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gelatinous Beispielsätze
1. From gelatinous tiny little footballs to hard shelled giants
2. I looked down and below me was a small gray gelatinous egg, I could see movement inside
3. Rubbing it with oil when in the gelatinous stage to keep it moist; keeping it with you all the time, near your body
4. She fell into a hatching ground and landed on a clutch of 22 dragon eggs in the gelatinous stage
5. Her little knot of conscripts entered what appeared to be a galley, though the only 'food' was a gloppy gelatinous muck that the Naud gulped and slurped with relish
6. The band of Gaeans followed the gelatinous being along the edge of the lake housing the colony of amorphous creatures
7. The gelatinous life form was engaged in a lengthy conversation with Petra, the Terranoid
8. The tofu had a totally different, much softer and less gelatinous consistency than
9. The laxative effect is due to swelling of the husk when it comes into contact with water, creating a gelatinous
10. Due to the high water content of this gelatinous fecal mass, the developing fecal
11. He knew deep down that it would take him a quarter of an hour to coax the garment over and into his gelatinous body, and time was a luxury he did not have
12. If there were no gelatinous bottoms there, he would be happy
13. “Wailing Hair-Beasts, Crawling Eyes, Horrendous Swamp-Swoons, Gelatinous Cubes, Elemental Stone-Golems, hey
14. Well, now she was recouping that loss through her own efforts, in the form of containers filled with gray gelatinous material and bearing biological waste stickers
15. “You’ve been a bad little girl,” the policeman says, and while Mary can barely see him through the thick and high grass, she can make out the fact that he is rounding the vehicle with ease that seems chilling—calculated, even, despite the fact that he, like the little girls, is probably a monster made of gelatinous nothing
16. gelatinous sphere beneath her
17. An eye glared up at her; another oozed in a gelatinous tide down its cheek, put out by the lucky shot of some unknown soldier
18. A small antenna extends from inside the shrub with gelatinous guts, which starts to vibrate gently in the air
19. Suddenly, on the side, where the earthlings are approaching, a part of a bush spreads to the sides and something resembling a mouth is being formed from the gelatinous mass in the centre
20. "No, my boy, and this whiteness that amazes you is merely due to the presence of myriads of tiny creatures called infusoria, a sort of diminutive glowworm that's colorless and gelatinous in appearance, as thick as a strand of hair, and no longer than one–fifth of a millimeter
21. A gelatinous, semifluid substance coated the fibrous tissue of these sponges, and from this tissue there escaped a steady trickle of water that, after carrying sustenance to each cell, was being expelled by a contracting movement
22. The raft was a gelatinous mess, its patches barely holding on, some spots bubbling outward, on the verge of popping
23. So it was with this nest, with Dorian, immense, a gelatinous skin, a vitreous shape, undulant within that nest
24. The thing was a gelatinous cripple, an octopus without limbs, an amphibian stranded, unable to undulate and seep back to an ocean sewer from which it had inched itself in monstrous waves and gusts of lungs and eruptions of corrupt gas until now it lay, featureless, with a mere x-ray ghost of legs, arms, wrists, and hands with skeletal fingers
25. The stars were white and sharp beyond the flesh of the Martian, and they were sewn into his flesh like scintillas swallowed into the thin, phosphorescent membrane of a gelatinous sea fish
26. This is mildly sweet and can be eaten raw—but can be made more digestible by long boiling, which will reduce it to a gelatinous mass
27. In certain star-fishes, small depressions in the layer of pigment which surrounds the nerve are filled, as described by the author just quoted, with transparent gelatinous matter, projecting with a convex surface, like the cornea in the higher animals
28. —The gelatinous material of which the bodies of the lowest animals (Protozoa) are composed
29. A strong sulphurous acid ran down the walls of many of the galleries; and I observed one of the drains was filled with a yellowish gelatinous substance, which I ascertained, on a subsequent examination, was a yellow, or rather a reddish, oxide of iron, mechanically suspended in water
30. They are left in this state, in open vessels, until a complete solution of the phosphate of lime has taken place, and the gelatinous part of the bone remains in its original shape and size, and is perfectly supple
31. Professor Dewey, of William's College, who at my request, has gone through an extensive and elaborate course of experiments, informed me that he obtained a quarter more of the gelatinous precipitate from the former, than from the latter