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    hanging down Beispielsätze

    hanging down

    1. He was wearing a wife-beater vest with Flash Harry pin-stripe pants and city trader suspenders hanging down from his waist

    2. The back of his polo shirt is hanging down over his jeans, and his left knee shows through a jagged tear in the denim

    3. “I can’t see anything with that shirt hanging down over your cock that way

    4. It is at eye level and has a small chain hanging down from its door

    5. her arm, with its legs hanging down, but generally, just as she had got its

    6. Johnny had to cut them down when the knees and the bottom of the legs wore out and he had his old campaign hat on with a hanky hanging down from the back to protect his neck from the sun

    7. We could see their rifles hanging down from the rear of their saddles encased in holsters and their scabbard sabres hanging down the front near their knees waiting to be drawn when they charged

    8. They held their blades relaxed in their right hands hanging down pointed to the ground

    9. The scribes wore heavy silver chains with silver crosses almost the size of a hand hanging down their chests

    10. Her long red hair flowed freely, hanging down her back and curling at the ends to frame her shoulders and waist

    11. Chuckling to himself, he manoeuvred the craft against the large tyres hanging down from the quayside, tying it off to a bollard with a painter

    12. Like his wings his head too was hanging down

    13. Her head was hanging down, her ears swaying like two wet rags

    14. The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo: she succeeded in getting its body tucked away, comfortably enough, under her arm, with its legs hanging down, but generally, just as she had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the hedgehog a blow with its head, it would twist itself round and look up in her face, with such a puzzled expression that she could not help bursting out laughing: and when she had got its head down, and was going to begin again, it was very provoking to find that the hedgehog had unrolled itself, and was in the act of crawling away: besides all this, there was generally a ridge or furrow in the way wherever she wanted to send the hedgehog to, and, as the doubled-up soldiers were always getting up and walking off to other parts of the ground, Alice soon came to the conclusion that it was a very difficult game indeed

    15. With his jaws hanging down around his pants, Andre slowly sank down into his chair, unable to tear his eyes from the lady

    16. screen television hanging on the wall, with wires hanging down connecting all of

    17. Sitting in a corner of a bookshelf, with its legs hanging down, was a doll that looked just like Noah

    18. What I’m sure was the cuff of Shamansky’s white shirt dangling out of his hand, appeared on camera to be Jennifer’s panties hanging down near the top of her knees

    19. Everyone sat on the edge of the overturned bus with their legs hanging down, and waited for something to happen

    20. hook caught a circle of rope that had been hanging down

    21. end of the tread hanging down from the basin

    22. Her hands, extended into long crystalline claws, like stilettos hanging down from her hand, they raised and pointed towards the distant group

    23. ” This was always said with her head hanging down, so that no one could see the tears, which always came so close to falling down her cheeks

    24. At the moment, Joey Sadowski was fast asleep in his seat with his head hanging down; which would rock with each occasional turn of the Thwopter

    25. More than a few around the parade square were left with their jaws hanging down, while others, notably the women present, cheered her on as she bowed to salute the crowd at the end of her demonstration

    26. Before Shimori could say something more, Nancy stepped forward without any hesitation and, grabbing with two hands the rappelling rope hanging down outside of the forward starboard side door, slid down the ten meters to the ground, with a paratrooper imitating her at the port side door and rope

    27. Around 45 minutes later, Diane D and Dana enter a hospital lobby both dressed in identical black corduroy jackets, black matching pants and holding white helmets with black designs in each of their hands with their long black hair in a half-braid and half-ponytails hanging down their backs as they follow a black, male security guard

    28. He took a rest, still focused at the part of the belt hanging down off the chair

    29. " He said, his head hanging down, brow furrowed with anxiety

    30. “What kind of house?” I asked, and no sooner had I said that than the other one started to slowly lift off the ground and with no apparent effort turn completely upside down, so that his feet were sticking up in the air and his arms hanging down, at which time his fingers started to grow downwards like long, thin shiny roots that burrowed into the earth until the roots were so many and so glittery and widespread it seemed as if they were branches and he were a tree growing downwards into the earth

    31. I remember seeing hornets over in Fiji, with blimmin' great legs hanging down off them

    32. The heavy tapestry curtain were hanging down the windows, they had a beautiful view, the grand stair case and there was music that filled the room

    33. Harald squinted into the setting sun and saw a cluster of red and white ropes hanging down from the top of the pole

    34. was barely attached to the inside area near my nose, and hanging down on

    35. head hanging down, in the quiet of that moment, I heard a sound and realized

    36. There were some other strands of hair hanging down in a couple places

    37. ear tags hanging down and tried to tug them free only to cause pain

    38. He would jump around and play with them, his tongue hanging down, matching the mongrel bunch’s every action

    39. Herr Dremmel knelt down so as to be on a level with it, and took the limp damp hand hanging down in his and patted it

    40. So easily could she be stirred to courage and enthusiasm that she was able to forget most of her fears and discomforts in the new business of training her mind to triumph over her body, and she got through a surprising quantity of mixed reading that winter and spring; and when at last in the following May her hour had come, she marched off almost recklessly with her two plaits already hanging down her back and her head held high and her eyes wide and shining to the fatal bedroom where Death she supposed, but refused to care, sat waiting to see if he could not get her this time, so filled was she with the spirit she had been cultivating for six months of proud determination not to be beaten

    41. Frau Dremmel, leaning on her window-sill to watch her charges safely round the corner, and lingering a moment in the mellow summer air, explained her daughter-in-law, who went by without a glance, walking conspicuously in the middle of the road, with no parcel in her hand to legitimise her being out and not so much as an umbrella to give her a countenance, just with empty ungloved hands hanging down, and a scandalous scarcity of hairpins, and her clothes all twisted, in the same brief manner, _Engländerin_

    42. Above himself he saw the leg sticking out from the boot, and above the leg the wide coat was hanging down, and yet much higher up, sticking out of the collar of the coat was The Boy’s head whose face looked as worn and expressionless as the face of a water- logged corpse

    43. Now the metal strand formed a loop around the block but with some six inches of sag beneath it, hanging down between the wooden blocks

    44. hanging down around their thighs--they need the wide

    45. It was hanging down in front of her, resting on Lavina’s bronze feathers

    46. Their big heads are hanging down, and they are grazing on the thin grass

    47. Jeff dropped to his knees in the dust, his head hanging down

    48. Krista’s head was hanging down and her countenance was downcast as she responded softly, “I’m sorry Sebastian! I didn’t mean to cause a scene and lose control like that

    49. “I’m not sure, but I think there’s an electrical connection of some kind between the pedestal and that node wire hanging down from the ceiling

    50. As she is about to go up the stairs, Dana who is now wearing a white turtleneck shirt with sleeves rolled up to her elbows, stone-washed blue jeans, a pair of black sneakers and a long thick braid hanging down her back, suddenly bursts down the staircase pass her, almost knocking Gracy down! Dana's family continues to storm right behind her as they pull on to her, but she violently jerks away from them! Gracy seeing all of this starts to shout, "DANA! WHAT'S GOING ON?"

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