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    gyroscope Beispielsätze


    1. The map room had also served as a war room for convenience and when she, as captain, waved a hand over the gyroscope, it whirred and buzzed and cannon doors suddenly appeared along the sides of the great ship

    2. operational functioning of the gyroscope ands then as a result why the gyroscope works

    3. This is how the gyroscope works and how the ballistic bullet and the curb ball works

    4. This is following the principle on which the gyroscope functions and the gyroscope is how gravity forms

    5. When the ball spins and this spin is synchronised with the lines singularity holds as the next point to fill the ball will curve along the same dots as that which drives the gyroscope and which determines what dots must be filled in the next instant forming time that forms space

    6. My knees felt stiff and creaky from all the hiking, my hips strangely inflexible, but just as I was about to leave, the man from Michigan, whom I’d met earlier in the day, was suddenly upon me, seemingly dancing with me, spinning in and out of my orbit like a hippy gyroscope, drawing an imaginary box in the air with his fingers while nodding at me, as if I knew what the hell that meant, and so it seemed rude to leave

    7. On 21 December 2012, the USGS announced Landsat 5 was to be decommissioned after the failure of a gyroscope

    8. Once I got in, I was high on Notre Dame every night laughing at the peasants, diminishing the giant runts who had hurt my pals and killed the gyroscope that always spun in my chest

    9. But now the gyroscope whirred again, lopsided crazy, off its pivot

    10. He had been counting on Leo Auffmann to keep things in order, keep everybody smiling, keep the small gyroscope he often felt inside himself tilting toward the sun every time the earth tilted toward outer space and darkness

    11. The sight of green plant life whirled his mind like a gyroscope, seeking balance in a world where lack of time for explanations made a mind seek and interpret on its own

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    Synonyme für "gyroscope"

    gyro gyroscope