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    glass over Beispielsätze

    glass over

    1. first in my head and then off the glass over the sink, bouncing off the reflection of

    2. ” Helen sat beside Paul with her left arm around his chair and with her right hand she held the magnifying glass over the image

    3. Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes, and serve

    4. When you are ready turn the hour glass over and let the sands flow down while saying the following chant: Sandsthatflowfromtoptobottom,

    5. Contemplating this terrible turn of fortune, Captain Rian swept his field glass over every point of the battlefield

    6. The explosion ripped the interior of the car to shreds, shattering all the windows, spraying glass over everything in the car park, but the car did not burst into flames

    7. marks on the frame and shattered glass over the dial, two old shoes, four or five

    8. ” Steve laughed, waving his empty glass over the heads of the crowd at the bar man

    9. His eyes had started to glass over from shock and

    10. convinced that he was not being watched, Wickland pushed open the heavy door and entered into the private gentleman’s parlor with floor-to-ceiling glass overlooking the dunes and the ocean beyond

    11. Thinking to myself, if this is a way to show my son that I loved him in spite of the mess, what a wonderful opportunity if he were to knock the glass over and spill it too

    12. “Skrinnian fever! You could’ve died!” She paused before sliding the foaming glass over to him

    13. smiled as Bev slid her glass over to her and she took a drink

    14. glass over to Bev and she took a drink

    15. Fifty," said Fanny, getting up and putting on her hat in front of the glass over the fireplace with the minute care of habit, and just as if hats still mattered

    16. A plane white bed was resting on the corner touching the glass overlooking the forest

    17. Kyle opened the door and handed the glass over to her

    18. Looking his companion full in the face while he drank the toast, Carton flung his glass over his shoulder against the wall, where it shivered to pieces; then, rang the bell, and ordered in another

    19. He slid the glass over to Stanley

    20. Ben was so angry as soon as he got in the backseat, he began punching it blindly, spittle shooting from his mouth, fuckerfuckerfucker, kicking at the cushion, banging his knuckles on the roof of the car, hitting his head on the window glass over and over until his forehead was bleeding again, Diondra yelling, baby, baby what?

    21. " I drank and handed the glass over

    22. Certain flashes can only proceed from certain souls; the eye, that vent-hole of the thought, glows with it; spectacles hide nothing; try putting a pane of glass over hell!

    23. The boy was holding a magnifying glass over a postcard and writing on it

    24. Shall we with pains erect a heaven of blue glass over ourselves, though when it is done we shall be sure to gaze still at the true ethereal heaven far above, as if the former were not?

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