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heathenism Beispielsätze
1. The feelings with which we regard sin, heathenism, and irreligion are a subject of vast importance in the present day
2. It is a sorrowful fact, that there is around us in the present day a generation of men who regard heathenism, infidelity, and irreligion with apathy, coolness, and indifference? They care nothing for Christian missions either at home or abroad
3. In the days of the Apostle, when a man or woman left Judaism or heathenism, and received Christ as a Saviour, he declared himself a Christian by certain acts
4. Daniel lived in Babylon, and served God faithfully in the midst of idolatry and heathenism
5. Look where we will, we see confusion, quarrels, wars between nations, helplessness of statesmen, discontent and grumbling of the lower classes, excessive luxury among the rich, extreme poverty among the poor, intemperance, impurity, dishonesty, swindling, lying, cheating, covetousness, heathenism, superstition, formality among Christians, decay of vital religion,�these are the things which we see continually over the whole globe, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America
6. Rome, the metropolis of heathenism, or Corinth priding itself on the
7. world, Paul in writing to Rome, the metropolis of heathenism, or Corinth priding itself on the
8. writing to Rome, the metropolis of heathenism, or Corinth priding itself on the Grecian tongue,
9. Our Lord in addressing Himself to the Jewish people, Luke in writing a Gospel for the Gentile world, Paul in writing to Rome, the metropolis of heathenism, or Corinth priding itself on the Grecian tongue, James, Peter, and Jude writing to Christians wherever scattered over the earth, all alike use this word as universally understood
10. " Wallace said, "One of these passages cannot be considered more or less literal than the other-both were figurative expressions which signified the utter end of the persecuting authorities of heathenism against Christianity
11. Lecky, demand of us,—do you not know that the belief in evil spirits has been one of the commonest, one of the most vulgar and malignant, types of the superstition which has darkened earth and sky, and degraded human life in every climate where it takes possession of the soul? Do you not know that heathenism has always dwelt largely on this gloomy dogma; that it forms half the so-called religions of India, Japan, and China; and has lain at the root of all the worst corruptions of Christianity during the last eighteen centuries? Do you not know that it has been the custom of every ignorant age to attribute to malign spiritual agency, to evil genii, half the phenomena of nature, and half the events in Providence; and that the progress of science has been a hard fought battle with this old enemy of knowledge and truth, which has been dislodged from its position only after ages of inquiry, of observation, and careful study of nature and man? Do you not know that the unreformed tendency of humanity is always to believe in evil more than in good, even in a God who is no better than a devil, and to attribute to the Supreme Eternal Power thoughts and passions which are absolutely contrary to the laws of justice and truth?
12. ’ They write nobly on the evidence of the Gospel, on the folly of heathenism, on the perverseness of the Jews, on the splendour of a holy life, on the certainty of the resurrection, on the authority of Scripture;—but the churches which they represented had nearly forgotten the one striking speciality of the teaching of the Incarnate Word, on the source and condition of immortal life for man; and the eclipse of that light darkened half the theological firmament
13. We find clear traces of the truth in the epistles of Ignatius, in the Trypho of Justin Martyr, in the books of Irenaeus concerning Heresies, in the treatise of Arnobius against Heathenism, as will be seen in a later page; but the set of the current of thought all over Christendom was very early towards the psychology which in after-times became universal
14. It is thus that so many reach God from amidst the Unfruitful wastes of heathenism, of Mohammedanism, and of European superstition
15. The action of infernal spirits has established all-various foul delusions over the largest portions of the earth, and during the longest spaces of history; so that the question recurs, notwithstanding consolatory reflections of the order above set forth, What will be the doom of those countless millions who have lived under the shades of depraving heathenism, lived in the sin which was the essential element of such heathenism, popular and philosophical, and apparently died in the evil condition which it entails;—those countless millions, of whom not the broadest charity can affect to suppose that they were generally aught else than workers of unrighteousness? Are we compelled to believe, by the New Testament revelation, that all of these, without any further opportunity of knowledge or repentance, will be consigned to irrevocable destruction, and 'perish without law’?
16. If the countless millions who had died in heathenism were all to be condemned to the death eternal, it could not be said that God had 'overlooked’ or passed by their ignorance
17. Paul wrote two letters to the Corinthians, recently converted from heathenism, who can imagine, except one who has a theory to obey, that these compositions were set forth in words which were employed in senses previously unknown to the readers at Corinth, Philippi, Athens, or Thessalonica? Granting that there would be some tincture of foreign idioms in the combination of their phrases, and admitting that there would be some new Hebraic phrases introduced from the usage of Greek-speaking Jews of Palestine or Alexandria, still it is evident that their ordinary expressions were, from the very tact that they were used by the apostles, judged by them to be intelligible Greek, so that none of the idioms were beyond the comprehension of an honest, religious, Greek-speaking man
18. She 'showed her treasures to the ambassadors from Babylon,’ and learned their speech; she 'went down to Egypt for help,’ and 'leaned not on the Lord of Hosts;’ she 'trafficked with Javan,’ and 'committed fornication with Tyre and Sidon;’ she received her doctrine from the ascetic heathenism of the Athenian and Alexandrian philosophies, rather than from the 'unlearned’ but inspired apostles of the Incarnate Word
19. The larger part of the work is expended in setting forth the general social effects of Christianity in the hast, and in presenting a vigorous picture of the results to be expected in the future from the gradual undermining of heathenism
20. It is felt that jesuitism among Protestants is just as demoralizing as among Romanists; that what is needed in missionary work above all things, is, not concealment of opinion, not weak compliance with articles insisted on by the multitude, but earnest enlightened faith; a faith which believes, and therefore speaks; a faith which can blow beneath the walls of Jericho a 'dolorous and jarring blast,’ before which the defenses of heathenism might crumble to the ground
21. Carey, that the former inhabitants of that populous country who have been atheists or idolaters (that is, a very large proportion of the population of the globe during many ages), and who have died in an unregenerate condition, have gone, notwithstanding their ignorance, to endless misery, in some of its many degrees,—it is now comprehended that such a 'gospel’ strikes the educated men in China precisely as a similar message would strike the learned men of our Universities, if brought to England after ages of heathenism by a handful of Chinese missionaries, landing in the ports of London and Liverpool
22. In the same way the similarity between the ancient heathen life and the life of to-day is merely external: the inward condition of men in the times of heathenism was absolutely different from their inward condition at the present time
23. It needs an experience in heathenism, to enable one to reach the heathen in the most efficient way
24. Had I expected to see such heathenism I am sure I would not have gone to the meeting
25. He is a follower of Christ, and a friend to his fellow-men, but he has listened to those who were neither of these, or he would never have said that “not one in a thousand have even nominally professed a change from heathenism, and of this small number nearly one-half had been taught in missionary schools in China
26. ” The known and counted results are more than five times as large as the “missionary,” (?) whom he quotes, represents, and of them, I venture to say, that not one in a hundred ever entered the door of a mission-school in China; while their conversion has not been merely nominal and negative, “from heathenism,” but real and positive, to a faithful, prayerful, earnest Christian life
27. We must recollect that centuries of civilization and Christian influences are behind Europeans and Americans, while the native African, converted and trained in his own land, has behind him only the few years of his own life separating him from the densest degradation of heathenism; the African born and converted in the West Indies has been a freedman only since 1840; and the American Negro was perhaps himself a slave, and his race had the shackles struck from their bodies only in 1863, while the fetters of ignorance and vice still manacle the minds and hearts of the mass
28. Where heathenism held its revels, now the church-bell calls the red man to prayer, and the war-whoop is being exchanged for songs of Christian praise
29. For the Chinese heathenism of California remains to-day, so far as we can see, substantially a solid mass, without any fissure, though not without a scar