Verwenden Sie „get personal“ in einem Satz
get personal Beispielsätze
get personal
1. Delos never thought he would have to get personal with the native language-encoded audio driver on the path of his messages to the soul in Alan's flesh
2. Michael‘s new location enabled me to get personally acquainted with him--he was only a half hour drive away from my home
3. First, it fascinated me to get personal photos from them and see how they matched the studio photos on the profiles
4. The ALF decided to get personal and started a campaign aimed specifically at the director of the laboratory, a middle aged woman called Dr Joan Beecham
5. It draws you out, because I get personally involved in your life, with an interest in what's happening
6. These types of common errors are why many investors get personal returns that lag those of what buy-and-hold investors in the same funds get