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    heartening Beispielsätze


    1. He telephoned Carl, had a heartening conversation with the well spoken and charming young man and reassured him that he would be able to visit on Saturday week for morning prayers and after that, a very important tradition in the Jewish religion, for a very special young woman

    2. Adrinius came to me, but not portentously, looking at me for the first time ever, I mean really looking at me, his expression almost heartening, but not quite

    3. individual, but to others it wil be heartening

    4. 1 That evening Andrew took it upon himself to hold a personal and searching conference with each of his brethren, and he had profitable and heartening talks with all of his associates except Judas Iscariot

    5. I am sure you had no effect, but it was heartening to make up the stories and speak of the big white bird coming to devour our trout

    6. was a heartening sign to him

    7. This commitment to Germany First was heartening to Churchill, but the enthusiasm to fight the Germans immediately was unrealistic

    8. He heard a heartening voice calling out behind him: “Go! We’re covering you!”

    9. (He swoops uncertainly through the air, wheeling, uttering cries of heartening, on strong ponderous buzzard wings) Ho, boy! Are you going to win? Hoop! Pschatt! Stable with those halfcastes

    10. He shook himself and combed the dry leaves out of his hair with his fingers; and, his toilet complete, marched forth into the comfortable morning sun, cold but confident, hungry but hopeful, all nervous terrors of yesterday dispelled by rest and sleep and frank and heartening sunshine

    11. She rose hastily, without her usual The stillness that greeted her seemed even more sinister this morning than on any of preliminary burrowings and stretchings, and went to the window, hoping to see some neighbor’s face, some heartening sight

    12. That is heartening

    13. However, it is heartening to note that in spite of the fact that Japan underperformed the EAFE as a whole by more than 5% annually over the past 15 years, there is not one diversified international fund with a higher return over the same period, because of the expense advantage

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    heartening inspiriting