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good humor
1. “Sister, you have got it bad” whispered Titania, then she giggled at her own boldness and that brought Kaitlyn back to good humor
2. One day he was in a very good humor, for he had made a mirror with the power of causing all that was good and beautiful when it was in the mirror, to look poor and mean; but that which was good-for-nothing and looked ugly was shown magnified and really ugly
3. He was immensely thankful and relieved for her good humor, DRAFT
4. Her good humor was genuine, but audibly taxed
5. It does me quite a bit of good - above all, I’ve needed some good humor
6. His black eyes glowed with good humor
7. He appeared to be in good humor when he left, but I knew the resentment could resurface
8. They should have been given an orientation on local etiquette, because the Swiss were rather formal, reserved, and not overflowing with tolerant good humor
9. His warm brown eyes glinted with good humor
10. was in good humor, as winds should be on the Blessed Night; all its
11. Gordon was in unusually good humor, election campaigns had that effect, and without argument or hesitation, he agreed to a complete dry dock overhaul
12. It was rather apparent though that it was largely dissatisfied and had lost its good humor, quite possibly a long time ago
13. Ludwig shook his head with no hint of good humor other than a slight curl of his lip
14. for completeness and for the sake of good humor I have included them within the
15. Always of good humor and with a generous heart, he moved among his peers sharing of himself gladly in the service of others
16. ” Neela smiled, her good humor restored
17. The commander's smile of mirth changed slowly to one of a more paternalistic good humor as
18. He was in good humor
19. Future generations shall know also the radiance of our joy, the buoyance of our good will, and the inspiration of our good humor
20. 5 In a way, all of Jesus' followers sensed the impending crisis, but they were prevented from fully realizing its seriousness by the unusual cheerfulness and exceptional good humor of the Master
21. what was left of his good humor along with every ounce of youthfulness
22. Solid, monumental like his grandfathers, but with a joie de vivre and an irresistible good humor that they did not have, Aureliano Segundo scarcely had time to look after his animals
23. It was a delirious prosperity that even made him laugh, and he could not help doing crazy things to release his good humor
24. In the first ones, with his customary good humor, he spoke about the difficulties of the crossing, the urge he had to throw the cargo officer overboard when he would not let him keep the three boxes in his cabin, the clear imbecility of a lady who was terrified at the number thirteen, not out of superstition but because she thought it was a number that had no end, and the bet that he had won during the first dinner because he had recognized in the drink-ing water on board the taste of the nighttime beets by the springs of Lérida
25. Although Amaranta Úrsula did not lose her good humor or her genius for erotic mischief, she acquired the habit of sitting on the porch after lunch in a kind of wakeful and thoughtful siesta
26. During the first hours she tried to maintain her good humor
27. “Then what are we waiting for?” Said Nimitz with good humor
28. ‘’At ease, ladies!’’ Said Browning in a jovial tone, seemingly in good humor despite the horrible weather of this November
29. It was always light-hearted and with good humor
30. That sight brought some good humor back to her: her deputy commander, Brigadier General Lewis Puller, was arriving, along with the men of the 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group
31. Yet, her facial expression was one of complete self-assurance and good humor
32. Tina seemed to be in good humor this morning, despite the growing bad blood between her and many of the scientists traveling on the KOSTROMA
33. Garcia looked at her to see if that was a challenge or just good humor
34. (Hello, SG 1! (At least they are good humored about it and reference Trek in their episodes
35. A number of people on the ship had openly teased him about it, and he wasn’t feeling as good humored as they were
36. Why, luckily for men, the hard nuts to crack for the final favor are few and far between! But then, the harder the struggle to win women over, the sweeter would be the pleasure in having them, wouldn’t it be? Oh, what else draws a man to a woman than his desire to access her persona specifics? Won’t woman bare her veiled assets for her fancied man to dabble with her private accounts? But after a few jaunts of his to her favored joint, what would be left in her for her lover to explore, and for her to show him more? And thereafter, how could she cater to his innate need for variety and what else she could conjure up to sustain his enticement? Oh, the poor thing, seeing his interest in her wane in time, won’t she turn more so eager to keep him in good humor? Of course, the more she gives her man; even more she satiates him, doesn’t she? And it’s only time before she finds her paramour bypass her favors for lesser flavors
37. But obsessed as I was to keep Rajan’s memory out of her mind, I kept her in good humor regardless; and having brought her to that pass, I too fell into the trap of conceit
38. However, the Musalman rulers’ inability to attract the elite of the land into the Islamic fold could have been two fold; for one, the Brahmans didn’t condescend to descend to suffer their Musalmanic society though some of the Rajputs, as a political expediency, kept them in good humor
39. ” He tried to push past, but for all his general good humor, Mitch was bigger, broader, and when he didn’t want to be moved, he couldn’t be without considerably more force than Cam was prepared to use
40. “if she is in a good humor
41. When these situations came up, I usually handled them calmly, and with good humor
42. He grinned, his eyes alight with good humor
43. His blue eyes, sparkling with good humor, shadowed with anger, burning with determination
44. ” He winked and his voice boomed with good humor
45. Silas joined in, but he had to reach deep to pull off the sounds of laughter, like his paltry remains of good humor were at the bottom of an empty barrel
46. His good humor of earlier seemed to have vanished and he was back to being brooding and unreadable, but that could have just been the lack of light cast by the lamp
47. In a good humor and impressed by the demonstration they left the barn to walk to their homes in the cold night air
48. The Inuits did it with constant good humor and friendliness
49. With his unshakeable good humor, Babsie learns that he had left the decoy on the Polaris
50. Faithlessness, fickleness, sensuality, flirtatiousness, stylishness, motherhood, gaiety and good humor