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    herdsman Beispielsätze


    1. Lmore was a tough, weather-beaten herdsman, all sunburn, dust and squint

    2. The great shepherd or herdsman, respected on account of his great wealth, and of the great number of those who depend upon him for subsistence, and revered on account of the nobleness of his birth, and of the immemorial antiquity or his illustrious family, has a natural authority over all the inferior shepherds or herdsmen of his horde or clan

    3. All the inferior shepherds and herdsmen feel, that the security of their own herds and flocks depends upon the security of those of the great shepherd or herdsman; that the maintenance of their lesser authority depends upon that of his greater authority ; and that upon their subordination to him depends his power of keeping their inferiors in subordination to them

    4. Among nations of shepherds, where the sovereign or chief is only the greatest shepherd or herdsman of the horde or clan, he is maintained in the same manner as any of his vassals or subjects, by the increase of his own herds or flocks

    5. It arises principally from the milk and increase of his own herds and flocks, of which he himself superintends the management, and is the principal shepherd or herdsman of his own horde or tribe

    6. In his maturity he was a skilled herdsman and farmer

    7. Abraham was no religious leader, he was a herdsman, a farmer, yet he believed that success would be his and this belief was transmitted to those who went with him

    8. 39 And Abram said to Lot What is this you are doing to me to make me despicable to the inhabitants of the land that you orderest your herdsman to feed your cattle in the fields of other people? Do you not know that I am a stranger in this land among the children of Canaan and why will you do this to me?

    9. Bootes - The Herdsman

    10. While traveling, I intercepted a herdsman taking his flock to be sacrificed before King Bimbisara, who I had met many years before

    11. We talked about his sheep, that still grazed in the green grass below us, and he’d talk of his family that traveled with him, he’d speak on the good times of being a herdsman, and a few of the mishaps along the way, we all enjoyed chatting with this friendly face

    12. Now, it turned out that Arcas was a herdsman and a hunter himself—hey, there‘s our fourth slayer!—and as he walked through the woods, he came upon his mother as the bear

    13. Back at the farm that evening, the herdsman told Christian that he had seen him with the herd, and told him he was lucky not to have been butted or trampled

    14. a man of the world and his brother was a herdsman

    15. I do not remember her name and she only came to mind recently when I read the story of Waris Diris, a Somali girl who was brutally circumcised as is the custom in that country, and at the age of 13 was the intended bride of an elderly herdsman

    16. It is now I know not how many months since with this object I came here, where I met a herdsman who engaged me as his servant at a place in the heart of this Sierra, and all this time I have been serving him as herd, striving to keep always afield to hide these locks which have now unexpectedly betrayed me

    17. here is your recompense,' said the traveller, offering the young herdsman some small pieces

    18. From that time he had watched them, and profiting by the moment when her lover had left her alone, had carried her off, and believed he at length had her in his power, when the ball, directed by the unerring skill of the young herdsman, had pierced his heart

    19. " And taking the lighted torch from the hands of the herdsman, he precedes ambassadors

    20. ‘Put it with the herd of oxen,’ he said to the herdsman,

    21. Levin looked before him and saw a herd of cattle, then he caught sight of his trap with Raven in the shafts, and the coachman, who, driving up to the herd, said something to the herdsman

    22. The replies this theory gives to historical questions are like the replies of a man who, watching the movements of a herd of cattle and paying no attention to the varying quality of the pasturage in different parts of the field, or to the driving of the herdsman, should attribute the direction the herd takes to what animal happens to be at its head

    23. The herdsman ran gaily to get ready for the meadow

    24. She still went with the herd, but could not help the herdsman any longer

    25. They can only be governed like a drove of cattle, by the shouts and lash of the herdsman

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    drover herder herdsman