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    generally speaking Beispielsätze

    generally speaking

    1. I recognize there are some qualifications (married-children-apt to teach) that set some men apart as not being qualified but generally speaking the qualifications set forth by Paul are a wonderful description of God's man

    2. You and I have not seen a soul since we left Ritterston this morning … if this were Earth, we would have gone through a dozen or so villages, and probably got stuck in a couple of traffic jams – everywhere on Earth you find signs of man and his works – and generally speaking not good signs

    3. ‘Yes, but generally speaking there is some form of work which is agreeable

    4. Generally speaking, successful applicants fall into two categories – the qualified ones who merely need somewhere to be for a short period and those who will use the shelter of the Foundation as a spring board

    5. Generally speaking the area had two types of weather, windy foul, and horrible quite foul

    6. Generally speaking, it is better to stand rather than sit when making a presentation

    7. As to what I should bring to trade he said, “The Chinese are artisans of the highest rank, but they are not, generally speaking, mechanically minded

    8. Generally speaking, folks line up in either one camp or the other

    9. generally speaking, taking careful aim at his head with the little revolver was enough to put him back on track

    10. Generally speaking, if you are able to produce the type of original and engaging content that is not freely available on the internet and captures the passion you have for your industry, it will be very effective for you

    11. Generally speaking, people admire those that defend the principles and support the objectives of their boss and

    12. I also believe that generally speaking, all of the mindsets of sin can be broken down into 3 main categories: Religious thinking, Natural thinking, and Worldly thinking

    13. Generally speaking, sports are considered to be a physical activity that are competitive in nature and are based on a set of clearly defined rules

    14. Generally speaking, if your home's water supply is safe for you, it is safe for your budgie

    15. other laws and are equally successful, generally speaking the previous

    16. The earth is at a higher elevation generally speaking at the equator, thus when the rain occurred it caused a rise in the water table and created glaciers in the extreme polls, which are not as elevated

    17. higher at the poles, generally speaking

    18. Generally speaking, the book is always better than the movie, but not in this case

    19. Generally speaking, the combat always results in the death of the men, women and children trying to avoid the bombing; it is a war against the people, those who want no part of the conflict and are innocent victims

    20. Generally speaking though,

    21. Generally speaking, when the shorter term moving average crosses the path of the longer term moving average, it will

    22. Generally speaking this will surface during allowing or facing, but again, this may take a few attempts

    23. Generally speaking, however, the fees to

    24. nuts are, generally speaking, high in fat, the fat is considered a healthy kind that does

    25. Generally speaking, you would start

    26. Generally speaking, spirit guides are useless for calling horse races, lottery numbers, or even for predicting the outcome of specific events

    27. Generally speaking, however, transiting Pluto conjunct Neptune presents a major challenge: important new responsibilities or commitments

    28. Generally speaking corporations are prepared to

    29. Generally speaking if our beliefs, thoughts and actions are in alignment with our goals and desires we will feel good

    30. We have the potential to experience greater insights, accomplishments, peace, creativity and generally speaking fully express our ‘greatness’

    31. Generally speaking, the benefits of most acquisitions are to gain

    32. grappling with some of the Amazons; generally speaking, they were lithe

    33. Generally speaking the left and right brain constantly communicate with each other, but when the brain is cut in half the two halves can not communicate with each other; also, once cut, the two sides can never grow back together again

    34. Detective Sergeant Stan Wilberforce had been with the murder squad twelve years or more now, and generally speaking was highly regarded by his superiors

    35. Young men and women in all our churches, and generally speaking, all new believers, are taking immense damage for want of right teaching about the priestly office of Christ

    36. Although he was now turned twenty-eight, he had never married, nor even really felt the urge to do so, preferring his own company to other people’s generally speaking

    37. Generally speaking, there are two popular types of Opt-in Email Marketing tools in the

    38. As far as anything you have to say, generally speaking, you can’t tell

    39. Generally speaking, if you measure the size of your roof, then calculate the cost of shingles at your local Rona, Lowes or Home Depot then double it to add labour cost

    40. Generally speaking, the more porous and lighter the carbon the more

    41. Generally speaking yachts owned by wealthy Greeks left Crete for Athens without any passport checks or hindrance

    42. Generally speaking, you will do best in that business which will use your

    43. Generally speaking, two types of hair are produced by the follicle:

    44. Generally speaking: the increase of imbalanced splitting, matches the decrease of connective integration

    45. Could this too be one of Holmes's jokes? Generally speaking he

    46. generally speaking, followed the commandments and

    47. able witnesses and generally speaking could not give

    48. tions for the first 300 years, and generally speaking

    49. Observation teaches that, generally speaking, it is not well for the children that they should be so burdened

    50. Vine says they are different, "Generally speaking the spirit is the higher, the

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