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    1. For his part, the great politician broke off from his prepared text and brought his verbal guns to bear on the heckler, just as he had done with unfailing accuracy so many times before

    2. It just did not have the natural balance one expects from such weapons, so the Special Task Force used the excellent Heckler & Koch MP5 during hostage rescues

    3. gear were pointing Heckler & Koch MP 7

    4. The heckler stopped

    5. “Believe it or not, I had a heckler,” he said

    6. Time slowed as poor Virgil watched the red heckler fall the distance

    7. And a Heckler and Koch PSG1 with two hundred rounds and a couple of spare magazines

    8. I took the magazine out of the Heckler and Koch, and jammed it in one of my pockets

    9. Dracos pushed the Heckler and Koch to Travis's head

    10. of the SAS, such as the Heckler and Koch MP-5 with a 30 round magazine, the Browning semi-

    11. Which way should she run? Would Heckler protect her?

    12. She would have to put her trust in Heckler

    13. Heckler stared at Harmony with an expression of utter bafflement

    14. Harmony sat back down as Heckler smiled again

    15. “Why it's the capital city, my girl,” Heckler responded with suspicion ringing in his tone

    16. “Why do you search for this place?” Heckler continued in his buttery-tone

    17. “And where is your home? There are no villages or houses in The Black Briar,” Heckler questioned further, still playing the hypnotic tune

    18. I will keep your secret,” Heckler announced

    19. I prefer to slumber under the stars anyway,” Heckler insisted

    20. She thanked Heckler again for his assistance and wished him pleasant dreams

    21. She felt lucky to have met Heckler

    22. She may well have done so were it not for her meeting, Heckler

    23. Without answering Heckler slammed the flap shut

    24. Heckler was the most duplicitous, immoral, back-handed, yellow-toothed, good-for-nothing, unscrupulous…

    25. “Did I forget to mention the shield?” Heckler jeered as Harmony walloped against the wall separating them

    26. He had tried to guide her away from Heckler, but she thought she knew better

    27. She could hear Heckler laughing, though he did not sound at all jovial

    28. Surely, within his hoard, Heckler possessed a shaving mirror? Feeling confident she rifled through his collection of oddities until she happened upon a silver, hand mirror

    29. Abruptly, Heckler began to shout

    30. She breathed a sigh of relief, neither Heckler nor the howlers had moved; their conversation was still in full swing

    31. In lieu of food checking on Heckler seemed a good distraction

    32. Heckler was lying on the ground; he was battered, bruised and bleeding

    33. This is cheating,” the heckler said

    34. one hefty blow across the back of his skull using the butt of his Heckler &

    35. With that, he took off after the disappearing man, while desperately trying to extricate his Heckler and Koch automatic from his back-pack

    36. A heckler took umbrage at some perceived slur and began shouting loudly at the councillor, at the same time advancing in the stage in a threatening manner

    37. He grabbed the Heckler and Koch MP5 rifle from the backseat and loaded the weapon

    38. Early in his White House tenure Don Regan discovered just how strong an adversary Nancy Reagan could be when she insisted that he fire Margaret Heckler, the secretary of health and human services

    39. Heckler was one of only two women holding high positions in the Reagan administration

    40. -- VP on NBC/CBS -- 1 as he received applause at Brigham Young defending US role in VN; the other w/ film as he whistled heckler to silence

    41. All three selections were Heckler & Koch products

    42. The man behind him maintained a careful interval and had his hands wrapped firmly around a Heckler & Koch G36 assault rifle

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