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    good wishes

    1. At the groom’s house they’d all share hugs and good wishes with the couple and then disperse

    2. The pilot left them with a farewell and good wishes, but it was not the kind of parting one would have with

    3. good wishes among all those present

    4. Of good wishes and

    5. Many other students wrote similar sentiments of thanks and good wishes

    6. Guests came to greet us with compliments and good wishes for the

    7. 13 Their priests then as it was meet saluted him with good wishes and all the people echoed with the Hallelujah

    8. strength upon others, to pour out helpful thoughts and good wishes upon his

    9. Both couples made good wishes and promises of future visits that sadly never

    10. Lots of good luck, and good wishes from my very patient instructors and mentors across the world

    11. Then the friend is led into the room here, talking in gasps as we all do on getting to the top of this house, and flinging cascades of good wishes for her _liebe Emilie_ on to the _liebe Emilie's_ head

    12. Anstruther,--My heartiest good wishes for the New Year

    13. Mine was the considered union of affection with regard, entered into properly in the eye of all men, and accompanied by the good wishes of relations and friends

    14. In addition, it's to ask for good wishes and blessing from any and every onlookers

    15. And when the glasses were brought there was another ceremony--a clinking of Herr Dremmel's glass with each glass in turn, his heels together as in the days of his soldiering, his body stiff and his face a miracle of solemnity; and before drinking he made a speech, the Asti held high in front of him, in which he thanked the ladies for their good wishes on behalf of his betrothed, Miss Ingeborg Bullivant, whose virtues he dwelt upon singly and at length in resounding periods, before proceeding to assure those present of his firm resolve to prove, by the devotion of the rest of his life, the extremity of his gratitude for the striking proof she had given before them all of her confidence in him; and every sentence seemed to set another and a heavier seal on her as a creature undoubtedly bound to marry him

    16. Many visits were exchanged between the Greeks to keep traditions alive and reminisce about the old country and many more telephone calls went back and forth with good wishes

    17. The streets were deserted on a Sunday at eight but when a person appeared, they would hum loudly the wedding march and would cash in smiles and good wishes

    18. voices--among which, the soft and compassionate voices of women were conspicuous--gave him good wishes and encouragement

    19. I don't think the Parian Psyche Laurie gave lost any of its beauty because John put up the bracket it stood upon, that any upholsterer could have draped the plain muslin curtains more gracefully than Amy's artistic hand, or that any store-room was ever better provided with good wishes, merry words, and happy hopes than that in which Jo and her mother put away Meg's few boxes, barrels, and bundles, and I am morally certain that the spandy new kitchen never could have looked so cozy and neat if Hannah had not arranged every pot and pan a dozen times over, and laid the fire all ready for lighting the minutèMis

    20. Elinor did not offer to detain him; and they parted, with a very earnest assurance on her side of her unceasing good wishes for his happiness in every change of situation that might befall him; on his, with rather an attempt to return the same good will, than the power of expressing it

    21. Having seen Jacopo fairly out of the harbor, Dantes proceeded to make his final adieus on board The Young Amelia, distributing so liberal a gratuity among her crew as to secure for him the good wishes of all, and expressions of cordial interest in all that concerned him

    22. Duncan shook his worthy and reluctant associate warmly by the hand, once more recommended his aged friend to his care, and returning his good wishes, he motioned to David to proceed

    23. The scout witnessed his departure with complacency, nodding his head after him, and muttering his good wishes; after which he very coolly set about an examination of the state of the larder, among the Hurons, the cavern, among other purposes, being used as a receptacle for the fruits of their hunts

    24. `He sets out on his pilgrimage tomorrow,' concluded Starr, `and I am sure he will be followed by the good wishes and prayers of all the members of his flock

    25. ) On behalf of Mr Didlum, Mr Toonarf, Mr Lettum and himself, he thanked them for their good wishes, and hoped to be with them on a sim'ler occasion in the future

    26. Then, being prepared for the journey, they all started for the Emerald City; and the Winkies gave them three cheers and many good wishes to carry with them

    27. Many small fingers worked diligently to present us with the ultimate sign of good health and good wishes

    28. In celebration of his eighty years, Dad had brought out the foldaway gazebo we had used for Thomas’s christening, which flapped, mossy and listless, at the end of the garden where, through the open door that led to the back alley, a succession of neighbours popped in and out, bringing cake or good wishes

    29. I was very glad to hear from you this morning and thank you for your good wishes and the lovely card you sent to me

    30. Over the next years, I would get little notes in the mail from Solomon from time to time, just a few lines sending his love and good wishes and checking on the welfare of my young sons, who he insisted he had adopted as his nephews

    31. But to think that he keeps anything from me! And now I am crying like a silly fool, when I know it comes from my husband's great love and from the good, good wishes of those other strong men

    32. After Marilyn received another very strange Christmas card from her mother—she had one every year—this one signed, “Loving good wishes (whether or not they are warranted), Gladys Pearl Eley, your mother,” she felt compelled to reach out to her

    33. Crawford’s going or staying: but his good wishes for Mr

    34. “You would not have gone, however,” said Elinor, recovering herself, and determined to get over what she so much dreaded as soon as possible, “without receiving our good wishes, even if we had not been able to give them in person

    35. Elinor did not offer to detain him; and they parted, with a very earnest assurance on HER side of her unceasing good wishes for his happiness in every change of situation that might befall him; on HIS, with rather an attempt to return the same good will, than the power of expressing it

    36. Crawford's going or staying: but his good wishes for Mr

    37. It was not of Aline Gardner's condescending congratulations, or Dorothy's ardent, impulsive good wishes

    38. On the accompanying card was written, "With all good wishes from your old chum, Gilbert

    39. Akim Akimitch came up to me as soon as he had finished his prayer, to express to me the usual good wishes

    40. The shrill, furious shouts of his enemies pursued him by way of good wishes for his journey

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