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    half-pint Beispielsätze


    1. Would you sit and have a half-pint with me?”

    2. fresh start? See this?’ He held up a half-pint of lager

    3. “Here’s to you and Half-Pint!”

    4. “The committee has decided” he proclaimed, obliging the now beaming Sean to accept the funnel to his lips, “that your forfeit is a quad-vod, to be washed down with a half-pint of the vilest concoction of sangria and punch ever mixed at this fine hotel

    5. “Where you going, Half-Pint?” he asked, taking her wrists in his hands

    6. ” In his imagination, he wrote that he wanted to say Are you one of those arrogant bastards who looks down his nose at the military? Is that it, you half-pint son of bitch? “But I was so full of rage, I doubted I could keep myself under control

    7. At frequent intervals the bar was entered by fresh customers, most of them working men on their way home, who ordered and drank their pint or half-pint of ale or porter and left at once

    8. Everyone asked for `the same again,' but the landlord served Easton, Bundy and the Besotted Wretch with pints instead of half-pints as before, so there was no change out of the shilling

    9. The Semi-drunk, though beaten, was not disgraced: and he was so affected by the good feeling manifested by the company that he presently produced a sixpence and insisted on paying for another half-pint all round

    10. `I feel a bit easier now,' he remarked with a laugh as he took the half-pint glass that the Semi-drunk passed to him with a shaking hand

    11. Fogarty brought a gift with him, a half-pint of special whisky

    12. With the chocolate, Louie found several half-pint tins of water, a brass mirror, a flare gun, sea dye, a set of fishhooks, a spool of fishing line, and two air pumps in canvas cases

    13. A few half-pints wouldn’t last them long

    14. First he poured whiskey from the big bottle into a half-pint bottle, which he stuck in his trouser pocket

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