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    helpfulness Beispielsätze


    1. Given that he has what appears to be a satisfactory and fulfilling life, I cannot come up with any sensible reason other than that he was bitten by the urge to help with the survival of his society and, although that would sit with the man and his general helpfulness, it’s a bit extreme as reasons go

    2. Such sudden helpfulness was not what she expected

    3. One is admonished not to speak ill of the dead, especially the recently departed, but for all his accomplishments and so-called helpfulness to students going onto to make a career in labor law (only on the unions’ and workers’ sides), Bernard Meltzer was extremely bigoted in his dealings with me

    4. collegiality and helpfulness not requiring costly formal consultation

    5. - instead of talking about helpfulness and appreciation, tell her

    6. Jack was pleased at the Assistant Paymaster’s attitude and helpfulness, but he considered that the

    7. ” The helpfulness of

    8. To make up for them I try to give as much of myself as possible, gifts of sympathy, helpfulness, kindness

    9. It wasn't, he thought profoundly worried, as if he hadn't given her nearly a week for undisturbed thought and hadn't approached her that day with all the helpfulness in his power from the pulpit

    10. Here was a young man full of the noblest spirit of helpfulness, and who had besides the invaluable gift of seeing no difficulties anywhere

    11. Priscilla did get breakfast somehow, the girl, after trying vainly to strike sparks of helpfulness out of Annalise, going to the store and ordering what was necessary

    12. I was hunting with exceptionally capable people, who managed to embody all the positive traits required in Alaskan hunting guides: a sense of humor, expertise, physical prowess, and helpfulness

    13. However if you come from a position of helpfulness and strength, the tables are turned

    14. This household happiness did not come all at once, but John and Meg had found the key to it, and each year of Married life taught them how to use it, unlocking the treasuries of real home love and mutual helpfulness, which the poorest may possess, and the richest cannot buy

    15. Such helpfulness was found in her,—so much

    16. Many survivors have mentioned the captain's name and narrated some incident to bring out his courage and helpfulness in the emergency; but it was left to a fireman on board the Titanic to tell the story of his death and to record his last message

    17. With overwhelming force came the thought of myself, of my wife, and the old life of hope and tender helpfulness that had ceased for ever

    18. It also includes a complete annotated and chronological list of Tolstoy's works of special helpfulness to all readers and students of the great Russian writer

    19. We consider it especially favorable that the purpose of these State organizations is to increase the flow of money and other forms of helpfulness through the regular channels to this part of the home field; that thus the young people and strangers who are gathered into the church auxiliaries are being interested in the history and work of the American Missionary Association and that the children—the future church members—also are learning to give to it, for the sake of the people to whom it ministers

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