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    glee Beispielsätze


    1. Oliver looks away to a loving couple that with such glee

    2. The boy was almost bursting with glee

    3. Jo sits for a moment puzzled, then a look of glee comes over her face

    4. Lord Boras was lost for the moment visualizing the death of his hated enemy with glee

    5. Boras almost jumped with glee at the prospect

    6. With guttural glee the host attacked again

    7. She popped the bubbles with great glee, sometimes one by one; sometimes she’d roll the wrap over itself so multiple bubbles would pop at once

    8. The crowd screamed with glee

    9. The Petrol's were a few hundred yards up the road and Stephen Cleary clapped his hands in glee for Richard his elder brother told him that fire races up a slope whereas on a downward slope it takes its time unless blasted by the wind

    10. Inwardly Brice could sense she was bursting with glee not only because of the trick she played on Tetloan, but also from anticipation, fully expecting to awe the crowd and her instructors with her performance

    11. Engines were shut down and a great swelling of celebration noise and shouts of glee could be heard as the breeze gently wafted down from high

    12. At least two up, and he rubbed his hands in glee

    13. But Rosemary suddenly began spinning around and around and laughing in glee

    14. Now, instead of childish glee, there was calm, controlled malice in her eyes

    15. The glee in her voice made Raven’s skin crawl

    16. The two Halflings from Thimble Down did not share their glee

    17. Many times the tear-gas drifted back toward us, much to the jeers and glee of the rioters and producing a few respectful curses from us toward the commissioned officer who had failed to read the wind correctly

    18. "He knows my name," he said, with glee

    19. “That is it exactly!” cried out Eli, his eyes alight with glee

    20. “Oh, my darling, I did more than that,” he admitted with glee

    21. Josie giggled with glee and rushed over to pick her up

    22. Apparently they kept on denying any knowledge much to the glee of 5 whom then proceeded with a few fatherly talks to remind them how unpleasant a lack of recollection is in real life

    23. However, the very shrewd takes delight with great glee contemplating the spectacle of a disunited and impotent Security Council

    24. He shouted in glee

    25. These thoughts of merry prospect brought her glee and her face shone

    26. kingship but Christians look forward to it with great glee

    27. He turned away from the freshly turned grave trying very hard not to laugh or show any hint of inner glee

    28. Hilderich then shouted with glee:

    29. “Suicide!” I cried at her with glee, “Suicide!” I was not mad, quite rational

    30. I paused above him, remembering the glee with which he cut me

    31. All of this goes on while the other patrons try not to wet themselves in glee over my clumsiness

    32. with sudden glee the childhood of the rain

    33. Brock then, with a huge smile – practically foaming at the mouth, and glee in his eyes, blurted out into the Big Burger drive thru intercom, “Hey, hey, hey - you guys know Phil? Do you guys know Phil?” he asked the drive through clerk

    34. Braun dubiously said, “No … it had to have been at least ten … it felt like the most I had ever done … EVER,” he yelled with glee

    35. I see no vicious glee in her eyes, and not a hint of the sadism I expect

    36. The following is a list of some of the stations and shows that promote this: Fox News (Shepherd Smith is homosexual) CNN (Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon are homosexual) MSNBC (Rachel Maddow is homosexual) American Idol (Ellen DeGeneres is the new judge and she is a homosexual in a legally recognized homosexual marriage) GLEE (features homosexual teen character Kurt) Modern Family (features obese homosexual couple) As The World Turns (features homosexual couple Luke and Noah) One Life To Live (features homosexual triad Kyle, Fish, and Nick) All My Children (sometimes features homosexual Bianca and her lesbian partners) How I Met Your Mother (stars homosexual Neil Patrick Harris) Bravo (homosexual network) HGTV

    37. “No, I think they will actually decapitate her,” said Elizabeth with a strange glee

    38. “Taka-san,” she yelled with glee

    39. The shadows of winged creatures flew over the walls, screaming with hatred and glee

    40. friend with utter glee, “Chin, it’s fresh water! I can’t believe it!”

    41. I couldn’t help a little hop of glee

    42. This time she rushes toward us screaming with glee

    43. wagging her tail and yipping with glee

    44. “Yes indeed!” Wosea exclaimed in glee, clapping his tiny hands rapidly together, and many there joined him in applauding

    45. As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee

    46. He pulled back the sheet with glee, as though he

    47. Somewhere between the entr�e and the dessert, the two men, barely able to conceal their glee, told their wives of their new assignments

    48. Rat began to howl so happy with glee

    49. He rubbed his hands together with glee

    50. Soon he was handing over a few ounces of gold and a pound or so of silver, and Bahkælt was hiding his glee at how the southron had cheated himself

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    Synonyme für "glee"

    glee gleefulness hilarity mirth mirthfulness gloat gloating animation cheerfulness delight fun gladness cheer merriment