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    hanker after Beispielsätze

    hanker after

    1. The grub is not bad, but I hanker after

    2. Alas but surely he should have known that I do not hanker after

    3. of divinity, hanker after a view of his “four-armed” form

    4. Just as he who for the first time goes abroad would give up Rome if he might stop at Calais, so did Ingeborg hanker after detailed exploration of new places she was inexorably whisked away from

    5. “There are men,” my mother said, “who hanker after the carnal embrace of a beast

    6. "for our horse is the most virtuous and well-behaved horse in the world; he never does anything wrong on such occasions, and the only time he misbehaved, my master and I suffered for it sevenfold; I say again your worship may pull up if you like; for if she was offered to him between two plates the horse would not hanker after her

    7. That suits your book, eh? Fleshhotpots of Egypt to hanker after

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