse and reached down into one of the garbage cans near the front door

    44. Euclid started to drag the fly toward the garbage can and

    45. I quickly tossed the underwear into the garbage can and then turned back to my reflection, still unable to believe what I was seeing

    46. Other than that there were only small plastic grocery bags filled with candy wrappers and other trash I had been too lazy to throw into the garbage can at home

    47. Neil stepped to the garbage can and tossed the ice cream inside

    48. They own things, and then suddenly they don’t own it anymore and throw what they used to own out into garbage cans

    49. Claire sighed as she plopped her tray down at the table closest to the garbage cans, waiting for Layne

    50. She sneaked closer to them, hiding behind a garbage can

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