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    hard of hearing Beispielsätze

    hard of hearing

    1. (In at least one case the inmate had a history of mental illness and another was an elderly man hard of hearing

    2. Jules cleared his throat and said in a very loud and clear fashion, as if talking to someone hard of hearing:

    3. I pretended to be hard of hearing when Charlotte gave me her name and insisted, with a straight face, on calling her “Chocolate

    4. Chiron seemed to turn hard of hearing again

    5. hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see

    6. This blasted child is so hard of hearing! Halirit thought

    7. (8255); This Site Has an Option for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (U

    8. When they start to talk to you, pretend you’re hard of hearing

    9. “You must be are hard of hearing! I said step out the car!”

    10. “You must be hard of hearing!” the female officer shouts

    11. Just in case there were any hard of hearing, he activated his communicator pin via his implant and had his remaining words pumped through the intercom system

    12. Faint memories of that dead _once upon a time_ came drifting back to him--rather fragrant, like the scent of roses to nostrils that have long been dry, and rather sweet, like the sound of music to ears growing hard of hearing

    13. “I think you’re a bit hard of hearing

    14. As if it was hard of hearing

    15. He wouldn"t admit he was hard of hearing

    16. That's when I saw a suspicious character dressed all in black! They were wearing a long black jacket, a black hat all the way down to their eyes, almost covering their eyes, a black scarf covering the bottom of their face and mouth, dark sunglasses, a pair of black gloves, black pants and thick black shoes! They were knocking on the glass door! I almost came near the door! I was trying to find out what that person wanted! The person told me in a very low voice that they had to hurry and get into the building to see and visit a very sick elderly relative that lives in the building! The person told me that they didn't have a key to get into the building, so they asked me could I open the door and let them inside the building! Then I asked the person, well why don't they just call their sick elderly relative on the intercom! The person told me that their sick elderly relative was very hard of hearing, and that their sick elderly relative won't be able to hear the intercom! The person told me that every time they call their sick elderly relative on the intercom, their sick elderly relative never answers it! The person told me that they usually have to wait for someone else to come by and let them inside the building, that's how they usually get in! So the person asked me again, could I open the door and let them in! I hesitated! I didn't know what to do! I just stood there frozen! Then the person just looked right at me through the glass door and through those dark sunglasses! They didn't say anything else, they just kept staring right at me, like they were desperately waiting for me to open the door! I became more scared! That's when I decided to turn the other way and run! I ran all the way near the end of the building! That's when I saw Rolen Green coming out of the boiler room! I ran up to him! He asked me what's wrong! That's when I told him that there was a suspicious character standing right outside the front entrance of the building, trying to get inside! So Rolen walked to the lobby! I followed him! When we reached the lobby and looked towards the front entrance, the person was gone! We decided to call the police! After a while, the police arrived! They came to investigate! They looked all around the area, inside and outside the building, but couldn't find anybody!"

    17. "Now, you said that this suspicious character actually spoke to you through the glass door! You said that the person told you that they had to hurry and get into the building to see and visit a very sick elderly relative that lives in the building! You said that the person told you that they didn't have a key to get into the building, so they asked you to open the door and let them inside the building! You also said that the person told you that their sick elderly relative was hard of hearing and that their sick elderly relative won't be able to hear the intercom! So the person asked you again could you open the door and let them inside the building! That means that you actually heard the person's voice, right?"

    18. But the black beetles took no notice of the agitation, and groped about the hearth in a ponderous elderly way, as if they were short-sighted and hard of hearing, and not on terms with one another

    19. However, having an infirmity—for I am hard of hearing, sir—"

    20. Bloom signed to Pat, bald Pat is a waiter hard of hearing, to set ajar the door of the bar

    21. “Are you hard of hearing?” he asked

    22. 6 million in grants to two schools for the deaf, because he’d been hard of hearing since the 1940s

    23. who really was a little hard of hearing

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