In preliminary experiments at his research greenhouse in Hilo, Hollingsworth applied a 2 percent solution of caffeine in water as a spray to the coconut husk-chips material in which orchids are grown
A glare of sunlight catches my attention and I watch puzzled as we draw nearer to the cause of this brightness … astonished, I see a vast greenhouse complex
The cottage even had a pretty little courtyard garden with a greenhouse in one corner so that the fisherman could supplement the family diet by growing a few vegetables and fruits in the spring
He rushed back to the country manor house and told his master and mistress immediately that the tomatoes came from their very own greenhouse
courtyard garden with a greenhouse in one corner so that the
seeds for the greenhouse
It was a densely populated area but he had every inch cultivated at least one level deep including the greenhouse atop his house where he kept tender lowland crops
Over the next few weeks, Monica set up a place for the Abel Berry in the back of her greenhouse, taking good care of it, watching it grow over the weeks
Monica suddenly woke up with a jolt! Outside, she could see that the Greenhouse was on fire
Suzie, Lian and Sam were hurling petrol bombs at the greenhouse, as Suzie bashed up the Abel Berries with a Baseball Bat
office and went straight to Greenhouse One
nervous heartbeats of greenhouse keepers
Freddy entered Greenhouse One, walking down the aisle with arms
handed it to Esteban and walked out of the greenhouse
Plants were watered continually from a mist that came up from the ground, and together with the water layer above, the atmosphere would have resulted in a greenhouse effect that would have been perfect for plant growth and producing optimal conditions for plant life
A small greenhouse had been added adjoining the kitchen with rows of herbs growing in clay pots lined up on long tables on either side
During the day, when Shelagh was busy tending her garden, or working in her greenhouse or dealing with her 'callers', as she preferred to call her patients, Rosemary would take long walks, skirting the village as much as possible
inasmuch as both China and India were exempt from crippling their economies, with China currently producing more greenhouse gases than America, with more on the way
“The sixteen and a half million tonnes of greenhouse gases are almost an afterthought
that allowing the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions would turn it into a massive planning and
research on the health effects of greenhouse gases
greenhouse gas emitters and ozone levels issued in June of 2010 has been examined by industry and the
The EPA has admitted that tough new greenhouse gas regulations will “ slow construction
beyond regulations for vehicle greenhouse gas emissions
regulate greenhouse gases: they would reduce global temperatures by 0
EPA"s rules to curb emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were cited as impediment
Around the edge of the circular greenhouse, plants and trees grow in troughs of water or small pools
Its branches are spread over most of the greenhouse, and its roots bubble up from the ground, forming a dense web of bark
“Because that’s what we told them,” he says, and he walks toward the greenhouse
She is usually in the greenhouse this early in the evening
He opens the greenhouse door
increase in surface temperatures due to increase in the greenhouse gases
recognized the greenhouse effect and global warming, said: “It will be far more
5 percent of the total greenhouse effect
greenhouse gases rose steadily, but average surface temperature rose over much of the globe between 1910 and 1940, then fell between 1940 and 1975 despite a more than
Clouds could be warmers, as water vapor was a greenhouse “gas
She owned a small greenhouse and florist supply in the northern section of the state
Other findings indicate that the oceans emit most of the greenhouse gases
the Begay greenhouse still fed a portion of the underground city,
Usually she walked to her job at the greenhouse but the bus
experience working in a greenhouse would come in handy with
regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, and argued that allowing the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions would turn it into a massive planning and zoning board, with the power to block construction of schools, hospitals , apartment buildings and a range of other facilities whose emissions have previously not been subject to regulation
The EPA has stifled Alan Carlin, a senior research analyst at the EPA who questioned the outdated research on the health effects of greenhouse gases
2,2011) that would take away the EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gases
The report covers new regulations concerning industrial boilers, greenhouse gas emitters and ozone levels issued in June of 2010 has been examined by industry and the Congress
The EPA has admitted that tough new greenhouse gas regulations will ― slow
Quote: "We write with serious economic and energy security concerns relating to the potential regulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from stationary sources under the Clean Air Act
[W]e remain concerned about the possible impacts on American workers and businesses in a number of industrial sectors, along with the farmers, miners, and small business owners, who could be affected as your agency moves beyond regulations for vehicle greenhouse gas
Consider EPA's rules to regulate greenhouse gases: they would reduce global temperatures by 0
greenhouse gases were cited as impediment to growth by at least 30 organizations‖
Greenhouse gas emissions from corn ethanol over the next 30 years will be twice as high as from regular gasoline
Most cannot simply be turned on and off as the wind dies and rises, and the quick ramping up and down of those that can be would actually increase their output of pollution and carbon dioxide (the primary "greenhouse" gas)
grandmother’s greenhouse adorned the center of the table
energy security, potentially resulting in increased greenhouse gas emissions, and contributing to an imbalance between electric supply and demand
―Industry officials believe they face a hostile administration that could seriously harm their business with a range of new federal regulations on greenhouse gas emissions, mountaintop removal mining, air pollution, coal ash disposal and mine safety
President Obama, himself, a few days after taking office issued new CAFÉ rules that raised the mileage requirements for cars and quickly followed that with directing federal regulators on to move on an application by California and 13 other states to set strict limits on greenhouse gases from cars and trucks
In February, 2011 both the Senate and the House introduced legislation to remove the authority from the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases and so we see that the Congress is aware that the EPA must be regulated and controlled
coal, creating billions of tons of the greenhouse gases that are now warming the planet
floor space in the cave had been turned into a well lit greenhouse
“Why is it that wherever you go a greenhouse follows?” I asked walking into the room
You look happier” she opened the greenhouse doors so we were now walking into the gardens
CO2 is largely responsible for the Greenhouse Effect and is used for
Dad would germinate the seeds in his greenhouse in
So the asshole thinks what happened to the greenhouse is funny
“But if I start another greenhouse it’ll have to wait ‘til I have more time
Might as well see what good ol’ Uncle Sam’s doing to battle Ebola, AIDS, drug addiction, the greenhouse effect, and toxic waste while you attempt to ignore the burning gaze of the electric eye camera
The greenhouse effect and toxic waste are not the diseases; they are the symptoms
What the hell? Maybe it’s for greenhouse equipment or… No
Catalyst greenhouse into bite the ozone
And so the greenhouse effect is quite remarkable here
Tommy had a small greenhouse and shed next to the back door
Now the barn was a tropical greenhouse, with a small frog pond
Her husband gave me the last tomatoes he had from the greenhouse
‘A little bit on each plant in that greenhouse over there
He continues with the seeds and I open the greenhouse
It is 2121 when greenhouse effect becomes worse
In 2006, the National Science Foundation gave the Reserve $65,000 for the building of a greenhouse in the UC reserve system
“The roses are from a greenhouse, that has been well attended in one of the free zones
The first night that the group visited that greenhouse of illusions the splen-did and taciturn old woman who guarded the entrance in a wicker rocking chair felt that time was turning back to its earliest origins when among the five who were arriving she saw a bony, jaundiced man with Tartar cheekbones, marked forever and from the begin-ning of the world with the pox of solitude
Unless you’re a farmer, most people grow vegetables in a greenhouse
“OK, then let’s build a greenhouse
“Is she mad at me because I don’t know how to build a bloody greenhouse?”
A greenhouse or two can be added, thus extending the season
Now it has a greenhouse, shed and pond, with 160 edible perennials, some I’m sure you probably never heard of
Let’s go for this low tech cut in greenhouse gasses and help the many
The results are reflected in the impact of these various processes on greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants
by considering greenhouse gas
For example, nuclear or hydropower energy projects may be opposed within a given country, while on a global scale they lessen emissions of carbon dioxide—the principal greenhouse gas
The aim will be to engage all sections of the economy and society in efforts towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency will have a role to play here in many spheres
It has undertaken a review of the status and prospects of renewables, including an examination of what would be necessary and practicable to achieve 10 per cent of UK electricity requirements from renewables by 2010 and what contribution renewables could make to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Renewable sources of energy produce significantly lower levels of environmental pollutants than conventional sources of energy; in particular, they generally emit no greenhouse gases or are neutral over their life-cycle in greenhouse gas terms (for instance, energy crops produce carbon dioxide when they are burnt, but the new crop growth absorbs an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making the process as a whole neutral in carbon terms)
This makes us more hutechnic than organic, as the pharmer's market kale leaves, we hemp–sack and cycle ride home, have been nano-designed to more effectively catch greenhouse mist
back to the heavens to change this world into a greenhouse
The top level of the penthouse took up the entire skyscraper’s rooftop, and contained a courtyard garden of potted plants, trees, flowers, and shrubs with a little greenhouse in the middle of it
"The second I saw you in the greenhouse, I knew I was in trouble, but I didn't know how much trouble I was in quite then
"And this," he said, leading the way to a greenhouse, "is where we cool off our primulas
And leading her out of the greenhouse he forgot to whistle for the dogs, forgot even to shut the door on his precious primulas, and started off with her across the park and through the fields, towards those distant woods behind which the sun would presently be setting
We strolled on the main path under the weak winter's sun, underneath bare tree branches until we came to the greenhouse entrance
resources consumed - and therefore more greenhouse