pleasant for kings and a hierarchical church
The absence of a sacerdotal hierarchical class salved
Elements of the uniform – the hierarchical emblems taken from one of the more useful aspects of human culture – remained unaltered as a sign of identity; those of blue and silver, and the Captain's gold
Wood Sprites follow a hierarchical system and don't question orders from a respected leader
Even the animal world offers examples of complex hierarchical structure, as some species appear to have learned the benefits of cooperative enterprise, which concurrently brought elevated levels of individual safety
The most complex hierarchical development in animal societies seems to have been an alpha male surrounded by a coterie of slightly lesser males arranged in some kind of pecking order
The technique of hierarchical decomposition has been used to specify the
Chimpanzees live a hierarchical, patriarchal, and violent group existence
The hierarchical positions of the monsters were indicated by the size of the horns on their hats
Traditional - a stage of development where one's main source of learning truth is from their trust in historical figures, hierarchical command systems, and traditions
The resulting hierarchical structure will give you valuable insight into the problem
They hunt in pack, have a hierarchical
there must be a rigid hierarchical structure
One advantage is that your backups are stored in a hierarchical manner and therefore it is much easier to
cats and dogs high up on their hierarchical ladder of animals
Anyone with knowledge of the hierarchical access controls, like log-ins and passwords, and the ability to subvert the network’s security mechanisms, could quite easily be quietly lining their own pockets
Turkey: Business is very hierarchical
‘In the beginning you expel ed the hierarchical officials who
The current cultural and social virtual milieus comformicates its denizens not only with different priorities, but the comformicating virtualnism also creates its own gravities, with its own priorities, ethics, rules of interpretation and hierarchical systems which disseminates its beliefs, ethics, and priorities
If we move upwards or forwards (positional metaphors implying improvement), it is more Brownian Motion jerking us to and fro from discovery, insight and conjecture to postulate something, to test that something, to pursue that something, to create that something, rather than being a sequential climb up a preordained ladder of hierarchical discoveries, inventions, and their rationally entailed intentions (how we should, must act, or what we ought to do)
structure of the Indian population is governed by the hierarchical caste
social structure of the Indian population is governed by the hierarchical
if the economy is brutish, the education system will be combative, hierarchical and privilege based
show you a series of hierarchical links that you have used to go from
Trees have a diagram that supports a hierarchical structure
I've found evidence of a hierarchical command structure
Hierarchical importance was won and lost almost daily in rings scratched in the earth of a thousand school yards
There did appear to be a hierarchical structure to the family but it was certainly the most unusual family he had ever seen
In order to attain a deeper Understanding of the nature and limitation of your structural conceptions of your outer World, I propose that you compare “the hierarchical pattern” (which, in your subjective opinion, is common to all possible types of force interrelations that form space-time Continuums) with the structure of our “human” community, which is well-known to you
Such “explorers” will immediately begin to search in this list of terms and notions for an obligatory (to their system of Perception) hierarchical pattern and consistency so that they could, for example, state with absolute certainty: “this” is more evolutional or involutional than “that”, and “this” is bigger than “that”, which means “this” is inside and “that” is outside…
Still, as mentioned earlier, assuming that the hierarchical model is sufficiently close to
In the hierarchical construct of superorganisms, collectively, the cells are the organ
The present esoteric classification of “Planes” that mentions nothing about the processes of interqualitative Synthesis implies only a “vertical” hierarchical pattern, that is, it is considered that this is exactly the Path from “the lower” to “the higher”
Enter the hierarchical system of authority: enter the idea that someone in authority knows better what to do… and expects others to obey him
In any hierarchical society, a split is created between those who delegate, and those who serve
Whether you like it or not, who you are and what you are is defined by your position in the hierarchical pyramidal pile of civilization
This cultural and legal precedent changed the hierarchical system of France from a Nation of impoverished vassal peasants with a King who openly sneered at his subjects: into a Nation of independent, educated, affluent shopkeepers, who if they did not like their President, were not afraid to show it
The result is an unmanageable, uncontrollable, purely reactive segmential pile; all struggling-fighting not to be buried under all the others, in a mad hierarchical scramble: all fighting for attention, to be noticed, for influence, power, resources, wealth
At the same time, the smaller, older familial units are further weakened and split up by existing at the bottom of the hierarchical social power structures of civilization
But no hierarchical society can survive, if all of its members challenge the authority of the powerful elite who runs things
All adversarial relationships come from the hierarchical structure of civilization
All hierarchical power struggles, all antagonistic competition turns people into enemies: making any love or even cooperation impossible
As a part of the hierarchical nature of civilization, it became a way to control and manipulate
If you live at the top of a class society based upon hierarchical servitude, bondage and slavery
The problem with any cooperative effort is that it has been invariably corrupted by the dominant 10,000 yr-old hierarchical structure of civilization
The dynamic of upward mobility in a pyramidal pile of hierarchical exclusiveness; guarantees social friction, and unhappiness for 99% of the population
If a person can feel useful, needed, valued, as a sports star, as a doctor, as the president of a corporation, as a plumber, as a worker, a soldier, a policeman: it is because civilization places a certain hierarchical value on their usefulness that other people also share and believe in
Why is History a story about only one person at the top while it ignores everyone else who is crushed beneath the pyramid of hierarchical power? Historians never ask these kinds of questions
The famous German obsession with organization and logical mathematical strictness of rules, which had been lacking in the short-lived democratic Weimar Republic was reinstated so that everything was ‘ein richtig’ or correct… ‘right’, everything in its place where it ought to be; as it had been before with the Kaiser as their national mascot and everyone in their little niches of hierarchical Prussian society
All forms of hierarchical enlightenment are corrupt
A belief in luck or fate is an easy answer, an easy way to appease and rationalize the sense of powerlessness and meaninglessness in your life, which comes from existing inside the hierarchical structure of civilization
People choose careers that require them to climb various kinds of hierarchical social ladders
Where the only upward mobility possible is up through the hierarchical ranks of criminal organizations
Every Legal Constitution ever written, every Republic ever founded: was founded on a complex set of hierarchical privileges that do not allow for any actual Democracy to exist: period
Unless they destroy all hierarchical privileges of Power, Wealth, Status, and Knowledge
And since these kinds of connections are not hierarchical or linear in structure and because your Inner and Outer Universe is not so structured either: you must change your entire value system
If you only selectively value a few dead things: how can you have a Sense of Wonder about anything else? The point is: hierarchical exclusionary value systems are not sane
Inside civilization, the only context that exists for the value of human life is the basis of hierarchical accumulation
You cannot allow yourself to be emotionally vulnerable in a competitive, adversarial, hierarchical society that is tool-dominant
The higher up the mass of pyramidal hierarchical humanity you go: the more each layer understands itself as a single class, a single clan, a single tribe, a single culture
All other forms of hierarchical authority began to crumble and were desperately reinforced and preserved
Since then: this 9,000 yr-old hierarchical pattern of gangs, gangsterism, hoods, Knights…Killing in the night time
Humans have not yet learned, or been taught how to organize and form societies that are not hierarchical
For 12,000 years, all the people who wanted a change… all the revolutionaries, the revolts, and uprisings: were stupid enough to try to defeat a pyramidal hierarchical oppression, by replacing it with another pyramidal hierarchical system
He simply replaced the Russian model with a corrupt hierarchical capitalistic government
He was lucky to be educated, to be literate, to become a favored student of the priests, to gain status and authority enough in his small area: so the illiterate poor would actually respect his hierarchical superiority enough to listen to him
then of course people will never try to collectively build their own community creatively from scratch: without copying and duplicating the dead, hierarchical models of the past
All forms of values, ethics, morals that rely upon any hierarchical power structure to rationalize, justify, and enforce them are forms of enforced control, enforced authority, enforced power, enforced wealth, enforced knowledge
Heads of social organizations, institutions, the concept of a Supreme head-being: God, the making of bread by cutting off the heads of grain, the head of a bed, the head of a burning cigar or cigarette: knocked of as ashes: getting ‘ahead’, the concept of progress as the most important thing in life, competition: getting ahead of your competition, the concept of competitive elimination: ‘heads will fall’, ‘if you are not up to snuff’, snuff: sneezing your head off by taking a pinch of snuff to clear your head, giving ‘head’ sexually, warheads, bombs, firearms, bullets, artillery: any weapon that shoots something: slingshots, arrows, spears, rocks, the heading of a page, a header in grammar, the heading on a page, the heading on a sentence, the heading on a paragraph, somersaults, head-over-heels, crowns, the crowns of Corinthian pillars, pillars do not have heads: all pillars are decapitated, all segments of pillars: all decapitated columns, the idea of decapitating pillars of the community, the idea of dethroning kings, the eating of fruit like grapes, apples, etc; all edible things like coconuts, papaya,, unpeeling the head of a banana and eating it, all vegetables in the shape of a head like onions, cabbage, lettuce, the picking of leaves, the picking of fruits, the picking of beans: all drug foods the picking of spices: creating every single drug we call food, ice cream cones, all ice cream in the shape of a decapitated head, all food portions in the shape of a head, all toppings on all food, decapitated flowers, the Rose Parade: hundreds of millions of decapitated heads of flowers, all fire with flames that are decapitated, all fireworks, the crushing of spices, the picking of decapitated heads like mushrooms, eating nuts, cracking their shell, eggs, corks and bungs used to seal barrels and bottles, the tops of bottles, the sealing and taking off the tops of bottles, jars; all tools that have a head, the head of a hammer, nails, the head of a nail, pounding the head of a nail, the cutting off of the heads of large trees before decapitating them, cutting off the heads of animals to kill them and eat them, all mathematics: the counting of heads, or I’s and adding them up, the using of tools to create decapitated segments, all sports, all balls used in sports, the hitting of all balls, ping-pong, badminton, bowling, bowling pins: the decapitation of bowling pins by a bowling ball, kingpins, kings, jewelry, stickpins with diamond heads on them, canes, walking sticks with metal heads, staffs, any artifact denoting being the head of something, scepters, globes, flyswatters, turbans, musical instruments that blare out sound: decapitating it; using holes in wood and brass instruments to decapitate the natural sound into a shorter wavelength, all fretted and unfretted musical instruments, pressing on a fret to make the note shorter, like a violin or guitar, drums, drumsticks, cymbals, the heads of shoelaces, the detached mentality called the ego: decapitated and disconnected from all the other needs and energy flows of a human being, the concept of life after death as a detached form of spirit, the structure of all hierarchy, all capitalist companies and corporate bodies being ruled and controlled by detached heads of business, the capitalization of letters at the head of a word or sentence or paragraph: especially in ancient sacred Christian texts: where the first capital letter is huge, the eating of fish by decapitating them first, the use of all drugs, narcotics wine, coffee, pills: to create a disconnection between the brain and the rest of the human being, the concept of anesthesia, using drugs to numb the brain or prevent it from feeling the body’s pain, all cultures that value stoicism, macho pigs who cannot love, the concept of the hero as a stone face refusing to face the truth, refusing to feel love, refusing to feel any emotion whatsoever, refusing to cry, the stone carvings of all the ancient Kings, the decapitated carvings of all Kings on coins, the insane idea of all kings ruling by only using their decapitated heads as decapitated coins to spread their authority, all stone busts, plaster busts, the stone faces of all heroes in modern media who refuse to feel human emotion, ping-pong, the computer game: pong, King Kong: the King cut off from State: King Kong falling off the Empire State building: all the video games that are based upon decapitated heads decapitating other heads, which are all based on the old arcade pinball machines that shot decapitated heads that bounced around scoring points hitting and scoring on as many stationary targets of decapitated heads as possible, the decapitation of hair… haircuts, shaving daily, cutting your nails, the idea of assassination as a political tool, the concept of character assassination used in all human societies to cut off people who are thought too uppity or stick out too much, and do not conform… the detached form of observation that only use instruments for the eye: microscopes, telescopes, star-gazing, stamp collecting, the collections of anything from bric-a-brac to gold coins, portraits, still pictures of decapitated heads, cameos, brooches, belt buckles, shoe buckles, still photographs of decapitated heads, talking heads, heads on celluloid talking, heads on screens, moving pictures of talking heads, the idea of a leader as a talking head, all pictures on money of decapitated heads, mouthpieces, microphones, the idea of one person speaking for another, speechwriters, lawyers, politicians, amplified music coming out of a loudspeaker, amplifiers of singing-talking heads, the idea of doing nothing but talking as being the only form of social activity allowed in polite societies, the heads of shoelaces, all knots, topknots, tying hair into knots, the idea of cutting up sounds into words, into letters, into decapitated abstract symbols of meaning separated from thee body of the meaning by segmentation, all segmented forms of tool-use, all tools that segment things into decapitated heads, all decapitated forms of awareness-thinking-feeling, all forms of specialization, all segmented ways of living-doing-seeing, decapitating the natural order of things into decapitated insane pieces: decapitating a family into age groups, decapitating a community into alienated isolated individuals, all mass butchery of living animals by cutting off their heads, morse code, ticker tape, all digitalization of signals into meaningless decapitated codes, the invention of the glass tube: the first decapitated head that could mechanically receive and send energy through nerves called wires, the invention of the transistor: the first sold decapitated head that could send and receive signals, the invention of microchips: tiny decapitated heads with their own tiny brain circuits that could perform more complicated functions than the first huge glass-blown giants called vacuum tubes: because there was nothing inside them, all glass blowing, blowing up molten glass with hot air and then decapitating it to make a glass vase or bottle, all containers from bottles, jars, gourds, ladles, to pitchers and teapots with decapitated lids, all containers, chests, holding treasure, wealth, valuables, all spices and decapitated herbs, all furniture made from decapitating trees, all houses made into decapitated heads where the people living inside them only use their heads and not their hearts or bodies, the steam engine: decapitating steam to explode out in puffs of decapitated destroyed power, all wheels, all round wheels used in machines, all watches, with dials pointing at the decapitated numbers of a disconnected circle, the decapitation of all circles into wedges, pie slices, the invention of the wedge, the invention of the axe as a metal decapitated head to stick on a wooden decapitated piece of branch, all idols, all icons, all figureheads, all abstract symbols representing the head, the pinnacle, the top, the apex, the height of anything, all hierarchical awareness and structures that deem the head as the most valuable, the best, the most noble, etc; Jack-in the Box, all boxes, everything that is put into a box or container, FedEx: the obsession of transporting boxes and parcels, the song; ‘Pop goes the Weasel’, all mass-produced goods that are boxed and shipped, the detachment of specialized labor and work, the creation of holes, digging, all mining, piston heads, engine heads, everything that is called the ‘head’ of something, the froth on the top of a glass of beer,: to be blown away, the use of all zeros and ones: as in Japanese Zeros decapitating American ships, zeros and ones being created and then decapitated inside computers, the use of all zeros and ones in mathematics, scalping, the taking of heads, the shrinking of heads: which the computer microchip is the latest evolution of, …
Rather than valuing the living process of being creative, they value the dead products of creativity and attach hierarchical values to these dead things
What if there was no hierarchical accumulation of corruption? What if nothing was kept secret? What would writers have to write about then? All the works of fiction are just another way of creating an inner-reflective, abstract reality
Why is the Principle of Universal Equality the answer to all hierarchical/centralized human society and why does it always work? Because it does the opposite of what hierarchical human society does
It works in the opposite way that all pyramidalized human society works In Hierarchical human society: it is the most venal, the weakest, the most diseased specimens who are preserved and perpetuated, the worst, and lowest win out against the best and healthiest… it is the dumbest, the worst cowards, the most dishonest cunning, selfish swindlers who win out against the most intelligent, most honest, most generous, the most loving, the most sensitive, the most humane
Human society will police itself with any need of the thugs who protect the property and privileges of the rich as is now the case in hierarchical society
The whole reason this dynamic even exists at all is because all of human society is hierarchical and is not based upon the Principle of Universal Equality
In an unfair hierarchical society, anyone on any lower level who dares to excel at anything is soon fired and out of a job or squashed
In a hierarchical pyramidal society based upon one-sided accumulation: any blade of grass which grows higher than all the others has its head cut off or pounded back down with a hammer by the huge unfair advantages which all the millions of people who are higher up on the ladder of hierarchical wealth/power/authority/status have… This is where the dynamic of Mediocrity comes from in the first place
The Principle of increasing mediocrity is only one symptom of the many ills and fallacies of the hierarchical pyramidalization of human society which allows only the worst to seep to the top and crushes the best, instead of the other way around
Instead of the worst living examples of hierarchical society: instead of commercial advertisements selling young people poisoned black sugar-water and coffee and pizza as their role models on how to live a successful life, they will have intelligent active vegetarians who are much more athletic and able and smart than meat-eaters are and will beat the pizza-eaters every time, until eating pizza and drinking coke or coffee will be the sign not only of a loser, but of a sick person who is addicted to unhealthy foods and beverages and needs to clean up their act
Birds flock together in hierarchical power groups: just as we humans do
� We can choose to hear this as a rejection of everything we felt worthwhile and loving thus far, and such a choice, to feel rejection, will result in hurt and a sense of diminished power which will trigger defensiveness, anger, and a need to reestablish hierarchical rectitude through some immediate and often upsetting action
The origin of all humans bowing their heads is a sign of hierarchical submission to a higher power, authority and control
� As we pursue our own liberation, we do so for everyone else within the dominator/conformist hierarchical model
top and mountain models the hierarchical relationship between wisdom and knowledge, or as a
mountains are simply an inverted image that models the hierarchical relationship between
Accordingly, the relationship between a mountain and its mountaintop models the hierarchical
model the hierarchical relationship between great bodies of knowledge (mountain) and their
symbolize the hierarchical relationship between great bodies of knowledge and their associated
Furthermore, we can also see that hierarchical relationships exist on the
“I don’t understand the hierarchical arrangement of the taxonomic categories
the hierarchical order of the rich and powerful and the ant-man mentality which was
times our own weight with intent to fill the coffers of the hierarchical order who gorged
If locate the particles of Universe in the hierarchical order in accordance with quality of using or producing by them energy, then they are disposed just in this order – Earth, Water, Fire and Air
Arranged successively in ascending powers of hierarchical order, that of gardener, groundsman, cultivator, breeder, and at the zenith of his career,
Over the ensuing decades, the Jew-Bus had been a major force in figuring out how to translate the wisdom of the East for a Western audience—mostly by making it less hierarchical and devotional
• Hierarchical star The hierarchical star topology is the most common method for expanding a star network beyond the capacity of its original hub
Using multiple hubs on a single LAN is possible by connecting them together to form a hierarchical star network, as shown in Figure 4-1