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    1. Check her out on that gymnastics horse over there," he pointed and watched Jaseem swallow hard

    2. Other than the gymnastics, the courses she did well in were courses Ava would do well in

    3. Gymnastics was both a required activity and also the center of an orbit of students who were highly proficient in the more strenuous disciplines of artistic and acrobatic gymnastics

    4. Sport has always been apart of the Malvern experience, yet it was not Harry's intention to let gymnastics become his be all and end all; in fact it was for him more of an outlet for continuing his own regimen of flexibility and creative response

    5. Chi girl had a complete package with her incorporation of gymnastics into her routine and that hip hop dancing she did

    6. She was all excited about meeting us at McCollum Park on Saturday and said she would be there, right after her gymnastics meet

    7. She had told me that she was going to be late because of her gymnastics event but in fact she had beaten Dan and me there

    8. When Brock had finished his breakin’ routine, Chi Girl jumped into the cypher with flips and aerial cartwheels with some twists, turns, and other shiznit that was a combo of breakin’ and gymnastics moves in one that drew cheers from our crew members

    9. Chi Girl began stretching out on the floor, probably the way she had always stretched out during her gymnastics class with her legs spread all wide and everything

    10. However, we weren’t at a gymnastics meet, we were surrounded by a bunch of perverts

    11. Which is a big deal in the gymnastics world, you know

    12. The final act of Sebastian‘s concert had been a gymnastics display

    13. that the patient should avoid certain sports and activities that put a lot of stress on the back, such as lifting heavy weights, gymnastics, football, and some gardening activities

    14. Mum thought it was beautiful and wanted it on the bookshelf beside my gymnastics trophy, but Dad, after a grudging admission that it was ‘a bit of all right,’ gave me an odd look and mumbled so Mum wouldn’t hear, ‘You won’t want to be telling anyone else about this, I reckon

    15. I told her how I had a sister who I excelled in gymnastics with, and somehow she

    16. Faye Anne had finished her run and was doing stretching exercises on the gymnastics mats

    17. She quickly progressed to coaching the wrestling team and assisted with the gymnastics team

    18. Although she did not know gymnastics, she did know conditioning and the proper ways to exercise

    19. When I appeared for selection for the school gymnastics team, the

    20. Every day at home she diligently performed the entire complex of curative gymnastics recommended by the chiropractor

    21. “I want to draw your particular attention to the fact that the ancient masters of the Tai Qi Quan gymnastics insistently demanded from their disciples ‘purification, stillness, absence of wrong actions, preservation of purity of heart, restraint in their desires

    22. There were strikes, techniques from different styles, health-improving gymnastics, which were demonstrated by his narrations from the various points of view: medical, strategic, and philosophical

    23. This “mental gymnastics” move on and beyond to become “instrumentally rich in the light that change live”

    24. They are Universes, vast conglomerations of swirling galaxies, not gymnastics bars

    25. I was actually amazed by how flexible I still was and how easily I learned to kick and punch—Janet and Desmond had put me through gymnastics and martial arts lessons as a child, but that had been so long ago

    26. His prints were everywhere,” Derrick finally concluded after finishing his mental gymnastics

    27. Perhaps my rape minus the revenge was the perfect excuse for compassion and for a spot of tantric gymnastics

    28. There are no efforts, no spiritual or religious gymnastics to perform - only the pilgrimage from the mind to the heart

    29. What or who is the greatest love of your life? Soccer, hockey, dance, gymnastics, singing, acting, everything that makes my life interesting

    30. How often does one win Regional mile? Coach told the officials the German boy should go into gymnastics — his flip was a perfect ten

    31. Static gymnastics worked out by A

    32. The warming-up, joints gymnastics

    33. She likewise set up housekeeping in the sideboard, and managed a microscopic cooking stove with a skill that brought tears of pride to Hannah's eyes, while Demi learned his letters with his grandfather, who invented a new mode of teaching the alphabet by forming letters with his arms and legs, thus uniting gymnastics for head and heels

    34. He treats first of music or literature, which he divides into true and false, and then goes on to gymnastics; of infancy in the Republic he takes no notice, though in the Laws he gives sage counsels about the nursing of children and the management of the mothers, and would have an education which is even prior to birth

    35. You know, I said, that we begin by telling children stories which, though not wholly destitute of truth, are in the main fictitious; and these stories are told them when they are not of an age to learn gymnastics

    36. In childhood and youth their study, and what philosophy they learn, should be suited to their tender years: during this period while they are growing up towards manhood, the chief and special care should be given to their bodies that they may have them to use in the service of philosophy; as life advances and the intellect begins to mature, let them increase the gymnastics of the soul; but when the strength of our citizens fails and is past civil and military duties, then let them range at will and engage in no serious labour, as we intend them to live happily here, and to crown this life with a similar happiness in another

    37. Such gifts as keenness and ready powers of acquisition; for the mind more often faints from the severity of study than from the severity of gymnastics: the toil is more entirely the mind's own, and is not shared with the body

    38. At the age when the necessary gymnastics are over: the period whether of two or three years which passes in this sort of training is useless for any other purpose; for sleep and exercise are unpropitious to learning; and the trial of who is first in gymnastic exercises is one of the most important tests to which our youth are subjected

    39. In the honour given to rulers, in the abstinence of the warrior class from agriculture, handicrafts, and trade in general, in the institution of common meals, and in the attention paid to gymnastics and military training--in all these respects this State will resemble the former

    40. Yes, I said, he lives from day to day indulging the appetite of the hour; and sometimes he is lapped in drink and strains of the flute; then he becomes a water-drinker, and tries to get thin; then he takes a turn at gymnastics; sometimes idling and neglecting everything, then once more living the life of a philosopher; often he is busy with politics, and starts to his feet and says and does whatever comes into his head; and, if he is emulous of any one who is a warrior, off he is in that direction, or of men of business, once more in that

    41. That took some mental gymnastics to work out

    42. In short, from that day forth it seemed only by a great effort as of gymnastics, and only under the immediate stimulation of the drug, that I was able to wear the countenance of Jekyll

    43. By gymnastics and careful attention to his health he had brought himself to such a point that in spite of his excess in pleasure he looked as fresh as a big glossy green Dutch cucumber

    44. ‘Why, have you been going in for gymnastics again?’ he asked Levin, pinching his muscle

    45. Probably the sight of those nervous fingers, of the muscles he had proved that morning at gymnastics, of the

    46. Live folks doing gymnastics in midnight graveyards is called foreplay

    47. Some performance attribution gymnastics are needed to understand why

    48. However, by this time, Natasha Lytess had Marilyn reading her lines with exaggerated facial gymnastics, enunciating every syllable like a robot—and while no one liked it, no one could change it, either, not even Preminger

    49. The friend of his childhood, a man of the same set, of the same coterie, his comrade in the Corps of Pages, Serpuhovskoy, who had left school with him and had been his rival in class, in gymnastics, in their scrapes and their dreams of glory, had come back a few days before from Central Asia, where he had gained two steps up in rank, and an order rarely bestowed upon generals so young

    50. He found him, as usual, alone, and at the moment practising gymnastics, that is, standing with his legs apart, brandishing his arms above his head in a peculiar way

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    gymnastic exercise gymnastics aerobics tumbling working out