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    going down

    1. Michael tried going down to the Cash for Gold place but they told him to fuck off basically, that he needed to deal directly with Leo, the greasy little fucker that handles our debt

    2. Even the start of Jesus’ ministry began with Him going down into the Jordan to be baptized by John

    3. It is upon our waiting, our silence, and our going down that we do more, speak more, and are exalted higher

    4. Going down the stairs was slow and a bit tricky, but he made it

    5. He took extra care whenever his small hands brushed one of the empty cans of strong lager that his mother drank in the afternoons before going down the pub

    6. We had to keep stopping for me to massage my legs which gave Alessandra plenty of opportunity to tease, although she did agree it wasn't an easy trek, 'Wait till we're going down through the gorge, it's worse than going up

    7. They might as well be putting leeches on her arm for all that Billy understands of the three ring circus going down all around him

    8. Wass that noise? Oh, it’s Jo’s gate creaking, and that’s footsteps going down the lane

    9. Okay, going down

    10. He seemed to know that involved going downstairs

    11. I’d seen enough I had, of the world going down the wrong path

    12. terrorists drove across the Golden Gate, and it was all going down in less than six

    13. “But I’m going down there

    14. Going down a hundred and eighty floors and back up thirty six wasn't appealing and there was no direct streetcar route so the bridge would be cheaper as well as faster

    15. Some friends of mine and I are in the habit of going downtown

    16. It proved much easier going downhill, but it was with

    17. Truth be told weirdness was probably always going down there but it just wasn’t reported

    18. The interesting thing he discovered is that when someone is seeing the Mothman, his neighbor will be experiencing a poltergeist, while across town there are Yeti and UFO sightings going down

    19. ” she began curling the ends of the bits of pasta closest to the napkin in a pattern that made them look like they were swirling into each other like water going down a narrow opening

    20. As he shifted from the left tit to the right one, she sighed, and he felt something that was maddening going down over his cock, going down all the way to the hair, and suddenly he knew for certain what it was

    21. Sammy went into her cunt with his lips and his tongue as though he had been going down on adult women for years

    22. I had no idea how deeply I had been thrown, but, as soon as I stopped going down, I started swimming up

    23. ” Looking at the famous staircase that lead to the stream below, he said, “I’m going down there to fill our canteens

    24. The house sat squat in the middle of a forested area with the outline of a path going down to river

    25. Now there’s a brew going down the trench so go and get a mug and get those bloody dressings changed before some disease sets in and takes the pair of you”, and with this he turned and walked off down the trench

    26. “I meant what I said Billy Boy it really is good to see you back home”, she turned again and reached the stairs going down them I grasped the handle of the door gave a knock turned it and walked into Ma’s room

    27. the wooden steps going down, feet that had been

    28. It"s not a traffic cop that keeps us going down the center

    29. They were all well-mannered and behaved, but then more and more arrived and I could see that things were going downhill fast

    30. the situation or me, and I had no idea what was going down

    31. Prince Christian was suffering from touches of Indian fever, Captain Williams was going down country very ill indeed, and Major Piggott was far from well, so all haste was made on the way

    32. There was this small clay slope going down to the outhouses

    33. (As opposed to going down after a defeat or setback)

    34. Untying the chicken, I set it free, deciding that I'd be better off going down to the local shop for a frozen bird, while my nemesis took a couple of wobbly steps towards the gate, squawked once, keeled over and died from a heart attack

    35. As I was leaving the room, I bumped into one of the soldiers going up as I was going down

    36. "He said he was going down to his shed to do some work

    37. They put it on a dolly and were last seen going down the street two or three blocks away,” Ryebaum clarified for the edification of the TV and FM-radio characters

    38. You see, just before it crashed a couple of hackers were in the middle of diverting money from the Bank of England to an off-shore account and somehow, BT's system going down plugged them into my PC at the police station

    39. Seated there at his desk, Bru began to feel a million tiny pin pricks all around the central, fleshy part of his back, mostly below the shoulder blades, going down to his buttocks

    40. Marcos had no intention of going down without a fight

    41. The sun was going down

    42. The clickety-clatter of the train going down the tracks had a hypnotic effect

    43. Even if the violence didn’t occur, Raul knew in his heart of hearts that the corrupt fat cats were going down

    44. Carlos’ home had been a beehive of activity throughout the feast, with daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, neighbors, friends and who knows who else, involving them in cooking, cleaning, serving, eating, bouncing babies on knees, explaining their lives, and Truman and Raul going down to defeat – six-eight – in a boisterous football match cheered by all

    45. Hilderich was making good speed having noticed that going down was much easier because one could easily slide across the surface of the steps with his bottom and then dangle his feet before making a little jump onto the step below, and so on

    46. Amonas found out Hilderich’s unorthodox way of descending the steps to be quite efficient and fast, so he copied it and they were both making good progress, rapidly going down the steps

    47. A small clearing had occurred when several trees had fallen, and Colling exerted a burst of energy when he entered the open ground, but then he stumbled, barely recovered his balance, and stumbled again, going down on his knees

    48. This thing was going down,

    49. The slope on the other side of the bluff wasn’t as big and going downhill was a lot easier

    50. It was quite late when we got there and the sun was going down in the bay

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