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    heavenly Beispielsätze


    1. Heavenly Father, I come to You, confessing that I am a

    2. "You know about an incoming starship, and not the Heavenly Mother?"

    3. "It can't be the Heavenly Mother you're worried about," she told him, "I'm sure they're no threat to us, they're crippled

    4. "To save it from the Heavenly Mother?" she asked

    5. " She knew her sister was deeply involved with the Heavenly Mother, she wondered if it was politically possible to have a conversation with her about any hostile intentions on their part

    6. She never got to ask her sister about her feel for any possible hostile intentions by the Heavenly Mother

    7. She's so caught up in getting the Heavenly Mother in that she doesn't like to be interrupted

    8. But the good news is, even though the Heavenly Mother is coming thru at almost exactly the same time, we have a solution that allows them to miss the asteroid and the planet and the debris that will be knocked up by the impact

    9. strengthened by His power we reflect the intentions of the Heavenly Fa-

    10. like a seed! Feed me with your Heavenly bread, my lord, so that i could

    11. …And then not only the heavenly anaesthesia will do its work in you,

    12. The Heavenly Mother is on its way in, but it's badly damaged

    13. "The Heavenly Mother, they left a generation before all-out war, in 2348

    14. The Heavenly Mother is coming in too hot to make a direct stop here

    15. What seemed more important were the affairs of this outpost, especially knowing there was likely to be no more contact after the Heavenly Mother, if they could even get them in

    16. "It's good to be back, so what's the Heavenly Mother?"

    17. And our Heavenly Father rejoices at our achievements of faith

    18. At least the Heavenly Mother had an intact shuttle with them

    19. the Heavenly Father as co-heirs with Jesus Christ, raised up in faith and

    20. dren and all the other promises that the Heavenly Father has prepared

    21. seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,

    22. She tried to help Ava with the environment she was getting ready for the Heavenly Mother

    23. There was no reason not to have a good fraction of Gordon's Lamp's crew restored by the time they finally got the Heavenly Mother in

    24. Ava spent most of her time concentrating on the Heavenly Mother

    25. Glenelle didn't follow what she was doing for the Heavenly Mother too carefully, it had a lot to do with partitioning simulation space and it took up a lot of crystal

    26. It also seemed the Heavenly Mother was in danger of further damage as it passed thru 61 Cygni's environment

    27. Then Heavenly Mother would be limping in to an abandoned outpost

    28. Getting that fabricator going was as much for the Heavenly Mother as Narrulla's Tear

    29. There was a timid side of her that wished the planet was an interesting find of exobiological life and they could get the Heavenly Mother in here safely and rebuild Angel society while studying the microbial life on this planet

    30. Say out loud: “My healing is here! The Heavenly Father

    31. For your heavenly

    32. "The Curitiba won't arrive for another thirty one years, but the Heavenly Mother is probably only two or three years behind us

    33. "So you are bored with houris because they have no soul, because there is no 'mutual pleasure' but just a heavenly spirit performing its natural function

    34. Loneliness is heavenly

    35. "You will be stripped of your technician's powers and all heavenly powers and held in a plain environment for the remainder of the voyage of this Haad

    36. It passed the second Pan Solar League expedition en route, arriving here at least six years sooner, though the Heavenly Mother was launched six years earlier and was at the forefront of starship science

    37. The Heavenly Mother, built in 2280's and re-fitted in the 2340's and the Al-Harron from the 2350's were impossible to fathom

    38. The newer ships with their near relativistic speeds and more delicate construction must dodge the interstellar bodies like the veils of snowflakes that nearly disabled the Heavenly Mother

    39. Jesus put it this way: If I speak to you of earthly things and you do not believe me, how will you believe me when I speak of heavenly things? The Spirit is certainly not understood by many

    40. He had no control over the heavenly pencil

    41. I think that in the same way that we have missed the eternal spirit, we have missed the heavenly father

    42. We read in Hebrews 12:22-24, “But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem

    43. We have come unto Zion, a place where God has set apart a solemn assembly designed for the things that are truly heavenly

    44. Those that have been found worthy of such an honor are ruling and reigning with Christ in the heavenly places over the earth

    45. Now we rule in the heavenly places

    46. I think that these are statements of both earthly and heavenly kings and rulers

    47. Paul mentions in Ephesians 2:6 that we currently are seated with Christ in heavenly places

    48. Lead by Heavenly Talstan, the Angels of Sol went to war to prevent that virus from being produced

    49. The Heavenly Mother had been the last Pan Solar League ship on this route, less than forty years before

    50. "Are you from Talstan? Heavenly Talstan I should say

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    Synonyme für "heavenly"

    heavenly celestial angelic beautiful blessed blissful