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    gesticulation Beispielsätze


    1. Like that,’ imitating Tommy Cooper, with a characteristic gesticulation of his arms

    2. throat, he waved at Anne with a grand gesticulation

    3. And with a piece of bread and butter in one hand, from which he took occasional hurried bites, and the other raised in appropriate varying gesticulation, Fritzing read portions of the Persae of Æschylus to her, first in Greek for the joy of his own ear and then translating it into English for the edification of hers

    4. Suddenly, the postilions exchange speech with animated gesticulation, and the horses are pulled up, almost on their haunches

    5. He shrugged his shoulders in ungracious acquiescence, while our visitor in hurried words and with much excitable gesticulation poured forth his story

    6. Tom Sawyer stepped forward with conceited confidence and soared into the unquenchable and indestructible "Give me liberty or give me death" speech, with fine fury and frantic gesticulation, and broke down in the middle of it

    7. Dust came and went in that dark, and a harpstring gesticulation of spiders

    8. Versilov was pale, but he spoke with restraint, dropping out his words one by one ; the baron raised his voice and was evidently given to violent gesticulation

    9. Again, "Home I bring the bri-i-ide," again the same gesticulation with the bare arm from under the mantle, and again the couples, treading softly with halberds on their shoulders, some with sad and serious faces, some talking and smiling, arrange themselves in a circle and begin to sing

    10. “Go back!” Blanche shouted, with frantic gesticulation

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