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    give a sign

    1. ‘If you can hear me,’ came the faint voice at a more normal pitch, give a sign, raise your left hand to your ear

    2. And I knew why His hands were still held up, because if He lowered them, this will give a sign to the water to flow again and hit the church

    3. As they came up to an intersection, Garu would place his left hand on the top of his head and give a sign

    4. "Shortly you will give a signal so that your friends will be sure that it is you and not bounty hunters that have somehow learned of this rendezvous

    5. One sly farce some undead filth pretend to play is: they must give a sign that exposes what they are

    6. Another point of view is that of the artist who seeks to give a significant and calm view of the exterior forms of the sitter, an expressive map of the individuality of those forms, leaving you to form your own intellectual judgments

    7. We asked some stragglers about it, and they said everybody went to the show looking very innocent; and laid low and kept dark till the poor old king was in the middle of his cavortings on the stage; then somebody give a signal, and the house rose up and went for them

    8. For a long time he refused to give a sign of life, till at last Decoud's objurgations, and, perhaps more, Nostromo's impatient suggestion that he should be thrown overboard, as he seemed to be dead, induced him to raise one eyelid first, and then the other

    9. It appears that the combination of supply/demand factors with the experienced intuitiveness of professional options traders, can give a signal that the trend has reversed or at the minimum, subsided through the comparison of implied volatility with historical volatility

    10. These extreme readings give a signal to look for a reversal in the RSI

    11. These will not always line up precisely with the price action at turning points so they can give a signal before a move

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