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    1. the whaler fetches up under the wall of gray

    2. a puff on his inhaler, took a long gulp of his life restoring tea and

    3. retrieved his inhaler, and squirted a long spray of mist into his mouth

    4. This was not his first time aboard a whaler, but it was the first time that he was aboard for the long haul as a member of a crew, and this would

    5. That was what the whalers went after, and that was what made

    6. had never been to sea on a whaler before

    7. Experienced whalers can tell different whale species by the size and shape of their spout

    8. Now it was time to convert the whale’s blubber into useable oil, the process whalers called trying out

    9. supplying products and services to the whalers and also for

    10. buying whale products from the whalers

    11. whaler ships to retail stores and entertainment

    12. only two other whalers, the Richmond and the Cornelia Swift, both Yankee whalers

    13. Jones had numerous gams with other whalers

    14. On February 20, the Milo came in contact and gammed with the New Bedford whaler Charles W

    15. Gamming was truly a social function carried on by whalers

    16. than not, the whalers knew each other and in many cases were

    17. Among the many whalers that

    18. Milo was not alone as there were hundreds of whalers heading south for the winter at this time

    19. the Yankee whalers on their trek from the Arctic to the south in the late fall

    20. Islands, the Milo gammed with a whaler out of New Bedford, the ship Wollastan, for a social visit and exchange of news

    21. was to destroy the American whalers and cause a significant

    22. Consequently, he pressed onward to do just that to the best of his ability, to the detriment of those Yankee whalers who would

    23. whalers were known to have more provisions on board than

    24. “From a Yankee whaler not far from here,” responded one of the

    25. year that the whalers vacated the northern Pacific and headed

    26. other whalers to be destroyed by the ice

    27. A French whaler had left them on the island some time before while the whaler visited the island of Amsterdam to

    28. The life of a whaler was not all that bad

    29. visited by whalers from all countries to procure provisions and to exchange goods with the natives

    30. however, that these islands had not seen any whalers for the past few months at all, and that a warning had been provided to all

    31. whalers about the presence of the Shenandoah in these parts

    32. He was certain that the alarm had been given to the whalers to avoid the southern Pacific, as there was no evidence that any whalers

    33. had thwarted his mission to destroy the Yankee whalers in the

    34. Shenandoah, and that all Yankee whalers had left this part of the Pacific

    35. American, but also learned that American whalers may be in port

    36. sought shelter in the bushes and the American whalers hauled

    37. the many whalers who had visited the islands over the past few

    38. whalers and conversations with whalers themselves

    39. charts used by whalers in the Pacific Islands, the Okhotsk and

    40. across the country, not to mention the American whalers in the

    41. Honolulu, the Pftel, and the whalers on Ponape Island, who were out of touch with the current war news also

    42. and the American whalers in the North Pacific

    43. This was exactly what Waddell expected, an American whaler! Immediately, the

    44. He was experienced as a whaler and knew his way

    45. By June 13, the Milo had sailed north and west toward the Siberian coast and was joined by a fleet of whalers from

    46. Consequently, the American whalers were not concerned, or

    47. There were literally hundreds whalers in these waters ready for

    48. The whalers did not chase the humpback

    49. There were several varieties of seal, which were occasionally hunted by whalers when there was a scarcity

    50. This was also true for foxes and bears that lived on the islands and whalers went after them when they had nothing better to do

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